Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 828 The Emperor Grass Is Gone

"The skin on her neck is different from the skin on her face." Zhu Ya said with a smile, "Speaking of which, she is really serious. Since she wants to change her appearance, she should be thorough."

"Don't tell me I really didn't notice it." Zhao Yang was startled, and then said, "But Bai Xiaobai is not easy. If you encounter it in the future, be careful."

Bai Xiaobai's future achievements are immeasurable.

"Where are we going now?" Zhu Ya asked softly.

"Leave here first."

Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya left the beast forest smoothly after beheading some beasts.

As soon as we reached the other end of the jungle, a team of white elephants surrounded us.

"Please pay 1000 million immortal stones."

"Pay 1000 million immortal stones?" Zhao Yang asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"The frontier area here has been taken over by our White Elephants. Anyone who wants to pass through here will have to leave a toll." The captain of the White Elephant Team said in a deep voice.

When it said this, the team was ready for battle.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while before tossing a universe bag to the other party.

To be honest, Zhao Yang didn't care about the so-called White Elephant Clan, he just came to District [-] and didn't want to cause trouble.

The captain of the White Elephant team swept his mind and said calmly, "It's still 1000 million short."

"What do you mean?"

"Each person is 1000 million, you two." When the captain of the White Elephant Team said this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Are you sure everyone is 1000 million?" Zhao Yang pointed to several leopards in the distance and said, "Why do they each only pay 500 million?"

"The human race is different from other races. The human race is more expensive, so it doubles." The captain of the White Elephant Squad snorted coldly, "Of course you don't have to pay, just go back." In fact, it also depends on the people. dishes.

Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya were very weak, why did he dare to bully them?

"Zhu Ya, kill it." Zhao Yang said indifferently.


Zhu Ya appeared in front of the captain of the White Elephant Team in the form of lightning, and the short blade in her hand pierced mercilessly towards his heart.

The opponent was pierced by the short blade before he could react, and the poison attached to the short blade permeated his whole body in an instant.

Its soul escaped from the body immediately, and Zhu Ya was about to kill its soul when the white elephants reacted.

They all shot to stop Zhu Ya.


The ten soldiers of the White Elephants who stopped Zhu Ya in two short breaths were all killed.

The captain of the White Elephant Clan who was hiding in the distance had a look of horror on his face. He didn't expect that Zhu Ya would dare to kill the members of the White Elephant Clan with impunity?

The movement here caught the attention of the officers and men of the White Elephants.

In a short period of time, hundreds of soldiers of the White Elephant Clan surrounded Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya.

"You guys are so brave." A leader of the White Elephant Clan looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said.

"You have collected tolls here, I have no objection, but if you dare to treat them differently, then don't blame me for being rude." Zhao Yang sneered.

This leader is nothing more than the existence of the peak of the Golden Wonderland.

Will Zhao Yang care?

"Treat differently?" A look of surprise appeared on the commander's face, and then he looked at the captain and said, "What did you do?"

"I... I charged them double the toll." The captain didn't dare to hide it, hesitating.

"You are tarnishing the reputation of my white elephant clan." The leader was furious.

He slapped the captain with his hands.

This made the captain's already bleak soul even more bleak.

"This incident is the fault of our White Elephant Clan, but you wantonly slaughtered our White Elephant Clan soldiers, you need to give us an explanation." The commander looked at Zhao Yang expressionlessly.

"If there is a cause, there will be an effect. This matter is because your White Elephant Clan is not strict in enforcing the law. I didn't pursue your fault. You still want my explanation?" Zhao Yang seemed to have heard the best. Just a joke.

"It seems that you want to explain to us." When the commander said this, there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

At the same time, hundreds of monks around Zhao Yang raised their swords in unison.

"Looking for death." Following Zhao Yang's shout, hundreds of monks including the leader were blown to pieces.

The captain felt the pressure of the quasi-sage blooming from Zhao Yang, and his face showed an expression of disbelief.

"Quasi-sage, you are a quasi-sage?" the captain exclaimed.

Zhao Yang glanced at the captain, who was shattered with a bang.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang rushed towards the distance with his arms around Zhu Ya's waist.

"As a quasi-sage, is it too much for you to wantonly slaughter the soldiers of our White Elephant Clan?"

"This place is the territory of our White Elephant Clan. If you attack our White Elephant Clan, you are declaring war on our White Elephant Clan."

"Don't even think about getting out of here alive."

At this moment, the three quasi-sages stopped Zhao Yang's way when they spoke.

"Eternal Green Lanterns, kill them." Zhao Yang said coldly.

The eternal green lamp bloomed with monstrous holy pressure without the slightest hesitation, and the three quasi-sages who wanted to fly into the air were forced back to the opposite side, and at the same time they saw flames falling from the sky.

There was despair on their faces.

This is a holy flame.

How can they resist?

Looking at the territory of the White Elephant Clan that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, Zhao Yang showed no trace of pity on his face.

Since you dare to treat the human race differently, you must be prepared to be hit.

After leaving here, Zhao Yang took out the tracking jade talisman given to him by the senior. When he activated the tracking jade talisman, the tracking jade talisman turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the distance.

With the help of the Everlasting Green Lantern, Zhao Yang followed closely behind the tracking jade talisman.

Three days later, the tracking of the jade talisman stopped in a dilapidated village.

Zhao Yang walked in the village and soon came to a blacksmith shop.

An old man with a beard was forging iron.

He looked very old, and by the way, he had a broken leg.

After hitting the iron a few more times, he grinned at Zhao Yang and said, "Do you want to build weapons?"

Zhao Yang handed the old man a battle sword from the peak of the Golden Immortal, "Can this sword be upgraded?"

After looking at it for a while, the old man said with a wry smile, "You are really embarrassing me. This sword looks extraordinary at first glance. How can I have the qualifications to upgrade it?"

"A senior said that you are his good brother, and he gave me this tracking jade talisman." Zhao Yang spread his hands as he spoke, and there was a tracking jade talisman in his hand.

The old man stared at the tracking jade talisman for a while and threw the hammer aside.

"What do you find me for?"

"I want emperor grass." Zhao Yang said straight to the point.

"Emperor Grass?" The old man said calmly, "The Emperor Grass is gone."

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