Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 880 Interesting People

Everyone was a little confused.

Are you fucking playing right now?

You actually ran to eat grilled fish?

And just as Zhao Yang, Zhang Aoxue, and Zhu Ya were feasting, Lin Zezhou discovered that Zhao Yang's fishing rod had bitten the hook.

"There's a fish on your fishing rod." Lin Zezhou shouted towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang glanced at it, and he spat out a fishbone, "Leave it alone."

Lin Zezhou staggered, he almost fell down.

Can the black lines all over everyone's faces not be so weird?

The koi is hooked and you are too lazy to pull it?

You don't give it to me.

Five minutes later, the three of Zhao Yang ate up all the koi on the grill.

Zhang Aoxue's face showed a look of unfinished content, "I haven't eaten such delicious grilled fish for a long time."

"Kill this one too." Zhao Yang took out the first koi he caught from the fish cage.

Zhu Ya excitedly ran to the river and opened her belly.

The audience was in an uproar.

One is not enough, you want to eat two?

At this moment, Zhao Yang took a toothpick and picked his teeth. Lin Zezhou saw the float move, and hurriedly said, "Your fishing rod is hooked again."

Zhao Yang picked his teeth twice before pulling the fishing rod, and soon a koi with five tails appeared in midair.

"Zhu Ya, this one is fatter than the one in your hand, roast this one too."

"Okay." Zhu Ya said with a smile.

Now Tianli from the Tianyan Clan couldn't sit still, he stood up abruptly and yelled at Zhao Yang, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Yang looked at Tianli in doubt.

He didn't understand what Tianli meant.

"Everyone is fishing so hard for koi, but you are grilling fish over there. Aren't you sincerely humiliating everyone?" Tianli said coldly.

As soon as Tianli's words fell, many monks present were emotionally aroused, and they looked at Zhao Yang with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Looking at Tianli's rhythm, Zhao Yang smiled slightly and said, "You are wrong, I didn't mean to humiliate everyone sincerely."

Hearing this, there was a sneer on Tianli's face.

can't you

It's not cowardly yet.

"I'm simply humiliating you." Zhao Yang then said another sentence.

Tianli was completely dumbfounded.

Zhao Yang scolding himself?

"Do you know who I am?" Tianli said angrily.

"I look down on you the most. Do you know who I am? You say you know what to do besides putting on a background? If you have the ability, you can just do it." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I didn't listen Do you have a word? Life and death are bearish, if you don't die, you will do it."


Tianli urged a golden sword to slash towards him.

The golden battle sword bloomed with a golden and sharp sword light, with the posture of gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

But what no one expected was that Zhao Yang directly grabbed the golden sword with his big hand.

No matter how much Zhanjian struggled, it was useless, and the scattered sword energy couldn't hurt Zhao Yang at all.

"You only have this strength." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang suddenly exerted force, and Tianli's war sword shattered with a bang.

"You..." Tianli's expression changed involuntarily.

This is the battle sword of the Golden Immortal peak.

Zhao Yang was actually crushed.

How strong is this guy?

Tianli didn't dare to try again.

Because he vaguely felt that he might not be Zhao Yang's opponent?

"Who are you?" Tianli looked at Zhao Yang solemnly and said.

"Me, casual cultivator." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I'm not afraid to tell you that I have no background, so hurry up and let the masters of your clan come over to find a place."

Not to mention that Tianli really wanted to come over to find a place.

But he always felt that Zhao Yang was tricking him.

He was silent for a moment and chose not to respond.

"Countless." Zhao Yang cursed at Tianli, then sat down to fish.


Everyone's world view will collapse upon hearing this name.

How dare Zhao Yang scold the Holy Son like that?

What made them feel incredible was that Tianli chose to ignore it.

Lin Caihan had already arrived in the forbidden area, but Lin Caihan was in a courtyard.

Only those who pass the first test are eligible to come here.

Lin Caihan is waiting now, waiting for the arrival of the chosen one.

It was Xiao Luo who quietly came to Lin Caihan's side, "Miss, there is an interesting person among the challengers."

"Interesting person?" Lin Caihan was startled.

"That guy caught two five-tailed koi as soon as he arrived at the forbidden area."

"and then?"

"Then that guy actually baked it."

"Bake it?" Lin Caihan was surprised.

How precious are five-tailed koi?

Why is that person willing to bake and eat?

Many high-level officials from Taixu Holy Land also came here, and when they heard the conversation between Xiao Luo and Lin Caihan, their faces showed surprise.

"Xiaoluo, where's Tianli from the Tianyan tribe?" Lin Yuantu, the Holy Lord of Taixu Holy Land, asked softly.

"Just now, Tianli troubled that person, but in the end he was severely taught. Even if he was scolded by the other party later, Tianli still chose to remain silent." Xiao Luo's words stunned the senior officials of Taixu Holy Land.

How proud is Tianli?

How could he admit cowardice?

"I'm a little interested in that little guy." Lin Zeyuan said with a smile.

Lin Zeyuan is the Great Elder of Taixu Holy Land, and also Lin Caihan's uncle.

Xiao Luo stuck out her tongue, "Miss, I'll go and see again."

"Go." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Lin Caihan didn't have much interest, as long as it wasn't for him, no matter how interested she was, it wouldn't interest her at all.

It didn't take long for Xiaoluo to run back again.

"Miss, that young master just caught a seven-tailed koi."

"Seven-tailed koi?"

"how is this possible?"

"The seven-tailed koi hasn't appeared for many years."

"A seven-tailed koi may be able to create a quasi-sage."

Even Lin Caihan couldn't take it lightly now.

After Xiao Luo told the news, he ran away again, and after a while, Xiao Luo said out of breath, "Miss, that young master roasted and ate the seven-tailed koi."

Hearing this, the senior officials of Taixu Holy Land couldn't sit still.

Can you stop being so weird?

Are seven-tailed koi edible?

"Lin Zezhou didn't stop him?" Lin Zeyuan asked with a frown.

"I stopped it, but now the elder Lin Zezhou is squatting there and eating grilled fish with that young master."

Lin Zeyuan almost didn't come up in one breath.

He really wanted to talk about what happened to Lin Zezhou?

"I'll go and have a look." Lin Zeyuan couldn't sit still.

As soon as Lin Zeyuan arrived at the pond, he saw Lin Zezhou and Zhao Yang eating grilled fish and drinking fine wine.

"Third, what are you doing?"

Lin Zezhou glanced at Lin Zeyuan, "Brother, come quickly, let me tell you that these seven-tailed koi are simply delicious in the world."

"How precious is the seven-tailed koi? How can you eat it?" Lin Zeyuan said angrily.

As soon as he said this, he saw the fishing rod move violently.

"The fishing rod moved."

"Don't worry about it." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "There are a lot of koi, so come and eat the fish first."

The corner of Lin Zeyuan's mouth twitched.

Is this guy Zhao Yang too familiar?

After all, Lao Tzu is also a great sage, okay?

"My boss is just prudish. If he doesn't eat, don't pay attention to him." Lin Zezhou and Zhao Yang put their arms around each other and said, "From now on, you are with Cai Han, so don't bully Cai Han."

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