Nie Yuan didn't think it was Zhao Yang.

Even if Zhao Yang took Emperor Grass, it was impossible for him to advance three small realms in a row.

"If your progress can catch up with his progress, maybe you have a chance to meet." The old man said and led the two of them to appear in a void space, and in this void space there were two huge "The third level of assessment is to challenge me who is in the same realm as you." After the old man explained the rules, Nie Yuan pondered for a while and said, "I want to challenge those who are in the four smaller realms higher than me."

"I want to challenge the three smaller realms of my higher self." Bai Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

When the battle here started, the old man returned to Zhao Yang's arena.

What shocked him was that Zhao Yang was sitting on the ring resting, and his avatar was blown up by Zhao Yang.

"How did you do that?" the old man asked in surprise.

"It's not as difficult as imagined." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Do you still want to challenge next?"

"I want to challenge someone who is six smaller realms higher than me." Zhao Yang said without hesitation.

"We'll talk about it after you've recovered to your peak condition." The old man said softly.

The old man immediately returned to the ring on Nie Yuan's side.

Nie Yuan and Bai Xiaobai's choices were very targeted.

Because no matter how high the realm is, they are powerless to contend.

Half an hour later, Nie Yuan severely injured the phantom, making the phantom no longer able to fight.

Bai Xiaobai fought and killed the opponent with his life, and Bai Xiaobai himself was also severely injured.

But luckily she did.

The old man looked at Bai Xiaobai with complicated eyes.

Bai Xiaobai was too cruel to himself.

Just now, Bai Xiaobai might fall here if she was not paying attention, but she still chose such a desperate way of fighting.

"Senior, is there any challenge next?" Bai Xiaobai asked softly.

"No more." The old man shook his head.

"What about the challenger?"

"He's recovering."


"Just now he killed Gao's own five small-level opponents, and then he is going to challenge Gao's own six small-level opponents." The old man's words shocked the two.

This is really amazing.

Higher the six realms of oneself?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

"Can I see him?" Nie Yuan asked after a while.

Nie Yuan felt that this person was too strong and would definitely become an indomitable existence in the future, so he wanted to make friends in advance.

"It depends on what he wants." The old man said lightly, "But now you should leave with your rewards."

After three hours, Zhao Yang finally returned to his peak state.

He stood up with eyes burning.

He felt that he was full of energy and could start a new battle at any time.

"But has it started yet?" the old man looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and asked.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Yang took out an Enlightenment Leaf while speaking.

"You want to practice supernatural powers at this time?" the old man asked in surprise.

"is it not OK?"

"Yes." The old man nodded.

When Zhao Yang's divine sense communicated and realized Dao Ye, Zhao Yang felt that he appeared in a mysterious world.

His mind is clear.

His comprehension surged.

The secret technique that he didn't understand before appeared in his mind in a simple form.

Zhao Yang comprehended it with fascination.

The secret technique of foam body technique, the secret technique of sealing characters, the sword formula of star sword formula, and the secret technique of crossing the sea.

It is these four exercises that Zhao Yang comprehends at this moment.

These four exercises are all high-level supernatural powers of the Emperor Zhun. Zhao Yang has spent an indefinite amount of time over the years, but they have not reached the point where they match his own cultivation.

I don't know how long it has passed, Zhao Yang suddenly broke away from the state of enlightenment.

Only then did he realize that the Enlightenment Leaf in his hand had been broken.

"How is it?"

"It saved decades of work." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

This is the charm of Wu Dao Ye.

If Zhao Yang is allowed to practice step by step, he will not even think about it in 50 to [-] years.

"Can we start?" The old man smiled.

"Let's start." Zhao Yang said lightly.

An incarnation of the No. 13th floor of the Golden Wonderland appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

How dare Zhao Yang be negligent?

He immediately used the power of the blood, and his cultivation instantly soared to the tenth floor of the Golden Wonderland. At the same time, Zhao Yang even used the blood energy art, and his combat power tripled again.

But while Zhao Yang was promoted, the avatar of the old man was not idle.

He used a secret technique, his aura rose again, and his combat power more than doubled.


When the two figures collided together, Zhao Yang staggered back.

But after Zhao Yang stopped, he collided with the opponent again.

This time Zhao Yang staggered back again, the difference was that he only took a few steps back this time.

"Some of the energy in my body has been sealed." The avatar sensed the abnormality immediately.

Zhao Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then rushed towards the avatar again.

Seeing that he was about to rush in front of the avatar, the avatar suddenly swung his fist and threw it at Zhao Yang.

With a bang, Zhao Yang's body shattered like a bubble.

The avatar froze.

what's the situation?

How did it break?

Just when he didn't know why, Zhao Yang suddenly appeared behind him.


Zhao Yang punched him in the back of the heart.

While the avatar vomited blood, the aura on his body exploded. Even though Zhao Yang used the bubble technique hastily, his internal organs were still affected.


Zhao Yang staggered in the distance.

He spat a mouthful of blood.

And the avatar is no better?

Zhao Yang's punch severely injured him and at the same time sealed part of his strength again.

"How did you hide it from my perception?" the avatar looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and asked.

Of course Zhao Yang would not tell the other party that he had used the three supernatural powers just now.

The bubble body technique confuses the other party, conceals the incarnation's perception, and seals part of his strength with the sealing technique.

"At this time your strength is less than half of what it was at your peak." Zhao Yang grinned, "You are no longer my opponent."

"Even if my strength is less than half of what it was at my peak, I'm still above you in terms of energy." The avatar said indifferently.

"Star Sword Art." Zhao Yang used the Star Sword Art of the Seventh God General with the battle sword in his hand.

The stars are twinkling, as fast as thunder.

Incarnate Hard Rock.

But under the endless starlight, he was still defeated.

"I lost." Half an hour later, the avatar said bitterly.

He didn't expect that he would lose.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Here you are." The old man threw Zhao Yang a spirit beast with a dragon head, a phoenix tail, a tiger eye, and a rotten shell.

"This is...?" Zhao Yang looked at this spirit beast, and felt awkward no matter how he looked at it.

"Sixiang Beast." The old man said slowly, "Sixiang Beast is a holy spirit that is difficult to be born, but it is also difficult to advance to the next level."


"The Sixiang Beast needs to devour spirit beasts of the same level or higher if it wants to advance." The old man said leisurely, "Who do you think will take a quasi-imperial spirit beast for the Sifang Beast to devour?"

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