Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 838 The magic weapon is gone

The old man saw Zhao Yang fighting with his condensed avatar, and he felt that this battle would not end for a while.

So he said, "You guys stand here first, I'll go and see those two little guys."

After speaking, the figure of the old man disappeared.

Bai Xiaobai and Nie Yuan breathed a sigh of relief when the old man appeared.

There is nothing here, they even think it is empty.

"I am the guardian of the Immortal Courtyard stationed here. If you want to obtain the resources of the Immortal Courtyard, you need to pass the test." The old man said after looking at the two of them.

"Senior, please come up with a question." Bai Xiaobai said respectfully.

"I am the heir of the third general, do I also need to be tested?" Nie Yuan said dissatisfied.

"It's okay if you don't want to pass the test." The old man pointed to the door and said, "You can leave."

Nie Yuan's face darkened.

Is this to drive him away?

he is very angry.

He felt that if the third god was alive, would this old guy dare to say such a thing?

"Let's come up with a question." Nie Yuan suppressed his anger and said.

As soon as the old man waved his hand, the two appeared on the battlefield where Zhao Yang had appeared before.

The distance is full of dense shadows.

"You can only use your own strength to kill a thousand ghosts in order to be rewarded."

"What reward?" Bai Xiaobai asked softly.

"If you have 100 people, you can get 2000 billion fairy stones and 200 drops of holy liquid. If you have [-] people, you can get [-] billion fairy stones and [-] drops of holy liquid. By analogy, there are no statistics for less than [-] people," the old man said. road.

As the old man's voice fell, Bai Xiaobai and Nie Yuan appeared in two directions respectively, and tens of thousands of phantoms chased them both overwhelmingly.

Neither Bai Xiaobai nor Nie Yuan is weak.

They rushed into the phantom group for the first time.

Half an hour passed.

A quarter of an hour passed.

These two people possess amazing supernatural powers, but they don't have Zhao Yang's methods.

In the end, Nie Yuan killed 120 ghosts, and Bai Xiaobai killed 320 ghosts.

"You have passed the test of the first level, but the resources for the first level are gone." The old man said lightly.

Nie Yuan suddenly became furious.

Resources are gone?

What are you kidding?

"This is the treasury of the Immortal Court. Tell me that the Immortal Stone and Holy Liquid are gone?" Nie Yuan said, looking at the old man with an unkind expression.

"What? Do you doubt me?" The old man narrowed his eyes and said.

Nie Yuan felt as if he was being stared at by an ancient beast, and he shivered uncontrollably.

"Don't dare." Nie Yuan hurriedly lowered his head.

At this moment, he wished he could tear the old man into pieces, but he couldn't show the slightest bit.

He knew he hadn't grown up and was no match for this old man.

But he vowed to kill the old man one day sooner or later.

"Wait, your death will be when I step into the quasi-emperor realm." Nie Yuan roared deep in his heart.

"Now I'll take you to the second level." The old man waved his hand and led the two to the gate of the arsenal.

"Senior, is there any magic weapon in the arsenal?" Nie Yuan asked after thinking about it.


Hearing this, Nie Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man pointed to a blood trough in front of him and said, "Put a drop of blood in it."

"This is...?" Bai Xiaobai asked curiously

"This is a talent tester." The old man explained, "This is also a device developed by Xianting back then. It can detect the height you can reach in the future through blood."

Bai Xiaobai pondered for a moment and stepped forward to drop a drop of blood into the blood groove.

The drop of blood quickly disappeared, and at the same time, a ray of blood appeared at the bottom of the scale value next to the blood tank.

The blood light is rising with the passage of time.

"According to the rules, if the value reaches [-], you are eligible to get one-tenth of the treasury magic weapon; if the value reaches [-], you are eligible to get two-tenths of the treasury magic weapon; The third; when the value reaches [-], in addition to getting four-tenths of the treasury magic weapon, you can also get a quasi-sage-level magic weapon; when the value reaches [-], in addition to getting half of the treasury magic weapon, you can also get Three quasi-sage-level magic weapons; when the value reaches [-], in addition to getting six-tenths of the treasury magic weapon, you can also get a holy-level magic weapon; when the value reaches [-], you can get one-tenth of the treasury magic weapon In addition to seven, you can also get three magic weapons of the Holy Realm." The old man repeated what he said to Zhao Yang to the two, "By the way, there are one hundred magic weapons of the Golden Immortal Realm peak in the arsenal, and the high-level Golden Wonderland Three hundred magic weapons, one thousand mid-level magic weapons in the Golden Wonderland, three thousand peak magic weapons in the Jade Wonderland, and ten thousand high-level magic weapons in the Jade Wonderland."

Gradually, the value soared to [-], and then stopped increasing.

"Your upper limit is so scumbag?" Nie Yuan looked at Bai Xiaobai with a mocking face and said.

Nie Yuan suspected Bai Xiaobai when he was fighting outside just now. If Bai Xiaobai hadn't taken out the dragon-shaped jade pendant of the Eighth General at a critical moment, how could Nie Yuan give up?

Bai Xiaobai said with a dark face, "Let you take care of it."

"It's your turn." The old man looked at Nie Yuandao.

Nie Yuan also dropped a drop of blood into the blood tank, and the value quickly soared.

It didn't take long to soar to the value of seven thousand one hundred.

"The seventh floor of the Quasi-Emperor Realm." Bai Xiaobai said with an extremely serious expression.

Bai Xiaobai knew very well what it meant to be two small realms apart in the quasi-emperor realm?

The opponent can easily defeat her, or even kill her.

"It's a pity that it didn't reach the value of [-]." Nie Yuan said with emotion.

And thinking of this, he became angry with Zhao Yang again.

If it weren't for this guy, I wouldn't have gotten the Emperor Grass.

After having Emperor Grass, I can soar to the value of [-] [-]%.

"Here you are." The old man threw a universe bag to Nie Yuan.

After scanning Nie Yuan's divine sense, he asked doubtfully, "Senior, did you make a mistake?"


"Before you said that there are [-] magic weapons at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, and my value exceeds [-], so I should get fifty magic weapons at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm." Nie Yuan asked cautiously.

"Before you, there was a monk who got there first, and his value reached [-], so he has already taken away six tenths of the magic weapon." The old man said lightly, "So the magic weapon you got is the remaining ten half of four."

Hearing this, Bai Xiaobai became impatient, "Senior, should I share the remaining three-tenths with him?"

"No, what you get is three-tenths of what was left before." The old man said and threw a Qiankun bag to Bai Xiaobai.

Bai Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior, would it be convenient for you to tell me who has reached the value of [-]?" Nie Yuan asked softly.

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