Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 887 Zhao Yang's Ferocity

"I detain his holy treasure and kill him." Zhao Yang pointed at Nie Yuan and shouted.


Yinyangmu stepped on the escape light and appeared opposite Nie Yuan.

He grabbed Nie Yuan's dantian with his big hand, and a small purple bell was forcibly detained by him.

The little purple clock rushed left and right in Yinyangmu's body, but with Yinyangmu's big hand, it pinched inward.


The little purple clock was crushed by the Yin-Yang Wood on the spot.

Everyone didn't know what to say at this time.

That little purple clock is a holy treasure, and Zhao Yang destroyed it as soon as he said it would be destroyed.

"Guardian, why haven't you shown yourself?"

Nie Yuan was in a hurry.

Could it be that the protector wants to watch himself being killed?

"I'm trapped." At this moment, the gray-clothed old man's exasperated voice came from the void.

The gray-clothed old man is Nie Yuan's guardian and also the chief guard of the third general.

In fact, Zhao Yang wanted to make a move as early as the first time he made a move, but then he found himself trapped in a chessboard.

"I advise you to be more honest, otherwise I don't mind killing you." Zhu Ya said at this time.

Only then did everyone see a chessboard in front of Zhu Ya.

The 360 ​​chess pieces on the chessboard are constantly changing their positions, and there is a faint figure in the center of the chessboard.

He was stuck in the middle of the chessboard.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

"A chessboard that the quasi-emperor can trap?"

There is no doubt that this is an unimaginable treasure.

"Zhu Ya, there's no need to imprison him, I'll kill him." Yin Yang Mu said murderously.

"That person is the existence of Emperor Zhun's second heaven." Lin Yuantu reminded.

"So what about the Second Heaven of the Emperor Zhun?" Yin Yang Mu replied domineeringly.


Yin Yang Mu stepped forward with his big feet.

I saw that the surging power of heaven and earth turned into a cage and imprisoned the gray-clothed old man in it.


"He is still proficient in formation?"

"It's just that I don't know how his martial arts are?" Just as everyone was discussing, Yin Yangmu killed the old man in gray robe.

With one punch, the gray-robed old man staggered back;

With two punches, the old man in gray robe was severely injured;

With three punches, the gray-robed old man's blood spilled on the ground.

Looking at the bloody old man in gray robe, Nie Yuan's eyes turned red, "Zhao Yang, what do you want to do?"

"The old man who was stationed in the Xianting Mansion back then tricked me into going to the restricted area, don't tell me you don't know about it?" Zhao Yang looked at Nie Yuandao with cold eyes.

To the restricted area?

Hearing this, Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Yang's expression suddenly changed.

They really wanted to know if Zhao Yang went to the restricted area?

"I don't know about this at all." Nie Yuan called out grievances.

"You don't know if you don't know?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"I admit what I have done, but I really did not participate in this matter." Nie Yuan said in a very solemn tone.

"Zhao Yang, my young master really didn't participate in this matter." The gray-robed old man spat out a mouthful of blood and said weakly, "I told my young master about your identity, and I told him not to conflict with you."

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered for a moment, then he stared at Nie Yuan and said, "Let's not mention that matter, let me ask you, do you want to give me an explanation for the fact that you came to hit my wife's advice today?"

"How did I know that Lin Caihan was your wife?" Nie Yuan said aggrievedly, "If I knew, you would lend me your courage, and I wouldn't dare to come."

Hearing Nie Yuan's words of cowardice, everyone felt that the world view was about to collapse.

Who is Nie Yuan?

The son of the third general?

Not to mention walking sideways in Xianyu is almost the same.

But now he actually said such cowardly words?

"Make amends for the battleship you got." Zhao Yang thought for a while and looked at Nie Yuandao.

"You... how do you know that I have a battleship in my hand?"

"Hurry up, don't be silly, give me the battleship of the Great Saint Realm in your hand." Zhao Yang said impatiently.

Battleships of the Great Sacred Realm?

Hearing that the eyes of many monks present here lit up.

A warship of this level doesn't even have a Holy Land, okay?

"Young master, give it to him." The old man in gray robe said.

Nie Yuan reluctantly gave the battleship to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang glanced at Yinyangmu, and Yinyangmu removed the seal.

The gray-robed old man patted the dust, limped to Nie Yuan, and sighed, "Let's go."

Nie Yuan followed the old man in gray robe and left in a daze.

At this time, all the eyes of the audience fell on Zhao Yang.

They really wanted to know why Nie Yuan was afraid of Zhao Yang?And how far has Zhao Yang's background reached?

"I hope the little episode just now didn't affect everyone, and everyone can continue to eat and have fun." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said with a smile.

Then turn around and leave.

Not long after Zhao Yang left, Lin Zezhou followed.

"I said niece and son-in-law, what is your identity?"

"you guess."

"Just tell me." Lin Zezhou scratched his head and said.

"You better not know." Zhao Yang was very worried that Lin Zezhou's big mouth would tell the story.

Returning to Lin Caihan’s courtyard, Zhao Yang waved his hand and his battleship appeared in midair, “Caihan, I will give you this battleship in the future.” Zhao Yang was not reluctant to give Nie Yuan’s higher-level battleship to him. Lin Caihan, mainly because he felt that Nie Yuan had lived in that battleship, and he felt uncomfortable.

After Lin Caihan boarded the battleship and turned around, she realized that there was a lot of space inside the battleship.

This is also normal.

The strong in the holy realm already controlled a certain amount of space skills.

After Zhao Yang helped Lin Caihan identify the owner, he introduced the various performances and indicators of the warship to Lin Caihan.

Lin Zezhou was also listening.

After a while, his face was full of envy.

He wants it too.

"Can this warship compete with the Great Saint?" Lin Caihan asked in surprise.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"I'll go and see the robot you mentioned." Lin Caihan continued.

At the lower part of the battleship, Lin Caihan saw more than 1000 robots.

"The number of robots is wrong." Lin Caihan glanced at it and said.

"I'll let the battleship build another four thousand robots, and it will be more convenient to clean the battlefield." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Still this standard?"


"I think this battleship is almost equivalent to a holy place." Lin Caihan said with emotion.

"In the future, when you step into the quasi-emperor realm, you will represent a holy place." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to go far in the quasi-emperor realm."

"What is your current potential?"

"Three Heavens of the Quasi-Emperor Realm." Lin Caihan replied.

Zhao Yang was astonished.

"so tall?"

"Why do I feel that you are laughing at me? If I'm right, your potential should be in the eighth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, right?" Lin Caihan said angrily.

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