Zhao Yang thought about it for a while and it really makes sense.

"Can't monsters work?" Then he asked again.

"Spirit beasts belong to the branch of monster beasts, so monster beasts are naturally allowed."

"That's easy." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The old man took a deep look at Zhao Yang, "It's dangerous for you to have such thoughts."

"A world of great contention." Zhao Yang said flatly, "If you don't fight, others will."

"I ask you one thing." The old man said suddenly.

"Senior, tell me."

"Find an opportunity to kill Nie Yuan." When the old man said this, there was a stern murderous intent in his eyes.

"Why did senior kill Nie Yuan?"

"That kid is killing me."

Nie Yuan thought he was hiding well, but he didn't know that the old man still saw through.

"Why didn't seniors make a move?"

"I am a member of the Immortal Court, so it is not easy to attack the son of the god general."

"Senior, do you think I dare to attack the son of the god general?"

"If it's someone else's words, maybe I wouldn't dare, but it definitely doesn't include you." The old man said with deep eyes.

"Senior is joking."

"If you help me kill Nie Yuan, I will give you a great opportunity." What did the old man realize from Zhao Yang's words?

This kid wants to benefit.

"What did the senior say? Solving the senior's worries and problems is what the junior should do." Zhao Yang said righteously, "What is the opportunity that the senior said?"

The old man couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Yang was a little embarrassed.

Has your little thought been seen through?

"Have you ever heard of a time bug?"

Zhao Yang suddenly became excited.

How could he not have heard of the time bug?

Does he have another one?

"I know where the time bug is?"

"Speak quickly, senior."

"Then Nie Yuan...?"

"Even if I don't kill him now, I will kill him when I have the chance." Zhao Yang said firmly.

"With your words, I'm relieved." The old man said with a smile, "There is a time bug sleeping in Qilian Mountain."

"The time bug is not so easy to find, is it?" Zhao Yang immediately thought of something.

"The time bug is indeed not that easy to find." The old man nodded and said, "I think you can cooperate with Bai Xiaobai."

"Bai Xiaobai?"

"Bai Xiaobai has a treasure hunting mouse on his body, and the treasure hunting mouse may be able to find traces of the time bug." The old man said with a smile.

"Where is Bai Xiaobai now?"

"She's waiting for you outside right now."

"wait for me?"

"Perhaps she wants to make friends with you."

outside the woods.

Nie Yuan stood there and waited for a while before leaving.

So Bai Xiaobai was left here.

Not long after, Zhao Yang came out from the entrance.

When Bai Xiaobai saw Zhao Yang, he was stunned, "Why are you?"

"Long time no see." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Bai Xiaobai looked at Zhao Yang vigilantly and said, "Are you following me?"

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I got the news that there is a Xianting treasury here. After I arrived here, I saw that you and Nie Yuan were fighting."

"So you've made a profit?" Bai Xiaobai said angrily.

"You can't say that, even if I didn't get there first, you wouldn't get those things." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I remember you weren't that strong when I saw you last time?" Bai Xiaobai looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said.

"I used some special means." Zhao Yang said concisely, "You have a treasure hunting mouse, right?"

Bai Xiaobai stepped back involuntarily, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to borrow your treasure hunting mouse to help me find something." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Looking for something?"

"It's inconvenient to tell you this."

"Then why should I help you?" Bai Xiaobai snorted coldly.

Zhao Yang threw a jade bottle to Bai Xiaobai, "This is hard work."

Bai Xiaobai's spiritual sense scanned and found nine soul pills in the jade bottle.

"No, this is a top-notch pill." Bai Xiaobai exclaimed.

I have also heard of the Peerless Danbai Xiaobai, but I have never seen it.

"Peerless Pill is useless to me." After a while, Bai Xiaobai looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"The Peerless Pill is useless to you, but it is useful to your spiritual pet." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I don't believe that your Treasure Hunting Beast is quasi-emperor level."

"Nine coins are not enough." Bai Xiaobai said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang threw another bottle of Supreme Spirit Pill to Bai Xiaobai.

"Lead the way." Bai Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction after checking.

With a wave of Zhao Yang's hand, a battleship at the peak of the Golden Wonderland appeared in midair.

Bai Xiaobai jumped on the battle sword, and after turning around, he couldn't help saying, "There are not many forces that can build a warship of this level."

"I got it by chance." Zhao Yang didn't tell Bai Xiaobai that it was made by the Foundry Pavilion for him.

"Why do you want to take a battleship, why not open the people of space?"

"It's not that far." Zhao Yang explained, "Besides, I still have some things to do." After saying this, Zhao Yang looked at Zhu Ya and said, "Zhu Ya, I'm in retreat, and you are in charge of entertaining Miss Bai. "

"Of order." Bai Xiaobai said respectfully.

After returning to his room, Zhao Yang immediately signed a contract with Sixiang Beast.

Only after signing the contract can the four elephants truly belong to them.

And after signing the contract, Garuda and Skyworm also knew that the master had gained another spiritual pet.

The silkworm wandered to the front of the Sixiang beast, "I am the master's first spiritual pet, and you will be my little brother from now on."

The Four Elephant Beast squinted at the Celestial Silkworm, its eyes were full of killing intentions, and the Celestial Silkworm shivered uncontrollably.

"Master, why do I think this guy looks at me badly?"

"The Sixiang Beast is a fusion of the four gods and beasts. It has a tyrannical character, and its way to advance is to devour it." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The Four Elephant Beast has a tyrannical character, but Zhao Yang thinks he can suppress it.

"Big brother, you will be my big brother from now on." Tiancan licked his face when he heard this.

It realized that the four-elephant beast was not something it could provoke.

After Tiancan took the precious medicinal materials, his potential has approached the quasi-emperor realm.

But this only means that it is possible to become the quasi-emperor in the future, but the Sixiang beast is [-]% able to become the quasi-emperor.

There is a stage difference between the two sides.

Furthermore, even under the same circumstances, the Celestial Silkworm was no match for the Sixiang Beast.

"In the future, I will develop wretchedly." Tiancan thought to himself.

The Golden-winged Bird's current potential has reached the early stage of the Holy Realm.

Whether it is facing the celestial silkworm or the four elephant beast, it exists very humblely.

As early as when it saw the four-elephant beast, it lay down on the ground and chose to surrender.

"Si Xiang Beast, without my permission, you are not allowed to devour spirit beasts or monsters." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "Otherwise, I don't mind killing you."

Zhao Yang said this very bluntly.

The four elephants were a little annoyed.

And when it stared at Zhao Yang, two balls of flames burst out from Zhao Yang's eyes.

Flame destroys the world.

At this time, Zhao Yang bloomed through the way of the eyes.

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