Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 910 I Have Arrangements

"With me here, who would dare?" Zhao Yang said with narrowed eyes.

Zhao Yang has absolute confidence.

He didn't believe that those guys dared to defy him in front of him.

"I want to re-form a force." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Reform a faction?" Zhao Yang asked in a daze.

"Yes, I want to form a chamber of commerce." Lin Caihan nodded and said.

"How easy is it to set up a chamber of commerce?" Zhao Yang frowned and said, "You need to start from scratch for many things."

"Give me Yi Ren." Lin Cai said with a smile.

Lin Caihan already had a plan in her heart.


"Yiren's Qi Dao is very valuable to me." Lin Caihan said, "My plan is to establish a foothold in the sixth district, and then radiate to the nearby districts, using the economy to plunder the interests of all ethnic groups."

"You will stir up disputes among all ethnic groups."

"So, I need a strong foundation." Lin Caihan responded.

"Master, Tie Han will help you too." Tie Han muffled at this moment.

Lin Caihan smiled at Tiehan and said, "Okay."

"I am also willing to follow Miss Lin." Jian Chen said respectfully.

Jian Chen also knew Lin Caihan's strength through some channels.

With the potential to exist in the eighth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, the future achievements are unimaginable.

If he could follow her early, he might be able to cheat in the future.

Zhu Yakuku stood aside.

She is not interested in the sect of the Chamber of Commerce, she just wants to follow Zhao Yang.

Zhu Ya is very pure.

She has no ambition and no direction.

What will Zhao Yang ask her to do?

District Six.

When the battleship tore the sky and appeared above the Pure Yang Sect, many monks of the Pure Yang Sect were shocked.


"This battleship doesn't seem to be the suzerain's one."

"Yes, this battleship is stronger than the Sovereign's."

"The head of the ship is the suzerain."

"The Sovereign has a new warship."

Just when the disciples of the Chunyang Sect were celebrating with each other, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Yi Ren, etc. came to the square one after another.

Immediately, they noticed the stunning girl beside Zhao Yang.

"Master." Yi Ren called out sweetly, then jumped into the arms of Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan gently stroked Yi Ren's hair, "Yi Ren is getting more and more beautiful."

"Under the light of Master Mistress, Yi Ren is like an ugly duckling." Yi Ren said with a smile.

Under the battleship, Xu Huier's expression was a little sad.

No matter how generous Xu Huier was, she would still compare with Lin Caihan. After seeing Lin Caihan today, she found that Lin Caihan was dazzling, and she was not inferior to the overwhelmed Yiren.Furthermore, Yi Ren has never been close to him, no matter how good he is to Yi Ren, there is always a layer of estrangement between Yi Ren and her.

Before, Xu Huier thought it was because of Yi Ren's temper, but now she found out that Yi Ren really liked Lin Caihan.

Because Yi Ren had never had such intimacy with her before.

"Yi Ren, this guy, makes me so sad." Yuan Jin'er pouted.

Yi Ren is Zhao Yang's only disciple, which means that she is the saintess of the Chunyang Sect, and no one can replace her noble status.

Therefore, Yuan Jin'er is also very good to Yiren.

But when she saw Yi Ren's actions at this time, her heart was also sour.

"Don't say anything that affects unity in the future." Xu Huier glanced at Yuan Jiner.

After a while, Lin Caihan came to the square accompanied by Zhao Yang.

The senior officials of Chunyangzong looked at Zhao Yang one after another.

Yi Ren's voice of teacher's wife made them guess Lin Caihan's identity, but they may not be very happy about Lin Caihan's arrival.

Zhao Yang is destined to be a hands-off shopkeeper, so will Lin Caihan replace Xu Huier?

If Lin Caihan replaced Xu Huier, would she reorganize the existing power structure of the sect?

"Let me solemnly introduce to everyone that the person next to me is Lin Caihan, the saint of Taixu Holy Land in the third district, and also my wife." Zhao Yang said, holding Lin Caihan's hand and raising it high.

The senior officials of Chunyangzong saluted Lin Caihan one after another.

"Meet the head lady."

"Meet the head lady."

"Meet the head lady."

The disciples of Chunyangzong saluted Lin Caihan one after another.

Lin Caihan remained calm.

With a wave of her hand, the light of emptiness turned into tens of thousands of rays and entered into the bodies of the monks present.

The light of Taixu is the most important inheritance of Taixu Holy Land.

The light of the void can strengthen the muscles and bones, increase the cultivation level, and increase the body.

The reason why Taixu Holy Land can stand in the third district is largely because of the light of Taixu.

"My cultivation base has increased a little."

"It saved me years of work."

"My dark illness seems to be cured."


"My background is stronger than before."

"The head lady is too powerful."

Yuan Jin'er's heart was full of turmoil, because even she felt stronger.

Just how is it possible?

Yuan Jin'er has the potential to be a quasi-emperor!

What's more, there are thousands of monks present.

How did Lin Caihan do it?

In fact, Lin Caihan would not be able to do it, but since her background has been promoted to the eighth heaven, the power of the light of the void has also increased dramatically on the original basis.

Fairy Mingyue revealed a worried expression.

Lin Caihan's move not only bought people's hearts, but also shocked them.

The way to control the next is to give both grace and power.

Lin Caihan did it easily.

Fairy Mingyue is not reluctant to part with the power in her hands, she is worried that Lin Caihan will affect her deployment.

The dark guard's current development is very good, and she doesn't want her hard work to be wasted.

Xu Huier also had such worries, but Xu Huier didn't show it.

She stepped lightly on lotus steps and came to Lin Caihan, "Xu Huier has met the head wife."

Lin Caihan supported Xu Huier with a smile, "You are my husband's little senior sister, how dare I ask you to salute?"

"Courtesy cannot be discarded." Xu Hui'er said seriously.

"Etiquette is to restrain others, not our sisters." Lin Caihan said with a slight smile.


Xu Huier's heart skipped a beat.

What does Lin Caihan mean?

Is this self-identification?

"Let's go in." Lin Caihan held Xu Huier's hand and said softly.

"En." Xu Huier nodded.

After arriving at the main hall, Lin Caihan stood beside Zhao Yang, which cast a haze over the hearts of many senior executives.

Did Zhao Yang express his attitude?

"Everyone knows that I am a hands-off shopkeeper, and the affairs of the sect have been handed over to Xu Huier." Zhao Yang said here Xu Huier stood up, "Sovereign, since the wife of the head is here, the position of the deputy sect... .”

As soon as Xu Hui'er said this, many senior executives in the field showed bitterness.

Is Xu Huier going to take the initiative to let Xian go?

Zhao Yang has been observing the expressions of everyone, and when he saw that no one stood up to object, Zhao Yang felt relieved.

There is nothing wrong with people having selfishness.

But they scored pure Yangzong who is the big and small king?

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