"In my eyes, these are just five scumbags of war." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Is the first level of assessment so simple?"

"Easy?" Hearing this, Lin Zezhou looked at Zhao Yang with a half-smile and said, "The koi will choose the ones whose fortune is against the sky, that is to say, the deeper your fortune is, the more likely you are to catch high-level koi."

"It has nothing to do with fishing skills?"

"The fishing rods are the same, and the fish food is also the same. To be honest, I don't think it has much to do with fishing skills." Lin Zezhou said after thinking about it.

"Take me to sign up." Zhao Yang said immediately.

He wanted to surprise Lin Caihan.

"Can we fish?" Zhu Ya asked.

"Do you still want to marry Cai Han?" Lin Zezhou said angrily, "Didn't you see that all the fishers are men?"

Lin Zezhou brought Zhao Yang to the registration office.

"Name." The deacon in charge of registration asked.

"Zhao Yang."


"Casual repair."

"Casual cultivator?" The deacon in charge of registration looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said.

He really wanted to say that you are a casual cultivator, why are you here to join in the fun?

"Is there a problem?" Zhao Yang asked.

"No problem." The deacon in charge of the registration wrote the words casual cultivation on it.

Then he gave Zhao Yang a token, "There are fishing rods and fish food bound to the token."

Zhao Yang took the token, and took the fishing rod and fish food aside.

He turned around and found a good spot to fish.

As a result, within 2 minutes, a man walked towards him.

"I want this position."


What no one expected was that Zhao Yang said this directly.

"Who is that?"

"How dare he say such things to the young patriarch of the White Cat Clan?"

"The young patriarch of the White Cat Clan is an outstanding figure among the younger generation."

"I think that kid is probably going to be unlucky."

The young patriarch of the White Cat Clan looked at Zhao Yangdao with cold eyes, "Do you know that your words just now will bring disaster to your clan?"


Zhao Yang slapped him, and then he rolled into the pond like a gourd.

It kept struggling in the water, but every time it wanted to climb up to the shore, it was kicked back by Zhao Yang.

"what's the situation?"

"Why does Bai Da look like he has no cultivation?"

"Yeah, it looks like it's drowning."

Just as everyone watched this scene in amazement, the young patriarch of the White Cat Clan was kicked into the pond by Zhao Yang again.

It rolled twice in the water and shouted towards the shore, "Help, help, help."


Hearing this, everyone finally confirmed the guess in their hearts.

Bai Da really drowned?

Lin Zezhou reluctantly appeared beside Zhao Yang, and he fished Bai Da out of the pond with a wave of his hand.

"Can't you calm down?" Lin Zezhou looked at Zhao Yang helplessly and said.

"Then why don't you let such an idiot approach me?" Zhao Yang pouted and said.

Silly beep?

Hearing Zhao Yang's name, Bai Da wanted to tear Zhao Yang's body into pieces, but when he mobilized the spiritual power in his body, he was horrified to find that he couldn't use it.

"You... what did you do to me? Why can't I use my spiritual power?" Bai Da looked at Zhao Yang in horror and said.

He fell into the pond just now and couldn't use his spiritual power. He thought it was the pond?

Only now did he realize that it was Zhao Yang's fault.

"It's just sealing your spiritual power." Zhao Yang said lightly, "But I have to warn you, this kind of seal cannot be broken by force, otherwise your Dao foundation will be damaged."

"I still don't believe that saints can't be broken." Bai Da said coldly.

"Anyway, I've already reminded you, believe it or not?" After saying this, Zhao Yang said like chasing flies, "Go away, don't be an eyesore to me."

Bai Da gave Zhao Yang a bitter look, then turned and left.

After Bai Da left, the thousands of monks present looked at Zhao Yang with different expressions.

Anyone who dares to fish here has two brushes, and anyone who dares to bully others here is a dragon among men.

Zhao Yang immediately sealed Bai Da's cultivation, making everyone realize that Zhao Yang is terrifying and should not be provoked.

Of course, there were some guys who dismissed this. They felt that Zhao Yang might not be Bai Da's opponent if he hadn't made a sneak attack.

But they didn't jump out to trouble Zhao Yang.

Who doesn't understand the truth that it has nothing to do with oneself?

Not long after Bai Da's side left, there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, and a man with golden eyes caught a three-tailed koi in the distance.

"This is already the second three-tailed koi caught by Tianli."

"Is Tianli going to win the first place?"

"Since Tianli announced the competition, I have been reduced to a foil."

"Holy Son of the Sky Eye Clan, how can we compete?"

Seeing Tianli's proud appearance, the faces of some monks present became gloomy.

Of course, most monks don't feel it, because they already know that they have no chance.

But at this moment Zhao Yang felt the fishing rod move, and then he swung it vigorously, a golden koi kept flapping in mid-air, and its tail reached an astonishing five tails.


"It has five tails."

"Five tails is equivalent to a superb soul pill?"

"How does this Lord have such a strong fortune?"

"This is beyond Tianli."

After Tianli heard everyone's discussion, he gave Zhao Yang a gloomy look.

Tianli felt that he was the protagonist.

But now Zhao Yang has upstaged him.

"Meditate, meditate, meditate." Tianli forced himself to calm down.

As a result, Zhao Yang had just calmed down on his side and caught another five-tailed koi on his side.

"My lord, this koi is so beautiful." Zhu Ya asked after taking off the hook, "I don't know how it tastes?"

"You'll know if you bake one." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhu Ya nodded, and then cut open the belly of the five-tailed koi while everyone was stunned.

The monks present were almost dumbfounded.

Are colorful koi used for refining medicine?

Only after refining the medicine can it be comparable to the top-grade soul pill?

The corner of Lin Zezhou's mouth twitched, he really wanted to say, can he stop being such a prodigal?

However, he thought that Zhao Yang's maids would casually take out dozens of superb soul pills, and he felt relieved.

Xiao Luo among the crowd looked at Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya curiously.

This pair of master and servant interested her very much.

Whoever catches a koi is considered a treasure, right?

Where is it so wasteful like Zhao Yang?

After cleaning Zhu Ya's side, he set up a fire to roast it. After a while, the fragrance of the koi permeated the surroundings. Many monks swallowed their saliva while looking at the roasting koi.

There is no doubt that koi is the top ingredient.

After the roasting was finished, Zhu Ya brought the best fish belly to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang took a bite, his eyes lit up.

He hasn't eaten such good ingredients for a long time.

So he dropped his fishing rod, ran to the grill, and ate with Zhang Aoxue and Zhu Ya.

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