Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 827 Yin Yang Wood

The collapse of the Dao Heart is no joke.

Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat for a while.

"You were playing with fire just now." Po Jun's voice rang in Zhao Yang's ears, "Opportunity is certainly important, but you also have to know your limits. The power of nothingness can indeed improve your origin, but it doesn't mean that for this reason This time, I have to use my Dao heart to play with fire. If it is not the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus this time, you will wait for reincarnation to rebuild."

In fact, Po Jun is also paying attention to Zhao Yang's situation.

He can also save Zhao Yang.

But what should be warned should be warned.

"I will definitely pay attention next time." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang has been a little drifting these years.

He thought he was no worse than anyone in the younger generation, but what happened today told him that Bai Xiaobai's will was stronger than his.

After thinking about this, he restrained his mind and continued to bear the baptism of nothingness.

In this way, about half a quarter of an hour passed, and Zhao Yang suddenly felt a burst of relaxation all over his body.

He knew his potential had broken through.

When Zhao Yang broke through, Bai Xiaobai also broke through.

She let out a long sigh of relief, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

She glanced at Zhao Yang, her eyes were full of shock.

Bai Xiaobai has never been convinced by anyone these years, but Zhao Yang's persistence to this point has really exceeded Bai Xiaobai's expectations.

"You are stronger than I imagined." Bai Xiaobai looked at Zhao Yang and said seriously.

Zhao Yang smiled wryly.

He doesn't know what to say?

He knew very well that if it wasn't for the Nine-Aperture Black Lotus, he wouldn't be able to persist to this point?

After they recover, the Eighth God will appear, "Do you two still want to challenge? The next difficulty will be ten times as hard as before."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face turned green.

ten times?

Forget it.

"I give up." Zhao Yang said bluntly.

"I give up." Bai Xiaobai immediately replied.

The Eighth God General waved his hand and the two came to a study.

The Eighth God General pointed to the two items on the table and said, "These two items are two treasures left by me during my lifetime. Now you can choose one respectively."

There is a piece of wood and a jade pendant on the table.

"Zhao Yang, choose that piece of wood." Po Jun said immediately.

Zhao Yang's heart moved, "What is that piece of wood?"

"Yin Yang wood." Po Jun said a little excitedly, "This kind of wood is almost impossible to come by. I really didn't expect the eighth general to have it in his hand."

"What is the function of Yin Yang wood?"

"As long as you refine the yin-yang wood, the yin-yang wood will become your appearance, you will, the yin-yang wood can do it, and it even has a part of its own mind." Po Jun said in a deep voice.

"Then what's next?" Zhao Yang was concerned about Yinyangmu's future achievements.

If it's just the seventh floor of the Golden Wonderland, then it's meaningless.

"If your potential stops here, then as long as the Yin-Yang Wood has enough insight and energy, its cultivation can quickly rise to the fifth level of the quasi-emperor." Zhao Yang was shocked by Po Jun's words Pale.

"And if your potential continues to improve in the future, then Yin Yang Wood can also break through the previous confinement and rise to the height that your potential can reach." Po Jun's words made Zhao Yang more determined to want Yin Yang Wood.

"Have you two made up your mind?" The Eighth God looked at Zhao Yang and Bai Xiaobai at this moment.

"I want this piece of wood." Zhao Yang pondered for a moment, pointing to that piece of wood.

Bai Xiaobai glanced at Zhao Yang in surprise.

Bai Xiaobai didn't know these two things, but Zhao Yang chose this piece of wood?

Could it be that there is something magical about this piece of wood?

She looked at the piece of wood again and still didn't see why.

"I don't know what this piece of wood is. Forget it, don't worry about this piece of wood. It's better to choose this dragon-shaped jade pendant." At this time, Bai Xiaobai's guardian sent a voice transmission to Bai Xiaobai.

Bai Xiaobai's guardian is also observing this piece of wood and the dragon-shaped jade pendant during this time.

"I choose this dragon-shaped jade pendant." Bai Xiaobai pointed to the dragon-shaped jade pendant.

The Eighth God General nodded.

"This dragon-shaped jade pendant contains my blow, and no one below Zhundi's high rank can resist it." The eighth general said lightly.

Hearing this, Bai Xiaobai's face showed surprise.

The blow of the eighth general.

With this dragon-shaped jade pendant, I won't be able to hide from XZ in the future.

"This piece of yin-yang wood is either precious or not. It depends on your future upper limit." The Eighth God General took a deep look at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was the first to choose Yinyang wood, which means that Zhao Yang recognized Yinyang wood.

"Okay, it's time for you two to leave here too." The Eighth God General said with a smile.

"Senior, is there anything else you want to give me?" Zhao Yang said shyly.

The Eighth God General was startled.

Bai Xiaobai was also taken aback.

Bai Xiaobai really wanted to say, why do you have the nerve to say such things?

The Eighth God General stared at Zhao Yang for a while, then threw a jade bottle to Zhao Yang, "Here is some holy liquid, here you are."

Zhao Yang took the jade bottle, and with a sweep of his spiritual sense, surprise appeared in his eyes.

There are three thousand drops of holy liquid in the jade bottle.

Bai Xiaobai suddenly became jealous.

This is three thousand drops of holy liquid.

No matter where it is, it is a huge fortune, right?

Why didn't I think of asking for it before?

"Just get rid of this kid after we go out later." Bai Xiaobai's guardian whispered.

Bai Xiaobai's eyes flickered.

After the Eighth God General sent a group of three people out of the secret environment, Zhu Ya ran to Zhao Yang with a smile on his face.

"Master, how's the harvest?"

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said modestly.

"Give me the yin-yang wood and the holy liquid." Bai Xiaobai stretched out his hand towards Zhao Yang at this time.

Zhao Yang's eyes became wary, "What did you say?"

Bai Xiaobai took out the dragon-shaped jade pendant, "Since you can follow me quietly, your guardian must be very strong in the holy realm, but no matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than the eighth general, right?"

"I advise you not to do this." Zhao Yang said as he took out the kendo talisman given by the seventh general, "This is the kendo talisman given to me by the seventh general, if you want to touch it, I don't mind. "

"The swordsmanship talisman of the seventh general?" Bai Xiaobai looked at the swordsmanship talisman in Zhao Yang's hand in surprise.

She is not sure whether what Zhao Yang said is true or not?

After hesitating for a while, Bai Xiaobai put away the dragon-shaped jade pendant, "In the future, the mountains will not turn around." After saying these words, Bai Xiaobai flew towards the distance.

Zhao Yang also put away the sword talisman of the seventh general.

"Didn't expect this woman to be so ruthless?" Zhao Yang obviously didn't expect Bai Xiaobai to turn his face.

"My lord, this woman has changed her appearance." Zhu Ya said softly.

"How do you know that it's disguised?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

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