Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 886 Nie Yuan Comes

Even though the Lord of Canglong was rich and powerful, he was shocked by Zhao Yang's handwriting.

At this moment, Lin Yuantu felt as if he had eaten honey.

This grandson-in-law is awesome.

Just sent ten quasi-sages, and now three more saints.

"Seventh, a snow dog with the potential to be a high-level spirit beast in the holy land." Zhu Ya said this, the eyes of the Holy Son of Taixu Holy Land lit up.

A high-level spirit beast in the holy realm.

Is he all right?

He felt that this snow dog probably belonged to him.

"Eighth, a red gold stone that can advance the middle-level magic weapon in the holy realm." Lin Caihan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Lin Caihan's gossip map is the middle level of the Holy Land, and if she has this red gold stone, she might be able to upgrade to the high level of the Holy Land.

"I don't know if these eight betrothal gifts are satisfactory?" Zhao Yang looked at Lin Yuantu with a smile and said.

"I am interested." Lin Yuantu said with a smile, "We have accepted your dowry in Taixu Holy Land, and Lin Caihan will be your fiancée in the future. When the time is right, we will choose an auspicious day and hold a wedding ceremony for you."

As Lin Yuantu's voice fell, Lin Caihan's heart finally let go.

From today onwards, she can be with Zhao Yang in an open and honest manner.

The next thing is simple.

Host a banquet.

During the banquet, many geniuses came to toast, and they all wanted to build a good relationship with Zhao Yang.

And Zhao Yang also gave them enough face.

Not long after, Tianli brought over a glass of sake, "Master Zhao, I had some misunderstandings with you before, please don't take it to heart."

"It's all in the past." Zhao Yang raised his glass to signal.

Since others have taken the initiative to confess, why should I hold on to it?

Taixu Holy Land originally intended to hold a banquet for one day, but Zhao Yang gave too much dowry, and Taixu Holy Land also wanted to expand its influence, so it temporarily decided to hold a banquet for three days.

As a result, what Taixu Holy Land did not expect was that an unexpected guest came on the third day.

"I heard that Lin Caihan is the number one beauty in the third district, what about her?" the young man in brocade clothes said indifferently, looking around the audience.

Lei Wuyuan, the holy son of Taixu Holy Land, said with a sullen face, "This is Taixu Holy Land, isn't it a place where you come to make trouble?"

Xue Tiangou gave Lei Wuyuan, so he is very grateful to Zhao Yang.

At this time, this person came to see Lin Caihan, which was obviously to humiliate Zhao Yang.

"The name of Taixu Sacred Land can scare others, but it can't scare me." The young man in brocade clothes said with a haughty expression, "Let Lin Caihan come out."

"Today is the engagement day of our saintess. We don't want to see blood in Taixu Holy Land, so let's go." Lin Zezhou said with a gloomy face.

"Engagement?" The young man in brocade clothes said indifferently, "I have to look down on her, so she can get engaged."


How insane are these words?

How arrogant is this?

Under the stage, Zhang Aoxue looked at the young man in brocade clothes with a trace of coldness in his eyes, "I said why is he so familiar, so he is the son of the third general."

"Don't worry about it," the creature inside her warned.

"I don't know if Zhao Yang can handle it?" Zhang Aoxue said with some worry.

If Zhang Aoxue's strength had returned to its peak, let alone Nie Yuan, even if it was Nie Yuan's father, Zhang Aoxue would dare to stand up.

But now her cultivation is only quasi-sacred.

"Presumptuous." Lin Zezhou was angry.

His power turned into a thunderbolt that fell towards the young man in brocade clothes.

But the moment he was about to knock down the young man in brocade clothes, a terrifying majestic purple energy bloomed from his whole body.

The primordial purple energy he bloomed was many times more terrifying than that of Zhu Ya and the four elephant beasts.

"Level [-] Primordial Purple Qi." Seeing the blooming of Primordial Purple Qi, Lin Yuantu exclaimed in surprise.

"Seventh level primordial purple energy?"

"It means that in the future he can become the existence of the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm."

"Oh my god, why did such an existence come to the door?"

"How could Lin Caihan provoke such an existence?"

The whole place is not calm now.

No one thought that Nie Yuan was so strong?

Nie Yuan looked at Lin Zezhou jokingly and said, "If you have the ability, then do it."

"Who are you?" Lin Zezhou really didn't dare to make another move at this moment.

"Nie Yuan, son of the third general." Nie Yuan said arrogantly.

After his voice fell, all the monks in the audience were shocked.

The third general?

The third general of the Immortal Court?

This was a high-level existence of the quasi-emperor back then.

Who dares to offend his son?

The Immortal Court collapsed that year, but there are still many elders in the Immortal Court who survived.

If Nie Yuan is moved in the Holy Land of Taixu today, the Holy Land of Taixu will be turned into ruins tomorrow.

Xiao Luo secretly ran towards Lin Caihan's courtyard after seeing this scene.

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan only attended the banquet on the first day, and they didn't show up again for the next two days.

On the wicker chair.

Lin Caihan lay in Zhao Yang's arms and listened to Zhao Yang's story about Lin Caihan's departure.

"Miss, something is wrong." Xiao Luo hurriedly ran into the courtyard.

"What's wrong?" Lin Caihan asked lazily.

"A big man came down from the mountain and asked to see you by name."


"I heard from him that he is the son of the third general."

"Nie Yuan?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

"That's right, it's Nie Yuan, uncle, how do you know?" Xiao Luo looked at Zhao Yang curiously and said.

"What did Nie Yuan see Caihan?"

"He said that the lady can only get married unless he looks down on her." Xiao Luo said softly.

Zhao Yang suddenly became furious, "This grandson, I didn't make trouble for him, but he came to make trouble for me."

"You have a grudge against him?"

"An old man in Xianting back then was plotting against me. I suspect that Nie Yuan was involved in it." Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

at the banquet.

Nie Yuan looked at Lin Zezhou vigorously and said, "My patience is limited. If Lin Caihan doesn't come again, don't blame me for abolishing your Taixu Holy Land."

At this moment, Lin Zezhou wished he could tear Nie Yuan into pieces.

But he dared not, and could not.

And just when Lin Zezhou was in trouble, a cold voice pierced the sky.

"You want to see my wife?"

Nie Yuan was stunned.

This voice is somewhat familiar!

And when he saw who it was, a bad look appeared on his face, "It's you?"


What Nie Yuan didn't expect was that Zhao Yang rushed in front of him in an instant, and what made him even more unexpected was that Zhao Yang actually killed him.

He swung his fist and slammed it towards his heart.

"Are you crazy?" Nie Yuan was shocked.

Terrifying primordial purple energy bloomed from his body, but the moment his primordial purple energy bloomed, an even more terrifying primordial purple energy bloomed from Zhao Yang's body.

His primordial purple energy was forcefully forced back into his body.

The audience was in an uproar.

What did they see?

Nie Yuan's primordial purple qi was suppressed by Zhao Yang's primordial purple qi.

In other words, Zhao Yang's Primordial Purple Qi was at a higher level than Nie Yuan's.

At the same time, Zhao Yang's fist hit Nie Yuan's heart.

And if it wasn't for the burst of holy power gushing out of him at the critical moment, Zhao Yang's punch would have shattered his heart.

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