Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 911 Construction Chamber of Commerce

"Xu Huier, I have seen the development of the Chunyang Sect over the years." Zhao Yang interrupted Xu Huier, "You will be the deputy suzerain of the Chunyang Sect in the future."

"Then what about the head lady?" Xu Huier asked hurriedly.

"She has other things to do." Zhao Yang said concisely.

"Sect Master, only the wife of the head of the Pure Yang Sect can convince more disciples." Xu Huier said sternly.

"I've already decided on this matter." Lin Caihan shook her head, "Deputy suzerain, you can do it with peace of mind."

"Okay, there is no need to discuss this matter anymore, Xu Huier, tell us about the development of the sect over the years." Zhao Yang changed the subject.

Xu Huier reported the development of the sect over the years.

The Chunyang Sect has maintained a stable development over the years, and there are more than 30 of them in the Quasi-Holy Realm.

This is because Xu Huier is deliberately controlling, otherwise, the Quasi-Holy Realm can be doubled.

Zhao Yang left the hall after making some suggestions for the development of the sect.

Zhao Yang brought Lin Caihan to his courtyard.

His courtyard was cleaned very cleanly, and there was even a hint of girlish fragrance.

"I have been living here since I came to Chunyangzong." Yi Ren said with a smile.

"Yi Ren, find a time to remove your position in Chunyangzong." Zhao Yang looked at Yi Ren and said.

"Will you be with Master Mistress in the future?" Yi Ren was very smart and guessed it right away.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to resign." Lin Caihan said softly.

"What did Master say? Yiren is very willing to follow you." Yiren said hastily, "Actually, I'm in the Chunyang Sect just to make a name. I've never participated in the affairs of the Chunyang Sect."

"Why?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"My idea conflicts with Xu Huier and Mingyue." Yi Ren looked at Zhao Yangdao, "I think the sect's system is very rigid, but I also know that they are used to it." After a pause, Yi Ren continued, "Master's idea If the two of us work together, we will definitely become bigger and stronger."

"I'll give you the activation resources of the three Holy Lands. If it's not enough, I'll add more later." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Master, domineering." Yi Ren stretched out a thumb towards Zhao Yang.

"Your mistress is also practicing Qi Dao, and I will pass on your Qi Dao to your mistress." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

Yi Ren packaged the classics and knowledge points about Qi Dao in his mind and passed them on to Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan asked after browsing through, "Isn't the inheritance of Yi Ren Qi Dao too strong?"

"This is the legacy of the Fifth God General." Zhao Yang said softly.

"With the inheritance of Qi Dao of the Fifth God General, you should not worry about high-end magic weapons, but low-level magic weapons..." Lin Caihan said here and Yiren hurriedly said, "Master, I have learned Master's God Ashamed Technique, Am I ashamed to have a hundred gods?"

"One hundred?"

"Well, these one hundred statues are all at the peak of Jinxian." Yi Ren said softly, "They can be used as machines for refining magic weapons."

Yi Ren nodded and looked at Zhao Yangdao, "You have to help me with alchemy and Qi Dao."

"At that time, I will give you two hundred gods to wait for your dispatch."

"it is good."

"In addition, I will give you ten quasi-holy gods after I reach the saint realm."


"I'm merging God's Shame and God's Art now, and I'll teach you a new technique after the fusion." Zhao Yang said softly.


If Zhao Yang didn't have a comparison object before, then with the God Art, everything is possible.

"Yi Ren, this is for you." Zhao Yang handed Yi Ren a brocade box.

Yi Ren took it and found that there were four tea leaves in the brocade box.

"Master, why did you give me tea?"

"One of the four teas is Enlightenment Tea from the Holy Realm, and three are Enlightenment Tea from the Quasi-Saint Realm." Zhao Yang explained to Yi Ren about the Enlightenment Tea.

After listening, Yi Ren's eyes showed shock.

"In this way, these three Enlightenment Teas will save me many years of practice." Yi Ren said pleasantly.

Zhao Yang nodded, then looked at Lin Caihan, "Do you need me to recruit some people from the Pure Yang Sect or the hidden guards for you?"

"The manpower in the early stage is enough." Lin Caihan shook her head.

"Tiehan, don't count on it." Zhao Yang said after thinking for a while, "I have to take him by my side to practice for a while."

Tie Han's cultivation was too weak.

It's still a fairyland.

"Give me your shame." Lin Caihan said softly.

Zhao Yang summoned two hundred gods.

Lin Caihan summoned a warship carrying Zhu Ya, Jian Chen, and Zhao Yang's [-] gods, and Yiren's [-] gods left towards the distance.

Yi Ren hasn't asked much about things in Chunyang Sect these years, but it doesn't mean she doesn't understand the affairs of the sixth district.

It took Lin Caihan a month on the battleship to choose the address of the chamber of commerce.

The chamber of commerce's address is not far from the fifth district, so it is sparsely populated and there are not many monks here.

"Master, if we choose to stay here, we have to build a line of defense against ferocious beasts." Yi Ren said softly.

"When we came back, we noticed a great sage in the depths of the beast jungle." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "I will drive a battleship to the beast jungle in person sometime, if that great sage is willing to talk to us Just cooperate with each other, otherwise I don't mind uprooting the beast jungle."

Lin Caihan's battleship is a high-level holy land, and there is no problem in competing with the holy level.

But Zhao Yang also gave Lin Caihan the means to save his life.


That's right.

Zhao Yang gave Lin Caihan the sharp spear of the fourth heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

With a sharp gun, do you still need to care about the so-called great sage of beasts?

"If the beast cooperates with us, our business can reach the fifth district." Yi Ren realized immediately.

Eliminating ferocious beasts is not necessarily a good thing.

"First recruit [-] craftsmen." Lin Caihan said while looking at Jian Chendao, "Funding is not a problem."

Jian Chen agreed without hesitation.

He knew that this was Lin Caihan's test for him.

If he can't even complete this test, then don't even think about messing around with Lin Caihan in the future.

Recruiting [-] craftsmen is a simple matter, but coordinating and managing [-] craftsmen is a difficult task.

Jian Chen had spent half his life fumbling around, so he first found a group of craftsmen with high cultivation and let these craftsmen be the leadership.

Then he conducted an assessment on these craftsmen, those who passed the assessment would continue to work, and those who failed the assessment would be dismissed.

In this way, within half a month, the [-] craftsmen were in order.

Of course, it is easy to say, but it is difficult to do.

Looking at the construction site that looks different every day, a smile appeared on Lin Caihan's face, "Jian Chen, you didn't disappoint me."

Just as Jian Chen was about to say something, he suddenly felt the ground shake, and then he was shocked to see hundreds of thousands of beasts rushing towards this side.

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