Zhao Yang is not aimless.

In fact, the holy sons and holy daughters of the major holy places don't necessarily have Zhu Yaqiang?

Although Zhu Ya's potential is only in the sixth level of the quasi-emperor realm, her combat power is not comparable to them.

"My lord, where shall we go next?"

"Sword Tomb." Zhao Yang said with burning eyes.

Wu Dao Tea Tree said that he learned the secret art of source characters from a stone tablet, and that stone tablet once appeared in Jianzhong.

Furthermore, Wudao Tea Tree said that there is a powerful sword slave in Jianzhong, and Zhao Yang also wants to meet him.

But now there is a problem.

He doesn't know where Jianzhong is?

"The battleship is in scanning mode to see if there is a city nearby?" Zhao Yang issued an order to the battleship.

The battleship pierced through the air and flew towards the distance.

It didn't take long for the warship to scan a city.

Zhao Yang put away the battleship and Zhu Ya went down.

This is a large-scale city, much larger than Chunyang City in terms of scale.

"The one that can build a city of this level must at least be a holy place." Zhu Ya said softly.

The holy land that Zhu Ya mentioned is of course not an ordinary holy land. Ordinary holy lands do not have such financial resources and capabilities.

"Should we line up?" Zhu Ya looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head.

As he spoke, Zhao Yang waved his hand and led Zhu Ya towards the city gate.

Zhao Yang noticed that this city was guarded by the formation of the holy realm, but his understanding of the formation was far beyond his current state.

He easily broke through the high-level formation of this holy land.

"A high-level formation in the holy realm?" Zhao Yang showed interest after arriving in the city.

"The cultivation civilization of the second district is much higher than that of the third district, isn't it?" Zhu Ya showed a look of surprise on her face.

All the high-level formations in the holy realm appeared.

In other words, even the great sage should not try to break in easily.

"That's interesting, isn't it?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang is now a saint.

He wants to meet a stronger opponent.

But how could it be encountered in other districts?

"My lord, are you here to play in Yongcheng or do you want to buy something?" Just as Zhao Yang looked around, a boy in common clothes approached and asked softly.

"I'm from another district, let me introduce you to Yongcheng." Zhao Yang said and threw a hundred fairy stones to the boy.

That young man was just a true immortal with a very weak cultivation base, and he knew that he was just asking for a living.

One hundred fairy stones is a lot to him.

"Yong City is a city built by the Tianyan tribe." The young man said after taking the fairy stone, "Three-eyed tribe belongs to the top existence in the second district. I heard that there are middle-level quasi-emperor existences in the tribe."

"What is the relationship between the three-eyed race and the human race?"

"The relationship between the Three-Eyed Race and the Human Race is normal." The young man glanced around and said in a low voice, "But it's better than other races, otherwise we wouldn't dare to come to Yong City to ask for a living."

The boy just said that a group of soldiers riding war beasts was running wildly on the street, and those who couldn't dodge were either trampled by the war beasts or knocked into the air.

The boy pulled Zhao Yang and hurriedly retreated to the side.

"This is the city guard army led by the son of the city lord of Yongcheng. They are arrogant and domineering in the city, and no one dares to provoke them." The young man said with lingering fear, "When you see them, you must step aside."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Zhao Yang is not interested in having a conflict with Yongcheng, of course the premise is not to provoke him.

"Do you have a map of District Two?"

"I'm only familiar with the vicinity of Yongcheng. If you want the map of the second district, you have to go to Jubaozhai to buy it." The young man said softly, "I just don't know if you want a detailed one or a simple one?"


"The price will be higher if it is detailed."

"It's okay, you lead the way." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The young man led the way respectfully.

About half an hour later, the three of Zhao Yang came to Jubaozhai.

There are many monks who come to Jubaozhai.

As soon as Zhao Yang arrived at the door, a servant greeted him.

He couldn't see through Zhao Yang's cultivation, but he could see that Zhao Yang was extraordinary, such a person must be a dragon among men.

"My lord, is there anything I can do for you?"

"I want to buy a detailed map of the second district." Zhao Yang said looking at the boy.

"A detailed map of the second district?" The boy was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile, "Please follow me."

The boy took Zhao Yang and the two to a counter, "Shopkeeper, this young master wants a detailed map."

The shopkeeper took out a map, and he could see that there were restrictions on the map.

This is also normal.

If there is no restriction, what should you do if you sweep your divine thoughts and remember them all in your mind?

"A detailed map is a pair of one hundred thousand fairy stones." The shopkeeper looked at Zhao Yang and said.

Zhao Yang glanced at Zhu Ya.

Zhu Ya stepped forward and gave the shopkeeper the Hundred Thousand Immortal Stones.

The shopkeeper checked the map before handing it to Zhu Ya.

Zhao Yang's divine sense was swept away, and the restriction was shattered in an instant, and then the content inside was branded by Zhao Yang, and then he threw it to the battleship casually, "Storing it down."

"My lord, we have an auction tonight at Jubaozhai. I wonder if you are interested?" the shopkeeper hurriedly said after realizing that he couldn't see through Zhao Yang's cultivation.

This shopkeeper is a quasi-sacred existence.

How simple is his identity and background for an existence that he can't see through?

"Talk about the two major events?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"The quasi-emperor's practice."

"Not interested." Zhao Yang said without thinking.

Zhao Yang practiced all the top quasi-emperor exercises, and Zhao Yang even mastered the emperor-level exercises.

The shopkeeper's pupils shrank slightly.

When Zhao Yang said this without thinking, it meant that the other party was really not interested.

"Enlightenment tea."

"Enlightenment tea?" Zhao Yang's eyes showed surprise, "Who would put this kind of thing up for auction?"

"It's inconvenient for me to tell you the source." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"What level?"

"Quasi-sacred realm."

"Forget about the quasi-holy realm."

"Isn't the son of the quasi-sacred realm interested?"

"It's no use."

"No need?" The shopkeeper looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said, "Could it be that you are a saint?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask." Zhao Yang said lightly.

When Zhao Yanggang said this, he heard a scream.

But the young man who brought Zhao Yang here was lying on the ground with a painful expression on his face.

Not far away, a girl in yellow clothes yelled at the young man, "How do you do business in Jubaozhai? Let this kind of rubbish in?"

A deacon trotted to her side, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'll kick him out right away."

The deacon could tell at a glance that this young man was a little real fairy who wanted to make a living.

"This trash almost hit me just now. I was in such a good mood, but now I'm in no mood." The girl in yellow was full of disgust.

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