Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 885 Five Dowry Gifts

"Lord of the Canglong."

"The quasi-emperor powerhouse in the second district."

"Zhao Yang's face is too great."

The eyes of the masters of all ethnic groups looking at Zhao Yang changed.

No one expected that after Zhao Yang's teacher arrived, the master of the Canglong clan of the Canglong clan would also come to support him.

"I have seen the Lord of the Canglong." Lin Yuantu hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

The Lord of Canglong nodded slightly, then pointed to the white-bearded old man and said, "Lin Yuantu, do you know who this is?"

"Please invite the Master of the Canglong to me." Lin Yuantu was very humble in front of the Master of the Canglong.

Although there are only two or three small realms between the two sides, but these two or three small realms are like a natural moat, and Lin Yuantu may never have a chance to set foot in this life.

"This is Zhuo Bufan, the famous alchemy king back then." The Canglong Lord introduced.

"Pill King?"


"My God, it turned out to be the Lord?"

Now the monks present looked at Zhuo Bufan with scorching eyes.

Now many rare pills in the world are all written by this person.

"I'm not late, am I?" Just then an old man in a coir raincoat quietly appeared here.

The old man didn't have the slightest aura, but his appearance made the faces of the quasi-emperors change drastically.

"Old man in coir raincoat."

"A terrifying existence on weak water."

"How did he come here?"

The appearance of the old man in coir raincoat was not clear, he stared at Zhao Yang, and then his eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan, "Is it a bit inappropriate for you to be his teacher?"

"What's inappropriate?" Zhuo Bufan asked puzzled.

"Which one of them is not an earth-shattering existence, to be honest, you are not qualified to be his teacher?" The words of the old man in coir raincoat caused an uproar in the audience.

What does the old man in coir raincoat mean?

With the background of Pill King Zhuo Bufan, he is not qualified to be Zhao Yang's teacher?

Where did Zhao Yang come from?

Lin Yuantu couldn't calm down now, and only then did he realize that Zhao Yang was more terrifying than he had imagined.

He suddenly felt lucky.

If he takes tough measures, God knows what kind of troubles will happen today?

"Senior Zhuo was invited by me." Zhao Yang said at this time.

"He can only serve as an observer of the ceremony, but he is not qualified to represent your teacher to discuss your marriage with the Holy Land of the Void." The old man in coir raincoat said lightly, "So, you can represent yourself to the Holy Land of the Void."

"That..." Zhuo Bufan was still about to say something, but the old man in the coir raincoat sent a voice transmission to him, "You can't bear his karma."

Zhuo Bufan fell silent.

Zhao Yang thought for a while, then looked at Lin Yuantu and said, "In this case, I will propose marriage to Taixu Holy Land on my own behalf."

"There's no need to be too particular about it." Lin Yuantu said hastily.

He faintly felt something from the words of the old man in coir raincoat, so he didn't dare to make things difficult for Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang clapped his hands.


Zhu Ya got off the battleship.

Primordial purple energy bloomed from Zhu Ya's body, and the primordial purple energy turned into a purple stone arch bridge, spreading from the direction of the battleship to the entrance of the main hall.

"Another monster."

"Who is this woman?"

"I saw her a month ago, she seems to be that maid."

"The maid is a monster?"

Now the worldview of many monks is about to collapse.

The evildoer is not holding it in pain in any holy place, but how come he is an evildoer when he comes to Zhao Yang's side.

When Zhu Ya arrived at the main hall, she took out a list and said, "There are eight dowry gifts for my young master."

"First, 1000 billion immortal stones." After Zhu Ya's voice fell, a mountain of immortal stones appeared in midair.

Many monks were dumbfounded when they saw this fairy stone mountain made up of stacks of fairy stones.

No matter which holy place in the third district has trillions of fairy stones.

But this is only the first betrothal gift Zhao Yang gave.

"Secondly, there are [-] war puppets from the peak of Jinxian, [-] war puppets from high-level Jinxian, [-] puppets from middle-level Jinxian, and [-] puppets from the early stage of Jinxian." Zhu Ya said. After the words fell, three thousand four hundred battle puppets in armor came out of the battleship.

They are orderly, they look dull.

They stood neatly in front of the hall.

"What a big hand."

"There may not be so many golden immortal masters in the third-class sect?"

"Where did Zhao Yang get so many war puppets?"

At this time, the senior officials of Taixu Holy Land were shocked and speechless.

Before they were discussing what dowry Zhao Yang would give?

After all, what haven't they seen?

But no one would have thought that Zhao Yang would give such a great gift?

"Thirdly, one hundred high-level soul pills, three hundred mid-stage soul pills, and one thousand soul pills at the early stage." When Zhu Ya said this, the crowd erupted. There was a burst of exclamation.

The third area is the Peerless Pill.

However, the number of Peerless Pills is not much, and the major sects will use them after they get them.

After all, can the Peerless Pill really enhance the potential of a quasi-sage or a saint?

"Taixu Sacred Land has obtained this batch of top-notch pills, and their strength will definitely go up to a higher level."

"This is the rhythm of Taixu Holy Land's rise."

"I really want to snatch this batch of superb pills."

"Now you try to move Taixu Holy Land? Do you think those three quasi-emperors are just for display?"

Lin Zezhou, Lin Zeyuan and other senior officials of Taixu Holy Land opened their mouths in astonishment.

The third gift from Zhao Yang can already be called an absolute gift.

"Actually, the third betrothal gift alone will not be a loss to us in Taixu Holy Land." Lin Zezhou said softly.

"The problem is that this is just the beginning." Lin Zeyuan said with anticipation in his eyes.

He vaguely realized that the next dowry might be even more precious.

"Fourth, ten top-grade celestial pills." Everyone was stunned when Zhu Ya said this, and then they realized what the celestial pills were?


"Zhao Yang actually gave away the Heavenly Pill?"

"Damn, a heavenly pill represents a quasi-sage."

"Zhao Yang is giving this to the ten quasi-sages of Taixu Holy Land."

Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang beside her at this moment, "I'm making you worry."

"The Taixu Holy Land is your natal family, I want to marry you, how can I not be grand?" Zhao Yang said softly.

Even if they haven't seen each other for thousands of years, the relationship between the two has never diminished.

"Fifth, ten top-grade quasi-sage high-level advanced pills, thirty top-quality quasi-sage mid-level advanced pills, and one hundred top-quality quasi-sage early-stage advanced pills." Dang Zhuya said When we got here, everyone's breathing became short of breath.

A quasi-sage-level advanced pill?

Still a masterpiece?

Let people live?

"Sixth, three top-quality Seizing Heaven Pills." Zhu Ya said that the eyes of all the monks present all stared out.

What the hell?

Seizing the Heaven Pill?

Is it the elixir that allows the peak of the quasi-sacred realm to set foot on the holy one?


Do you also send this kind of medicine?

"Zhao Yang, why do you want to make such a big wife?" The Canglong Lord couldn't help it, "There are several beautiful princesses in our Dragon Clan, I will let them marry you, okay?"

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