Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 934 Greedy Wolf's Ring

Tang Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang finally took over.

Xu Qianqian pondered for a while and gave up.

This time she brought a lot of funds, but she can't waste the funds here.

"Nine thousand and one first time."

"[-] for the second time."

"[-] for the third time."

With the voice of the auctioneer, the feathered arrow of Kaitian Bow finally entered Zhao Yang's pocket.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a top-quality Seizing Heaven Pill." The moment the auctioneer's voice fell, the monks present exclaimed.

Duotian Pill has been auctioned in all major auction houses, but very few top-quality ones have been auctioned.


Who will auction the top-quality Seizing the Heaven Pill?

"Generally speaking, if you take the first-grade or second-grade Duotian Pill, you will end up in the holy realm in this life, but if you use the top-grade Duotian Pill, you may go further in the future."

"Duotian Pill represents a saint."

"No matter what, we must get this Seizing Heaven Pill."

The monks in the audience became eager to try one by one.

Even Tang Yun and Xu Qianqian showed interest in their eyes.

"I believe you all know the value of the top-quality Seizing Heaven Pill. The starting price is [-] drops of holy liquid, and the price should be increased by no less than [-] drops each time." As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, the monks present began to increase the price crazily.

"Five thousand one hundred."

"Five thousand two hundred."

"Five thousand three hundred."

In a short period of time, the price climbed to seven thousand.

And after seven thousand, there are still several forces bidding.

"Seven thousand and six." Xu Qianqian shouted.

"Seven thousand seven." Tang Yun said in a deep voice.

"Seven thousand and eight." The young patriarch of the Peng clan said coldly.

"Seven thousand and nine." The young patriarch of the Wu clan continued.

"Eight thousand." Tang Yun said unhappily.

He did not expect that this top-quality Seizing Heaven Pill would attract so many bidders.

"Eight thousand one." The young patriarch of the Wu clan followed closely.

"I'm going to order this top-quality Seizing Heaven Pill, eight thousand two." The young patriarch of the Peng clan said.

Tang Yun, Xu Qianqian, and the young patriarch of the Wu Clan pondered for a while, but finally gave up.

Because the top-grade Duotian Pill is not worth the price.

It would be a bit of a loss if you continued to bid.

The next best advanced Dan also fetched a higher price.

"Remove the Feather Arrow shot by Young Master, we only need to pay another [-] holy liquid." Zhu Ya said from the side.

Zhao Yang nodded.

But Zhao Yang knew that there was one thing he hadn't photographed?

And no matter how expensive that thing is, he will take it.

After two hours passed like this, the auctioneer suddenly said, "The next thing I want to buy and sell is a ring, and the word Greedy Wolf is engraved on this ring." After a pause, the auctioneer looked around the audience and said, "Maybe everyone I don’t know what the word Tanlang represents? What I can tell you is that this ring may be the ring of the guardian’s line of Tanlang.”


"A greedy wolf from the Ninth Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm?"

"It is rumored that Tanlang blocked a forbidden area by himself back then. If it hadn't been for the action of the supreme being in that forbidden area, Tanlang would not have died."

"I don't think it's possible that this ring belonged to Tanlang."

"That's right, if it's Tanlang's ring, how can Jubaozhai sell it for auction?"

The auctioneer looked at everyone's reactions and said with a smile, "We have used many methods to open this ring, so we think this ring has a lot of background, maybe it is really a greedy wolf."

Hearing this, many monks still don't believe it.

They feel the auction house is creating a gimmick.

"Think about it, if this ring is really a greedy wolf, how many precious things should it contain?" The auctioneer said with a smile, "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, the reserve price of this ring is five thousand holy liquid , and each increase shall not be less than one hundred."

The audience was in an uproar.

A ring that none of you can open, are you sure we can open it?

It costs so much, if it can't be opened, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"Five thousand one hundred."

"Five thousand two hundred."

"Five thousand three hundred."

Having said that, there are still some forces bidding.

Zhao Yang awakened Po Jun at this time.

Po Jun said with some displeasure, "Didn't I tell you not to disturb me?"

"Take a look and see if that ring belongs to Brother Tanlang?"

"Greedy wolf?" Po Jun's eyes quickly fell on the ring in the field, and the next moment Po Jun's breathing became rapid, "This ring belongs to Senior Brother Po Jun." To take that ring away.

"Since you can bid for it, don't grab it." Zhao Yang hurriedly stopped Po Jun.

"Why did Tanlang's ring appear? Could someone be targeting your family?" Purgatory Mirror said suddenly at this time, "Or is this ring a decoy?"

"There are emperors in our lineage, and the supreme beings in the forbidden areas are either dormant or sleeping. I don't think anyone has the courage to dare to target our lineage of guardians?" Po Jun snorted coldly.

Po Jun is very arrogant.

Of course this is also normal.

Who made the guardian line too strong?

"I think we still need to be cautious." Purgatory Mirror said after a while.

"Six thousand." Zhao Yang said at this time.

All the eyes of the audience fell on Zhao Yang's box.

You must know that everyone is very cautious in bidding, and there is no such thing as Zhao Yang who is sure to win.

"Six thousand and one hundred." The young head of the Peng clan said in a deep voice.

"Seven thousand." What no one expected was that Zhao Yang acted very domineering.

"Seven thousand one hundred." Tang Yun said after a moment of silence.

"Eight thousand." Zhao Yang was still in a mess arrogantly.

After being silent for a while, everyone decided to give up.

Eight thousand is not eight hundred.

Who would dare to joke about eight thousand drops of holy liquid?

"It's finally taken down." Po Jun said a little excitedly.

Po Jun is eager to know the news about Tan Lang.

Zhao Yang glanced at Zhu Ya and said, "Please ask the deacon to come in."

After the deacon of Jubaozhai came in, Zhao Yang said, "Can you give me Tanlang's ring first?"

"No problem, please wait a moment." The deacon of Jubaozhai said with a smile.

Before, he confessed that he would try his best to meet all Zhao Yang's requirements.

After a while, the deacon of Jubaozhai gave Zhao Yang the value of Tanlang.

After he left, Po Jun appeared in a hurry. He stroked the ring and looked at the runes on it, "This is the ring of Tanlang." Po Jun took Zhao Yang into his small world. middle.

"Do you know how to turn it on?"

"I know." Po Jun said and squeezed a seal, "To open it, you need a special seal."

When the seal fell on the ring, the seal on the ring broke.


The next moment, a suppressed roar sounded from the depths of the ring.

"Greedy wolf." Po Jun shouted towards the ring.

At the same time, a figure with a sharp breath floated out of the ring.

He is majestic;

He showed his sharpness;

He is bold in killing.

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