The four-elephant beast was frightened.

It saw the ferocious killing intent in Zhao Yang's eyes.

It believed that as long as it dared to say no, Zhao Yang would kill him without saying a word.

How can it be?

Its potential is in the quasi-emperor realm!

How could Zhao Yang calm down?

"Of order." Long Jiu Si Xiang Beast lowered its head and said respectfully.

Tiancan looked at Zhao Yang with eyes full of admiration.

"You go back to your respective spiritual beast bags to practice. Of course, if you feel bored, you can also go to my brother's small world." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Go to the small world." Garuda said without thinking.

What a small world.

The spirit beast bag is too small.

"I'm going to the small world too." Tiancan said childishly.

"Then I'll go too." Sixiang Beast said hastily.

After the three great spirit beasts entered Zhao Yang's small world, Zhao Yang closed his eyes and quietly sorted out the battle with the old man just now.

Zhao Yang used many cards in this battle.

Now he wants to transform these perceptions into his own strength.

Half a month later, the battleship arrived at the Qilian Mountains.

Only then did Zhao Yang walk out of the battleship, "The rest is up to you."

If the time bug was easy to find, the old man wouldn't let Zhao Yang ask Bai Xiaobai for help.

Bai Xiaobai summoned the treasure hunting mouse.

The treasure hunting mouse wrinkled its nose, and then rushed in one direction.

Zhao Yang and Bai Xiaobai excitedly followed behind, and it didn't take long for the treasure hunting mouse to stop beside a mound of dirt, and it barked excitedly towards the dirt.

"Xiaobao said that there is a treasure buried here." Bai Xiaobai said hastily.

Zhao Yang took out a shovel and started digging.

After digging, Zhao Yang realized something was wrong.

"This seems to be a grave?" Zhao Yang looked at Bai Xiaobai and asked.

"Maybe there is a treasure in the grave?" Bai Xiaobai said softly.

Zhao Yang thought about it for a while, and it made sense, so he opened the tattered coffin, and a disgusting smell came out.

The corpse was so badly decomposed that even its appearance could not be seen.

The treasure hunter pointed at the gemstone on the neck of the corpse and snarled.

"How much is this gem worth?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"That... Treasure hunting mouse is not very reliable sometimes." Bai Xiaobai said with some embarrassment, "Well, what are you looking for? Tell Treasure hunting mouse, so that it won't search randomly."

Zhao Yang stared at Bai Xiaobai for a while and said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Bai Xiaobai said without blushing, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "What I'm looking for is a bug, a transparent bug."

"Bug? A transparent bug?" Bai Xiaobai said suspiciously, "Why have I never heard of this kind of bug?"

Bai Xiaobai really didn't know.

But Yan Long, one of Bai Xiaobai's protectors, was shocked all over.

"This bug is the legendary time bug."

"Time bug?"

"The time worm can build a domain. You practice in the domain for a year, while the outside world only passes one day." Yan Long said excitedly, "From this you can imagine the preciousness of the time worm."

Bai Xiaobai's heart involuntarily slowed down by half a beat, and her mouth suddenly became parched.

Time bug.

What Zhao Yang was looking for turned out to be the time bug.

"Find the right time, and bully him." Yan Long sent a voice transmission to Bai Xiaobai.

Bai Xiaobai's eyes flashed, "This guy is much scarier than Nie Yuan, and his background is not simple."

"So we must find the right time." Yan Long said in a deep voice.

Bai Xiaobai calmly let the treasure hunter find it.

As a result, the treasure hunter searched for half a month in the Qilian Mountains, and found not even a hair of the time bug except some treasures that Zhao Yang didn't like.

"My lord, have you ever thought that the treasure hunter might have found the time bug?" Zhu Ya said to Zhao Yang through voice transmission after Zhao Yang found a stone to sit on.

Zhao Yang's face changed slightly.

"Bai Xiaobai is just messing with you right now. When you lose your patience, the time bug will be hers." Zhu Ya whispered, "Of course this is just my guess, and there is another possibility that the treasure hunter didn't find it either."

"Then what do you say now?"

"I think we should split into two groups now." Zhu Ya said in a deep voice, "Don't you have a time worm? That time worm may find its kind."

"How did I forget this?" Zhao Yang patted his head and said.

"I'm staring at Bai Xiaobai."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to keep an eye on Bai Xiaobai." Zhao Yang called out the sharp gun at this point, "You are hiding in Zhu Ya's body."

The sharp spear turned into a beam of light and entered Zhu Ya's body.

Bai Xiaobai's expression not far away changed involuntarily the moment he saw the sharp gun.

"That sharp gun..."

"The strength of that sharp spear will not be inferior to mine." Yan Long sent a voice transmission to Bai Xiaobai.

"Miss Bai, I have something to do, let Zhu Ya follow you to find it." Zhao Yang left here after saying this.

Bai Xiaobai was stunned.

How could Zhao Yang just leave?

"What did your son do?" Bai Xiaobai asked curiously.

"I don't know either." Zhu Ya said apologetically, "I'm just a slave."

How could Bai Xiaobai believe Zhao Yang's nonsense?

But she felt relieved when she saw that Zhao Yang was going in a different direction than the valley where time bugs waited.

No matter what Zhao Yang wants to do, as long as he doesn't know where the time bug is, Bai Xiaobai won't bother to care.

Zhu Ya's guess is correct.

The treasure hunting mouse did find the trace of the time bug, but the treasure hunting mouse pretended that nothing happened.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang walked a distance, he took out the time worm from the brocade box, and the time worm was already very weak.

"There is your companion here, don't you want to meet your companion?" Zhao Yang said softly.

The time bug looked at Zhao Yang blankly, and then its wings vibrated slightly. When the vibration reached a certain frequency, it seemed to sense something, and then flew towards the distance.

In addition to Zhao Yang's Divine Sense, this time worm also has the Divine Sense of Hundred Refining Furnace, Thunder Orb and Eternal Green Lamp.

The time bug matters.

How dare Zhao Yang neglect?

He didn't think that the three great saint realm powerhouses couldn't lock a time worm.

Following the time bug, Zhao Yang came to a valley all the way.

The moment the time bug vibrated its wings and passed through the valley, it disappeared.

Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"There is a magical barrier here." Bailian Furnace exclaimed.

The three saints, such as Bailian Furnace, have not been idle these days, but they didn't notice anything strange when they passed by here before.

Zhao Yang rushed towards the barrier in a hurry.

Zhao Yang couldn't help frowning when he rushed into the barrier.

He felt as if something was different around him.

The surrounding walls are as smooth as jade, and spiritual thoughts don't work in it.

Zhao Yang didn't dare to rush forward, but proceeded cautiously.

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