Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 931 Zhao Yang's Small World

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" Zhao Yang asked Henry's son after the old Potter and Potter left.

Henry's son's face was full of despair at this moment.

"I am a very disciplined person. You said to kill my whole family before, so I will kill your whole family now." Zhao Yang said lightly, "The reason why I didn't kill you is to let you watch how your whole family died. of."

" will die badly." Henry's son said through gritted teeth.

"There are many people who want me to die these years, but now I am alive and well." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this, "It's you, the whole family is gone."

What did Henry's son want to say? Zhao Yang summoned the Hundred Refining Furnace, "Take this guy to see how his relatives died one by one?"

The Hundred Smelting Furnace left with the soul of Henry's son.

At this time, Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Song Kangchi, "Are you sure you didn't come to trouble me?"

"No, no, no." Song Kangchi was taken aback.

He was worried that Zhao Yang would liquidate him.

"There will be some good things at Jubaozhai's auction tonight." Zhao Yang said lightly, "If you are interested, you may wish to come."

"I don't know what it is?" Tensor asked softly.

"I wonder if the Duotian Pill counts?"

"Forget it." Tensor said hurriedly.

Duotian Pill means a saint.

Even the Quartet Holy Land cannot be taken lightly.

"Does the advanced pill in the early stage of the saint count?"

"Forget it." Tensor said without thinking.

It is very difficult to improve the saint level.

But it's different with Advanced Dan.

"Does the intermediate advanced pill of the saint count?"

"Forget it." Tensor's eyes lit up when he said this.

To auction off such a treasure tonight?


Why didn't he receive the news before?

"What I'm talking about is the best." After Zhao Yang put down these words, he led Zhu Ya towards the distance.

The ultimate Seizing Heaven Pill?

The best advanced pill?

After realizing this, Tensor left in a hurry.

He felt that it was necessary to discuss this matter with the Holy Master.

Zhao Yang walked around and came to the VIP room arranged by Jubaozhai.

Half an hour later, the Bailian Furnace returned with the soul of Henry's son.

"Whether the Henry family is the direct line or the side line, they were all killed." Bailianlu said, "I deliberately extracted the soul memories of a few monks, and Potter and the old Potter did not contradict each other."

Zhao Yang was startled.

What he meant was to deal with all the direct descendants. Who would have thought that Potter and the old Potter had overfulfilled the task.

"Is there anything you want to say now?" Zhao Yang looked at Henry's son and asked.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from Henry's son's eyes, "I can't wait to tear you to pieces."

"You have done so many evils in these years, and now you have such a result, it is also a cycle of karma, and the retribution is not good." Zhao Yang said here that his whole body was ignited by the flames, and he turned into ashes without taking a breath.

"This is the resource of Henry's lineage." Bailian furnace respectfully handed Zhao Yang a Qiankun bag at this time.

After Zhao Yang put it away, he threw it into his small world.

Lingxu gave Zhao Yang a small world, which Zhao Yang had already refined, and it happened to be Zhao Yang's reserve of supplies at this time.

Although he has the authority to enter and exit the small world of Po Jun, it is after all the small world of Po Jun, isn't it?

Thinking of the small world, Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

Hasn't he explored that little world carefully?

"I'm going to check out my small world." Zhao Yang told Zhu Ya before he disappeared in place.

This small world is about 100 million square kilometers.

This territory is huge.

Do you know that the small world of Pojun is only 32 square kilometers?

Po Jun said that Emperor Zhun's small world is divided into four classes.

The initial opening of the first-class small world is [-] square kilometers, and the next level will increase by [-] square kilometers; the second-level small world will initially open up [-] square kilometers, and each subsequent level will increase by [-] square kilometers kilometers; the initial development of the third-class small world is [-] square kilometers, and the next step is to increase by [-] square kilometers; million square kilometers.

That is to say, even if you have the potential to be an emperor, your small world is only 90 square kilometers when you reach the ninth heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

But the small world of the quasi-emperor of the Yaozu that Lingxu killed was actually 100 million square kilometers.

This in itself is incredible.

Because only the small world of the powerful in the imperial realm has such a scale.

No one has broken this common sense in these years.

But the quasi-emperor of the Yaozu did it.

More importantly, once the Emperor Zhun falls, the small world will also be annihilated.

But this small world has remained.

After entering this small world, Zhao Yang found that the spiritual power in this small world was very strong, not much worse than the paradise outside.

Zhao Yang first went to his treasury in this small world.

There are various resources stored by Zhao Yang in the treasury.

As a result, when Zhao Yang arrived at the treasury, he found thousands of monks attacking his treasury?

These monks are all monsters.

There are all kinds of ethnic groups.

"I'm afraid there is a great opportunity here, everyone work harder." A girl in a red dress pinched her waist and said.

The girl is extremely handsome and has a first-class figure.

"Princess, pay attention to some images." At this time, the maid beside the girl hurriedly whispered.

"It's not in the palace, what kind of image do you care about?" The girl in red said indifferently, "Besides, as long as I get the treasure inside, maybe I can go further. When the time comes, let my good-for-nothing brother give way, and I will experience it too." It feels like being a queen."

The maid shuddered in horror.

Do you say such outrageous words openly?

"Little fox, do you know what's inside?" Zhao Yang appeared next to the girl in red and asked with a smile.

The girl in red looked at Zhao Yang vigilantly, "You... who are you?"

"This small world respects your fox clan?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Are you from outside this small world?" What did the girl in red suddenly realize from Zhao Yang's words?

"To be precise, I am the master of this world." Zhao Yang snapped his fingers at this point, and all the thousands of monks who were attacking the treasury fell down.

The pupils of the girl in red shrank, she stared at Zhao Yang for a while, then stammered, "That... you... what do you want to do now?"

"Tell me about the world." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"The first batch of creatures in this small world are almost dead now. According to the first batch of creatures, this small world has been in existence for more than [-] years."

"One hundred thousand years?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

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