Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 912 Lin Caihan's Plan

The arrival of the beast frightened the craftsmen who were building the house.

Those craftsmen put down their tools and were about to flee.

At this time, Lin Caihan's voice rang out in the audience, "Don't worry, everyone, there will be no problem with your safety."

At the same time as the voice fell, Lin Caihan summoned a high-level battleship in the Holy Land.

"The secondary artillery washes the ground." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Following Lin Caihan's voice, the auxiliary gun fired tens of thousands of shells at hundreds of thousands of beasts.




Suddenly, one-third of the beasts fell under the baptism of artillery fire.

The rest of the beasts were stunned.

Can anyone tell me what happened?

At this time, the craftsmen of the human race applauded excitedly.

These fierce beasts have killed countless human races over the years, and now these fierce beasts have finally received their retribution.

"Holy realm battleship?" At this moment, a quasi-sacred beast stepped out from among the beasts, and it stared at the behemoth with fear in its eyes.

"Let the great sage from the depths of the ferocious beast jungle come and tell him that I have something to talk to him." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"Is my lord the one you can see if you want?" The ferocious beast in the quasi-sacred realm snorted coldly.

"Sharp Spear, catch that guy here." Lin Caihan said coldly.

The sharp gun turned into a stream of light and flew towards the depths of the jungle.

After a few breaths, a magnolia pig was thrown to the ground by a sharpshooter.

Magnolia Pig's mentality is broken at this time.

It was originally enjoying delicious food in the cave, who would have thought that it would be brought here in the blink of an eye.

But when it felt the faint breath emanating from the sharp gun, it realized that it had encountered a hard stubble today.

"Are you the master of the jungle of beasts?" Lin Caihan looked at Yulan and asked.

"Yes." Magnolia Pig nodded honestly.

"I asked you to come here today because I want you to do me a favor?" Lin Caihan said lightly.

Magnolia Pig would like to say, is there such a way to help?

"Tell me." Magnolia Pig said patiently.

The situation is stronger than people, and it can't help it.

"From today onwards, your Ominous Beast Jungle has opened a special route for us. From now on, as long as the caravan of our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce passes through the Ominous Beast Jungle, no ominous beast in the Ominous Beast Jungle will be able to attack."

"This is easy." Magnolia Pig said immediately.

There are not many ferocious beasts in the jungle, but there are many ferocious beasts.

Isn't it just to open up a route?

It still thinks what's the big deal?

"Remember, as long as the fierce beasts in the jungle hurt our caravan, I will pull out your soul with a sharp gun and light a sky lantern for a day." Lin Caihan said lightly, "The whole family who shot at the same time will not stay .”

Hearing this, Magnolia Pig shuddered, "Do you know who I am?"

"I know you are standing behind the beast mountain, but my lineage is not afraid of the beast mountain." Lin Caihan said calmly.

Lin Caihan's words made Yulan Pig realize that maybe this person really has a great background, or how dare he say such a thing?

"I will do this." Magnolia Pig said solemnly after pondering for a while.

Lin Caihan hummed, then waved.

After the magnolia pig left, the remaining ferocious beasts also left at the same time, and they wanted to take away the corpses of their clansmen while leaving.

"You need to keep these corpses." Lin Caihan said lightly.

No matter how unwilling those beasts were, they still had to leave.

"Master, what are you doing with the corpses of these beasts?"

"I want the monks in the sixth district to know that our Chamber of Commerce exists in the jungle without fear of beasts." Lin Caihan smiled slightly, "If our Chamber of Commerce wants to become bigger and stronger in the early stage, the necessary hype is necessary. "

"Hype?" Yi Ren's eyes lit up.

Lin Caihan nodded, "Yeah, hype, I will let Erbai Shenshu go to the sixth district to spread the news in all directions, saying that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has killed hundreds of thousands of beasts in the jungle, as long as they go here Humans can get the corpse of the beast."

"The body of the beast?"

"The corpses of ferocious beasts can be used to refine medicine and weapons. Who do you think will not be tempted?" Lin Caihan thought of something here, "By the way, do you have a battleship on you?"

"Yes." Yi Ren said as he waved his hand, three warships appeared in midair.

"One of the three battleships is a mid-level quasi-sage, one is an early quasi-sage, and the other is a peak golden fairy that my master gave me." Yi Ren pointed to the three warships and said one by one.

"I will requisition these three warships first." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Master, just use it." Yi Ren said generously.

As the two hundred gods rushed to the various areas of the sixth district, gradually the monks in the entire sixth district knew that there was a chamber of commerce on the border of the sixth district that killed hundreds of thousands of beasts.

"Who established the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?"

"I heard that it was established by the human race."

"Is the human race going against the sky? There was a Pure Yang Sect before, and now there is a Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. Is there any way for me to survive after this?"

"What? Do you still want to target the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce? As far as I know, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has killed hundreds of thousands of beasts, and even the magnolia pig, the master of the beast forest, has given up."

"Why do I feel that what you said is a little mysterious?"

"Go and see if you don't know."

Soon, a large number of monks rushed to the territory of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce from all directions.

As soon as they arrived near the battlefield, they were warned by warships hovering above.

"Your Excellency is not a human race, so you can only watch from a distance and not get close."

"Do you know who I am?" said a lion covered in flames coldly.


The battleship fired directly, blowing up the lion to pieces.

This scene directly shocked some rebellious guys, no one thought that Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce would kill people if they said they would.

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of any threats. If you don't believe me, look at that magnolia pig in the Beast Jungle, does it dare to find a place?" Xiaomi on the battleship said coldly.

The masters of all races were terrified to see it, but the human race was pleasantly surprised.

What a domineering Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"Excuse me, is your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce short of people?" At this time, a young man asked with bright eyes.

"Lack of people." Xiaomi glanced at the boy and said, "If you want to sign up, follow me."

"I want to sign up too."

"May I ask what are the requirements for joining the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?"

"Does the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce accept all age groups?"

"Will the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce recruit maids?"

Xiaomi looked at many human races asking questions, and a smile appeared on her face, "The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has only one selection criterion, loyalty, you must be absolutely loyal to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, otherwise, will the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce accept you?" of."

"How to test?"

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has a dedicated formation to test loyalty."

Xiaomi brought these monks to the place where the formation was specially tested.

There has been a long queue here, and tens of thousands of monks have come to participate in the test.

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