Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 881 The Stele Exploded

Lin Zeyuan glared at Lin Zezhou and said, "Even if he passed the first test, it doesn't mean he can become Caihan's husband."

"You don't understand." Lin Zezhou said inscrutablely.

"I don't understand?" Lin Zeyuan's lungs were about to explode, how would I understand if you didn't tell me?

"Okay, boss, what are you going to do? Don't disturb us chatting." Lin Zezhou said angrily.


I'm still disgusted?

But Lin Zeyuan did not leave, but turned around the pond.

When he turned to Zhao Yang, he found that Zhao Yang had already started fishing. As soon as he waved his hand, a seven-tailed koi appeared in midair.

"Seven-tailed koi." Lin Zeyuan said in astonishment.

If the previous seven-tailed koi was a coincidence, then what is this seven-tailed koi?

As a result, within 3 minutes, Zhao Yang caught another five-tailed koi.

"It's not the seven-tailed koi." Zhao Yang took off the hook and threw the five-tailed koi into the pond.

Lin Zeyuan staggered.


Can you stop being so weird?

Is that a five-tailed koi?

"Be careful of losing your game." Lin Zeyuan left angrily after saying this.

Back in the courtyard, the holy lord Lin Yuantu smiled and said, "Who provoked you?"

"It's not the loose cultivator that Xiao Luo just mentioned."

"What did that casual cultivator do?"

"When he was eating grilled fish, the koi bit the hook and he was indifferent. After a while, he caught a five-tailed koi, and he threw it away again."

"Throw it away?" Lin Yuantu was a little confused.

"Yeah, he hates it."

Everyone didn't know what to say for a while?

They can only be described with the word "wonderful".

The assessment time is two hours.

No matter when you come, I only give you two hours.

Two hours later, Zhao Yang weighed the koi in the fishing net, "The first one should be mine, right?"

"A seven-tailed koi is equivalent to a hundred three-tailed koi. Tianli has caught the most three-tailed koi in the field, but he only caught twelve three-tailed koi." Lin Zezhou sighed softly at this point. , "And you caught a total of eighteen seven-tailed koi."

In fact, Zhao Yang also caught a lot of multicolored koi, but he released them all in the end.

"Wait another hour, and the first round of assessment will be over."

An hour later, the examiner gave a ranking based on everyone's results.

Of course, only the top ten are ranked. As for those after the top ten, thank you for participating.

Lin Zezhou took Zhao Yang, Tianli and others to the courtyard.

After arriving in the courtyard, Lin Zezhou pointed to a stone tablet in the courtyard, "Later, you will use your peak strength to bombard this stone tablet, and the top three can enter the next level."

"I'll do it." A boy from the White Ape Clan stood up.

He bombarded the stone wall with a fist, and a line of numbers appeared on the stone wall the next moment.

Three thousand!

four thousand!

Five thousand!

It didn't take long to soar to eight thousand.

After reaching [-], the number continued to rise, and it didn't stop until [-].

"It seems that you have traveled a long way on the eighth floor of Golden Wonderland." Lin Zezhou glanced at the boy.

One teenager after another was sold.

But there is no one who can break the value of [-].

Soon there were only Zhao Yang and Tianli left in the field.

"I'll do it." Tianli strode towards the stele.

When he arrived in front of the stele, his eyes burst into fiery light.

His eyes have the power to destroy heaven and earth.

The value climbed rapidly.

Five thousand!

Six thousand!

Seven thousand!

After the value climbed to [-], the value still maintained a rapid upward trend.

It didn't take long for the number nine thousand to be broken.

Nine thousand one.

Nine thousand two.

Nine thousand three.

It stopped when it reached the value of nine thousand seven.

"Nine thousand seven."

"Tianli has traveled farther on the ninth floor of Golden Wonderland."

"Our potential is not as good as others, and our combat effectiveness is not as good as others."

When everyone was discussing, Lin Zezhou looked at Zhao Yang.

"It's your turn."

"This stele can't test me."

"Even if your cultivation is at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, you can test it out." Lin Zezhou said with a smile.

Zhao Yang waved his robe sleeve towards the stele.

The value instantly soared.

Three thousand.

Five thousand.

Nine thousand.

Ten thousand.

When everyone saw that the value was still soaring at the speed of a rocket after reaching [-], their eyes showed inconceivable expressions.

"Ten thousand represents the tenth floor of the Golden Wonderland,"

"I don't know what level he has reached?"

"The value is still growing at a high speed."

Just in case.

Thirteen thousand.

Fifteen thousand.

The numerical value constantly challenged everyone's nerves.

When the value soared to eighteen thousand, their breathing became short of breath.

If the value is increasing, it means that Zhao Yang's future achievements have reached the level of evildoer.

Ten thousand and nine.

Twenty thousand.

When the value increased to this point, Lin Zezhou couldn't calm down anymore.

Could it be that Zhao Yang is the strongest among evildoers?

Twenty-three thousand.

Twenty-five thousand.

Twenty-seven thousand.

When the value reached this point and continued to soar, Lin Zezhou finally understood something.

"Quasi-sage, you actually set foot on Zhunsheng?" Lin Zezhou's face was full of disbelief.

How could anyone in the younger generation have reached such a level?

You know that Lin Caihan, who is as stunning as Lin Caihan, has only reached the ninth floor of the Golden Wonderland?

Thirty thousand!

When the value broke through [-], the value was still soaring.

forty thousand.

fifty thousand.

Sixty thousand.

Gradually, Lin Zezhou's expression became serious.


The value at the peak of the Golden Wonderland is ten times different from the value at the beginning of the quasi-sage.

For example, if you have reached the tenth floor of the Golden Wonderland, then after you have stepped into the Quasi-Saint Realm, your value will be 19; if you have reached the No.20 floor of the Golden Wonderland, then you have stepped into the Quasi-Saint Realm After the initial stage, your value is [-].

The highest value of this stone wall is only one hundred thousand, okay?

But now the value has soared to [-].

Ninety thousand.

One hundred thousand.

When the value reached this level, the stone wall shattered with a bang.

" said earlier that it would be over if you reached the Quasi-Holy Realm." Lin Zezhou said angrily.

In fact, Zhao Yang's value has reached [-], which cannot explain how powerful Zhao Yang is.

Because there are strong and weak points in the early stage of quasi-sacred land, the difference between the strong and the weak is several times.

"Aren't I afraid that you won't believe me?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Lin Zezhou was speechless for a moment.

Xiao Luo hurried to the room after seeing Zhao Yang's results.

"Miss, that casual cultivator just scored a value of [-]." Xiaoluo said excitedly.

"One hundred thousand? Doesn't that mean that he has set foot on the quasi-sage?" Lin Yuantu asked in surprise.

"With such cultivation at this age, it can be described as shocking." Lin Zeyuan said darkly and solemnly.

"We can't come to a conclusion so quickly now, and no one can guarantee whether he has the potential to sacrifice?" An elder said after a moment of pondering.

The crowd nodded.

In fact, Lin Caihan wants to set foot in the quasi-sage, and he can set foot.

But her foundation will be unstable.

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