The deacon apologized to the girl in yellow again, and then said to the boy in the real fairyland, "Get out of here."

The boy dared not resist.

He is well aware of his identity and status.

If he dared to resist, the deacon would kill himself.

"What did you say?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

The deacon just noticed Zhao Yang, "This guy almost bumped into this noble lady just now, I..." He was interrupted by Zhao Yang just now, "The garbage that even the quasi-sage hasn't set foot on, you Call her your daughter?"

Garbage that the quasi-sages haven't set foot on?

Zhao Yang's words stunned the monks present.

When will it be garbage if it is not a quasi-sage?

"Who are you calling rubbish?" The girl in yellow pointed at Zhao Yang and scolded.


The next moment her two fingers were broken off by Zhu Ya, and Zhu Ya's eyes were filled with cold killing intent, "How many lives do you have for disrespecting my son?"

"Do you know who I am?" the girl in yellow said viciously.

"I don't need to know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are?" Zhu Ya sneered, "No matter what background you have, as long as you offend my son, even if you are the king of heaven, you will not survive."

"If you have the guts, let me go." The girl in yellow said angrily.

Zhao Yang gave Zhu Ya a look.

Zhu Ya let go of the girl in yellow's fingers, "I'll wait here."

The girl in yellow left angrily.

After the girl in yellow left, the deacon quickly let go of the boy.

The young man knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Zhao Yang, "Thank you for saving me, my lord." Tears welled up in the young man's eyes when he said this.

He has lived a miserable life these years, and no one dares to bully him.

But Zhao Yang stood up for him today, which made the boy very grateful.

"Do you know that you cheated this young master?" At this moment, the deacon sighed softly, "The girl in yellow is Song Lianyi's personal maid, the eldest daughter of the Song family."

"Song Family? Are you talking about the fourth-class Song Family?" The young man was startled.

"Yeah, when I said I was throwing you out, I was actually saving you, you know?" The deacon shook his head and said, "Who would have thought that this young master would be involved."

Zhao Yang said indifferently, "It's okay, the Song family is nothing serious."

"My lord, the Song family is a giant with a saint in charge." The young man said bitterly.

He realized that he had made a big mistake this time.

"I am also a saint." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Don't be joking, my lord." The young man didn't believe it, "The younger generation hasn't set foot in the realm of saints yet."

There is nothing wrong with what the boy said.

But it definitely does not include the emperor.

"Don't worry, the Song family can't do anything to me." Having said that, Zhao Yang looked at the shopkeeper and said, "Boss, what you said is not a big deal, can you tell me something that interests me?"

"Have you heard of the lineage of guardians?" The shopkeeper suddenly lowered his voice.

Zhao Yang's face changed slightly, "Continue talking."

"There is a ring in this auction, and the word Greedy Wolf is engraved on the ring."

"What time is it at night?"

"Eight o'clock in the evening." The speaker of the shopkeeper handed Zhao Yang an invitation letter, "Although I can enter as you, but for unnecessary trouble, when you take the invitation letter, the waiter will bring you an invitation letter." You went to the box."

"Do you have materials for Jubaozhai Holy Land?" Zhao Yang changed the subject after receiving the invitation letter.

"Materials for the Holy Realm?" The shopkeeper was taken aback.



"Can you show me?"


Just when the shopkeeper took Zhao Yang and others to go to the inner hall, the girl in yellow came here with a girl in white.

"Miss, that's her." The girl in yellow pointed at Zhu Ya and said, "She was the one who wanted to kill me just now."

"You are quite courageous." The girl in white looked at Zhu Ya coldly and said, "Now kneel down and apologize, and I can pretend nothing happened."

"Before, I wondered why a maid dared to be so arrogant, but now I understand that the root cause lies with you." Zhu Ya looked at the girl in white and said calmly.

"What are you? A lowly maidservant, how dare you yell at me?" The girl in white was about to slap Zhu Ya as she spoke, but Zhu Ya grabbed her with her backhand, and then slapped her.

Song Lianyi was slapped in the face, and she was stunned.

As the eldest lady of the Song family, even if she is the son of the Holy Land, she has to be treated with respect.

Now a little maid, dare to slap her in the face openly?

What happened to this world?

"You dare to be disrespectful to my lady, you deserve to die." At this moment, an old woman came out from the shadows, her eyes bursting with ferocious killing intent.

She is Song Lianyi's protector and an elder of the Song family.

Zhu Ya glanced at the old woman and said, "It seems that your Song family has a good status, and there is even a guardian of the early stage of the saint."

"It's too late for you to regret it now." Song Lianyi growled in a low voice, "I will tear you to pieces."

"Maybe in your eyes the saint is very powerful in the early stage, but in my eyes that's all there is to it?" Zhu Ya slapped the old woman with a slap at this point.

The old woman only felt that Zhu Ya's palm strength was like a stormy sea, and her surroundings were shrouded by various rules.

The face of the old woman was full of horror, "You... who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am?" At the same time as the voice fell, the old woman spat out a mouthful of blood, and her whole body collapsed on the ground as if struck by lightning.

Song Lianyi couldn't help but tremble all over after seeing this scene.

At this time, how could she not know that she had kicked the iron board.

Zhu Ya is just a maid.

The maid turned out to be a saint, and a powerful saint.

Then Zhao Yang's identity?

Even if you want to know the dignity with your toes, how terrible is it?

"My lord, do you want to kill her?" Zhu Ya looked at Zhao Yang at this moment.

Zhao Yang waved the sleeve of his robe, and Song Lianyi suddenly felt that his whole body was imprisoned.

She couldn't even move.

"You go back and let the manager of the Song family come over to discuss the matter of Song Lianyi's arrogance?" Zhao Yang looked at the old woman and said, "If you don't come within an hour, I will go to the Song family to inquire about the crime."

The old woman shuddered.

She didn't think Zhao Yang was aiming for nothing.

There is no doubt that if Zhao Yang went to question the crime, the result would be unimaginable.

The old woman got up and ran away in a hurry.

Only at this time did Zhao Yang look at the shopkeeper, "Lead the way."

The shopkeeper took a deep look at Zhao Yang and said, "Please."

His words became more respectful.

At this time, the boy's heart was full of turmoil.

When Zhao Yang said that he was a saint before, he didn't believe it, but now a hundred of them believe it.

Even his maid is a saint, isn't Zhao Yang a saint?

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