Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 913 Expansion of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce

"Miss, I think there is something wrong with our request." Standing beside Yi Ren, Xiaomi said softly.

"Why do you say that?" Yi Ren asked puzzled.

"These monks have no idea about the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. What kind of loyalty do you want them to talk about?" Xiaomi expressed his opinion.

"This formation test actually detects whether there is a double-mindedness towards the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?" Yi Ren said with a smile, "For example, if you want to be opportunistic, or are you a spy from another faction?"

"Ah." Xiaomi was stunned.

"What the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce needs now is momentum, so it needs a large number of personnel in the early stage." Yi Ren said softly, "Of course, after a certain stage is reached, those that should be eliminated."

"You mean there is a loyalty test?"

"The loyalty assessment is divided into several levels, and only the most loyal monks are eligible to become core members." Yi Ren nodded.

Only then did Xiaomi understand.

A total of 1 monks came to the assessment on the first day, and [-] monks finally passed the assessment.

Lin Caihan was exuding the coercion of quasi-holy realm. She told the 1 monks that once they became members of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, each member would receive membership rewards according to their own cultivation.

Every monk will get a top-grade pill to improve his cultivation.

That's right.

Extreme Dan.

No matter what state you are in, as long as you become a member of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, you will get a top-grade pill to improve your cultivation.

In addition, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has a large number of rare cheats, and as long as you meet certain requirements, even the exercises of the holy realm will be open to you.

"I know everyone will be worried about how many resources the Yanhuang Merchant has?" Lin Caihan waved his hand at this point, and three fairy stones stacked up from fairy stones appeared in front of everyone.

"My goodness."

"How many fairy stones does this cost?"

"Is there hundreds of billions of these fairy stones?"

"This pile of fairy stones is more than 3000 billion."

"Trillions of fairy stones."

"Why does the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have so much money?"

The 1 monks were all shocked.

"As long as you are loyal to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, resources will never be a problem, and I will not be stingy in rewarding you." Lin Caihan glanced at the audience and said, "But now there is a problem, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has too few members, so I need your help. "

"I need you to tell more Terrans."

"I need you to inform them to join the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"Believe me, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will definitely become the largest chamber of commerce in Xianyu, not one of them."

I have to say that Lin Caihan's words are very contagious. Almost all the 1 monks were infected, and their blood boiled.

And after the 1 disciples left, they told more human races about the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, there are still many masters who come to the site of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce every day to search for the corpses of fierce beasts, so the number of human race members who came to sign up exceeded 300 million in just half a month.

Pure Yang Sect.

When Xiaoxia told Lin Caihan about the development of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Xu Huier said with emotion, "Lin Caihan's methods are beyond my imagination."

"In just half a month, 300 million disciples have signed up, and the framework of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has been set up." Yuan Jin'er said worriedly, "Under Lin Caihan's manipulation, now everyone in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce knows everyone."

"Lin Caihan is amazing." Fairy Mingyue said earnestly, "Lin Caihan has created a medal system based on the contribution value. This medal system is simply a precedent."

"I have also noticed the medal system. Only those who have made contributions to the sect can get the corresponding medals. In addition to being exchanged for cultivation resources, medals can also stimulate healthy competition among disciples." Xu Huier said seriously, "I seem to be Do you understand why Lin Caihan is unwilling to take charge of the Pure Yang Sect?"

"Why?" Yuan Jiner asked puzzled.

"Lin Caihan's thoughts are unconstrained. If she takes charge of the Pure Yang Sect, the original system of the Pure Yang Sect will collapse, and internal chaos is very likely." Xu Huier said leisurely, "Maybe she understands this, so she I don't want to fight."

"I think Lin Caihan doesn't want to fight." Lan crucian carp said at this time, "Lin Caihan looks easy to talk, but in fact she is very proud in her bones, maybe she didn't care about the Chunyang sect that we value very much. "

The blue crucian carp's words made everyone fall into deep thought.

If this is the case, they are a little petty.

A year later, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce announced its formal establishment.

At this time, the number of members of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has reached as many as 800 million.

After the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, Lin Caihan made his first plan.

She's going to open a hundred stores in the sixth arrondissement.

This made the major forces doubt whether the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has this ability?

Because Lin Caihan's choice must be a famous city in the sixth district. Can you control a city of this level without quasi-sage-level masters?

It's just that no one expected that Lin Caihan sent a hundred batches of disciples to the most famous hundred cities in the sixth district just after Lin Caihan announced the plan, and what they didn't expect was that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce actually There are one hundred quasi-sages.

That's right.

One hundred quasi-sages.

The standards for these one hundred batches of disciples are one quasi-sage, three peak golden immortals, ten high-level golden immortals, thirty middle-stage golden immortals, and one hundred early-stage golden immortals.

After seeing this lineup, all major forces were frightened.

Only then did they realize that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce was already a giant.

It's not something they can provoke.

And when these hundred batches of disciples established the chamber of commerce, Lin Caihan announced that she had reached a cooperation with the Beast Jungle, and that goods or monks who wanted to go to the fifth district in the future could follow the Yanhuang chamber of commerce.

The price is fair and absolutely safe.

After the news spread, it caused a thousand waves.

"Could it be that the previous legend is true?"

"If the magnolia pig hadn't been beaten, do you think it would have agreed to such a shameful condition?"

"The fifth district has much more resources than the sixth district, and the cultivation environment in the fifth district is also better than that in the sixth district. I didn't dare to go to the fifth district before. Now that I have the guarantee from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, I still have to go to the fifth district." What are you worried about?"

Soon the first batch of monks and goods went to the fifth district under the escort of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

The ferocious beasts along the way were eyeing, but none of them dared to make a move.

This made those skeptical monks shut up.

Gradually, the popularity of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce gradually increased, so all major forces chose to cooperate with it.

"After only one year, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has actually made a profit?" Dang Yuan Jin'er said dumbfounded after looking at the data obtained by the intelligence personnel.

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