Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 927 On Compensation

In the inner hall, there are hundreds of various materials of the saint level, including medicinal materials, array materials and device materials.

After Zhao Yang took a glance, surprise appeared in his eyes, "Your Jubaozhai's strength is quite good."

"We, Jubaozhai, come from the first district." The shopkeeper said with a smile, "Behind us is the Holy Land."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang understood.

"I want all these ingredients." Zhao Yang pointed at these herbs.

The shopkeeper was stunned, "Um...young master, do you want all these materials?"


"For holy medicinal materials, we can only pay with holy liquid."

"Can you count how much holy liquid these need?"

The shopkeeper gave Zhao Yang a suspicious look, he wondered if Zhao Yang could take it out?

But he still counted carefully.

After a while he said, "There are a total of 460 materials for the two holy realms. If you buy them all, you will need to pay [-] drops of holy liquid."

"So many?" Zhao Yang was also surprised by this number.

But when I thought that these were all holy materials, I felt relieved.

"Zhu Ya, how many drops of holy liquid do we have?"

"My lord, we only have [-] drops of holy liquid on us." Zhu Ya said softly.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and looked at the shopkeeper, "Aren't you holding an auction tonight? In this way, I have something to consign, can I?"

"As long as it's something expensive, it's fine." Zhang Tong, the shopkeeper, said with a smile when he heard this.

"Do you know how much the Duotian Pill is worth?" Zhao Yang asked after a moment of pondering.

"Duotian Pill?" Zhang Tong looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to come up with such a precious pill?


"The price of Duotian Pill is about four thousand holy liquid."

From this, it can be seen that the lower three districts simply cannot afford Seizing Heaven Pill, because the amount of holy liquid in those holy places is less than [-].

The holy land in the middle three districts might be able to buy one with all the power of the sect, but after buying it, it's not too bad to say that it hurts the muscles and bones.

"What level of Duotian Pill are you talking about?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Second product."

"What if it's first-class?"

"The first-grade ones will be auctioned for around [-]."

"What about the best?"

"Extreme Duotian Pill is rare, and it can be auctioned for about [-]."

"Where's the Advanced Pill of the Holy Realm?"

"Which level?"

"Early stage."

"The value of the Advanced Pill in the Holy Realm is about two thousand higher than that of the Duotian Pill."

"That is to say, the top-grade Holy Realm Advanced Pill can be sold for about nine thousand, right?"


"What about the middle class?"

Zhang Tong said helplessly, "The price of the intermediate level is double that of the initial level." Because he didn't think Zhao Yang had this level of elixir.

"Eighteen thousand." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll give you two top-grade Holy Realm intermediate-level advanced pills, two early-stage holy-level mid-level advanced pills, and two Seizing Heaven pills. .” Zhao Yang handed three jade bottles to Zhang Tong while speaking.

There are two elixir in each jade bottle.

After scanning Zhang Tong's divine sense, a look of shock appeared on his face.

It is really the best pill.

"You... how come you have such a precious elixir in your hand?" Zhang Tong couldn't speak clearly.

"You Jubaozhai still want to inquire about the source of the customer's elixir?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"No, no, I just asked casually." Zhang Tong hurriedly looked at the deacon beside him and said, "Hurry up and help this young master pack all these holy land medicinal materials."

Song family!

Song Kangchi, the head of the Song family, was frightened after hearing what the old woman said.

"You said that the maids around that young master all have Saint Realm?" Song Kangchi's pupils shrank severely.

Is it so scary?

"I'm not her one-stroke enemy." The old woman said bitterly, "I think her strength is at least at the middle level of a saint."

"Intermediate Saint?" Song Kangchi frowned deeply.

It is true that Song Kangchi is a great sage.

But he didn't dare to mess around.

Zhao Yang dared to ask the head of the Song family to make amends. If he had no background, no one would believe him?

"It's impossible to avoid it." Song Kangchi pondered for a while and decided to take a look.

After the old woman arrived at Jubaozhai, he immediately saw Song Lianyi who was sealed away from the public.

Song Lianyi's eyes turned red when she saw Song Kangchi, "Grandpa, save me."

Song Kangchi sighed softly, "Will you still be so crazy in the future?" Song Kangchi waved towards her.

But what surprised Song Kangchi was that he didn't break the seal on Song Lianyi.

How can it be?

You are a great saint yourself?

Could it be that the one who sealed Song Lianyi was also a great sage?

Just how is it possible?

The old woman made it very clear just now that the one who sealed Song Lianyi was a young man.

Even if the boy has set foot in the holy land?

and many more.

Holy Land?

Who of the younger generation has set foot in the holy land now?

Even the saint sons and daughters of the Holy Land have never heard of anyone who has stepped into this realm?

Unless there is a restricted area.

After thinking of this, his heart gradually sank.

He tried again to break the seal on Song Lianyi's body, but no matter what methods he used, he couldn't break it.

"Grandpa, can't you crack the seal?" Song Lianyi asked cautiously after Song Kangchi stopped.

"Rianyi, this time you have caused great trouble for the Song family." Song Kangchi said worriedly.

Hearing this, Song Lianyi's eyes showed fear.

Song Lianyi is not stupid.

When Zhao Yang set the seal, he just waved his hand without complicated runes.

But Song Kangchi, who was in the Great Sacred Realm, couldn't crack it.

what does this mean?

How does she not know?

"Grandpa, what should we do then?" Song Lianyi was about to cry from fright.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Song Kangchi said angrily.

Only then did Song Lianyi remember the instigator. She looked at the girl in yellow fiercely and said, "It's all because of her. If she hadn't instigated it, why would I come here to find fault?"

Hearing this, the girl in yellow knelt down on the ground with a plop, "Miss...I..."

"If I'm unlucky this time, you'll have to wait until you get skin cramps." Song Lianyi's eyes were full of resentment.

The girl in yellow couldn't help but tremble all over.

She faintly realized that she was going to be over this time.

With Song Lianyi's personality, how could he let her go?

At this moment, accompanied by Zhang Tong, Zhao Yang and his party came out.

The old woman hurriedly named Zhao Yang to Song Kangchi.

Song Kangchi stepped forward and came to Zhao Yang, "I'm Song Kangchi, the head of the Song family. Lianyi was stubborn and offended the young master. Our Song family accepts the punishment. As long as our Song family can do it, the young master can say it's fine."

"Song Lianyi is not as simple as being stubborn? He can kill people at every turn." Zhao Yang said flatly, "Don't tell me, you don't know about it?"

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