Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 932 The Appearance of the Small World

Doesn't this mean that it can be traced back to the Heavenly Court period?

"The creatures in this world are dominated by monster races, and after these years of constant fighting, there are only more than 200 monster races left." The girl in red said softly, "After discussion, the major races decided to continue fighting, right? Therefore, each clan established a dynasty, with the ten most powerful clans in charge in turn, and our fox clan has been in charge for a hundred years."

"How many creatures are there in this small world?"

"About 220 million."

"How is the cultivation base?"

"The strongest in this world is the Great Sage. The reason why the top ten ethnic groups can control the dynasty is because the top ten ethnic groups have the Great Sage..." With the introduction of the girl in red, Zhao Yang has a general understanding of this world. .

The strength of this world is actually quite strong.

In addition to not having quasi-emperors, there are hundreds of powerful saints, and thousands of quasi-sacred masters.

"Didn't you pass the tribulation when you proved the quasi-sage?"

"Crossing robbery."

"The laws of heaven in this small world are so complete?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Why can't you break through the quasi-emperor realm?"

"I don't know either." The girl in red shook her head.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Fox Smoke." The girl in red said softly.

"Wait here for a moment, I'll come as soon as I go." Zhao Yang said and left this small world.

After arriving outside, Zhao Yang asked Bailian Furnace, "Do you know why the creatures in the small world can't set foot on the Quasi-Emperor Realm?"

"That... My little world has no life yet?" Bailian Furnace said with some embarrassment.

"A living being lives in a world for a long time, and it will have the brand of this world on its body." At this time, the mirror of purgatory said slowly, "You can also call the brand a rule, and the rule limits their further improvement. In order to prevent the creatures of the world from committing chaos."

"If you want the creatures in your world to rise to quasi-emperor level, you need to grant them higher authority, and after granting authority, they can make further breakthroughs."

"Can the creatures in the small world really make trouble?"

"The existence of the quasi-emperor realm has begun to understand the essence of this world. In a sense, they can modify the rules." Purgatory Mirror said lightly, "This is why the creatures in the small world must limit the progress of their cultivation."

"Can the creatures of the small world come out and fight for me?"


"Will they be loyal to me?"

"When you activate the imprint in them, they will be extremely loyal to you."

"Would it have any effect on them staying outside for a long time?"

"will not."

At this time, Zhao Yang suddenly thought that the four elephant beasts, the flame tiger, and the extremely cold fox had been cultivating in Pojun's small world.

He even went to Pojun's small world from time to time.

"The imprints in the four elephant beasts have not yet formed, but I don't mind if you let them stay in Pojun's small world." Purgatory mirror said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and went to Pojun's small world.

He sent the Four Elephant Beast, Flame Tiger, Extreme Cold Fox, and various resources to his own small world.

"I'll teach you how to use the brand." The Purgatory Mirror immediately pointed at Zhao Yang's eyebrows.

After Zhao Yang felt it carefully, he found that it was very simple, mainly because he didn't understand it before.

"How can you recover from your injury?"

"My injury needs a magnet to heal."

"Celestial magnet?" Zhao Yang frowned.

"The Celestial Magnetite is also one of the formation materials in the Quasi-Emperor Realm. This kind of material can be encountered but not sought." At the end, the Purgatory Mirror sighed.

"Just know that the magnetite can heal." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Just look for it slowly."

After finishing the call with Purgatory Mirror, Zhao Yang returned to his own small world.

At this time, Hu Yan was still obediently standing there and waiting.

"Who is the king of the dynasty at this time?"

"My father, Hu Duan." Hu Yan said hastily.

"Take me to see your father." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Hu Yan said nervously, "You're not going to kill my father, are you?"

"Why should I kill your father?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

Only then did Hu Yan feel relieved.

Zhao Yang was very surprised by the magnificent establishment of the dynasty.

"Are there many resources in this small world?" Zhao Yang asked.

"A batch of treasures from heaven and earth will emerge in this small world every once in a while." Hu Yan said softly, "There are quite a lot of materials even in the holy realm."

This surprised Zhao Yang even more.

No wonder Lingxu said before that this small world is very mysterious.

It seems so mysterious.

The arrival of Huyan with a strange man caught the attention of Dynasty masters.

"Princess Fox Smoke, this is...?" A man in armor pointed at Zhao Yang and asked.

His face was ugly.

One can tell at a glance that this person is probably secretly in love with Hu Yan.

"Does it matter to you who he is?" Hu Yan snorted coldly.

Hu Yan hates Hu Tao, the captain of the fox clan's guard.

But both the father and the family are very optimistic about this marriage.

"People of unknown origin are not eligible to enter the palace." Hu Tao straightened up and said immediately.

"Not eligible?" Zhao Yang snapped his fingers while speaking.

Hu Tao only felt that an inexplicable force enveloped his whole body and imprisoned him.

"You... What did you do to me?" Hu Tao looked at Zhao Yang in horror and said.

Hu Tao vaguely felt that Zhao Yang had used some means.

The problem is that this method has never been understood by itself.

At this time, the guards of the dynasty saw that the captain of the guard was controlled, and they all stepped forward with swords.

"Back off, everyone." Hu Yan scolded, "Do you want to rebel?"

Those guards, you look at me, I look at you, they stand where they are, and none of them retreat.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yan's face turned ashen.

She didn't expect that what she said as a princess would not work.

"Back off." At this moment, a gentle voice rang out in the audience, and then a middle-aged man in a dragon robe appeared on the high platform.

The guards of the Dynasty bowed and retreated after seeing the middle age.

The eyes of the middle-aged man in the dragon robe fell on Zhao Yang and said, "Who are you?"

"Come down." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"What did you say?" The middle-aged man in the dragon robe looked at Zhao Yang in confusion.

"You have no right to look down and talk to me." Zhao Yang's words made the middle-aged man in the dragon robe frown, "Young man, maybe you don't know who you are talking to?"

"Father, come down quickly." Hu Yan said anxiously at this time.

"Fox Yan, you don't understand the rules more and more." Hu Duan said with a downcast face.

"I said it, didn't you hear me?" Zhao Yang let out a loud shout.

Zhao Yang's words were like a thunderbolt, which exploded above the dynasty.

Including Hu Duan, everyone trembled violently in their hearts, and even a wave of panic-stricken heavenly power crushed them towards them.

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