Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 826 The Will Breakdown

Hearing this, Zhao Yang hastily dispersed Xianli.

"Zhu Ya, let the power of nothingness temper your body, this is a rare opportunity to improve your foundation." Zhao Yang said to Zhu Ya beside him.

A look of surprise appeared in Zhu Ya's eyes.

In these years, she has been the most steadfast in following Zhao Yang's side, and now it seems that her choice is correct.

Leng Qingqiu was not so determined, so she stayed in Chunyang Sect.

Gradually, Leng Qingqiu's face revealed a look of pain, but she clenched her silver teeth and persisted.

It has never been so easy to improve one's background, but to improve one has to endure pain that ordinary people can't bear.

Zhu Ya's current potential is a high-level quasi-sage, and she is still one step away from the pinnacle of a quasi-sage.

It is true that after she reached a high level and took holy medicinal materials, she would be able to advance to this level, but Zhu Ya wanted to push her potential into the holy realm by relying on holy medicinal materials.

There is an opportunity in front of you.

As long as she relies on the power of nothingness to raise her potential to the pinnacle of quasi-sage, then she will be able to enter the holy realm in the next step.



Be sure to persevere.

Zhu Ya felt that her flesh and blood were collapsing, her muscles and bones were in disarray, and her bones were breaking.

But her sanity remained clear.

I don't know how long it took for Zhu Ya's pain to disappear, and the power of nothingness that ravaged her body before turned into a nourishing medicine.

Her injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When she recovered from her injuries, he found Zhao Yang standing beside her with his usual expression.

He didn't seem to feel much pain.

Zhu Ya was startled.

Then he realized that Zhao Yang's background was stronger than hers, so Zhao Yang was far from reaching the limit now.

At this moment, Zhu Ya felt the world spinning, and then she found that she was teleported into a hall, and a middle-aged man in golden armor was looking at him above the hall.

"Zhu Ya has met senior." Zhu Ya respectfully saluted the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at Zhu Ya and said, "You have poor aptitude and low potential, but your Dao heart is very solid, which is good."

Zhu Ya knew that what the middle-aged man said was very to the point.

Now her potential has further broken through, but even if she breaks through again, she is only at the peak of the Quasi-Saint Realm, and she is still one step away from the Holy Realm.

But the middle-aged man in front of him is the best among quasi-emperors.

It is reasonable for him to look down on his own qualifications.

"Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace." When the middle-aged man said that, his eyes had been fixed on Zhu Ya. When he saw that Zhu Ya's expression didn't fluctuate at all, a smile appeared on his face, "This is your reward."

Looking at a chessboard thrown by the middle-aged man, Zhu Ya quickly took it.

"Senior, this is...?"

"This is a chessboard that I play in my free time. As for what I can research, it depends on your own good luck." The middle-aged man said lightly.

Zhu Ya put away the chessboard after expressing her gratitude to the middle-aged man.

How could the chessboard bestowed by the Eighth God General be a child's play?

I don't know how long it took for the girl in white to appear here, and she was taken aback when she saw Zhu Ya.

"You followed me in?"

The reason why she asked this was because Zhu Ya was standing in the same position as her.

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.

The girl in white took a deep look at Zhu Ya, then saluted the middle-aged man above the main hall, "Bai Xiaobai has met senior."

"Snow Rabbit, a very common bloodline, it's not easy to get to this point." The middle-aged man glanced at the white-clothed girl, his eyes revealing a hint of shock.

If Bai Xiaobai had a bloodline against the sky, it would be fine to get to this point.

The problem is she's just a little snow bunny.

"Just wait here for a while." The middle-aged man continued.

Bai Xiaobai nodded.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang's figure to appear here.

The eyes of the middle-aged fell on Zhao Yang, and after a while he frowned and said, "There are so many secrets in you, I can't even see through them."

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

"Since the three of you have come here, it means that you are destined to be with me." The Eighth God General immediately changed the subject, "Zhu Ya, your aptitude is limited, so stop here. Can not afford."

Creation is mutual.

You may not be able to bear the good fortune against the sky?

"You two come with me." The Eighth God General said that Zhao Yang and Bai Xiaobai appeared in a void space. The difference is that the void power here is denser than before.

"The potential of both of you at this time is the quasi-emperor fourth heaven." Zhao Yang and Bai Xiaobai were stunned after the eighth general's voice fell.

what's the situation?

The potential of both of them is the Quasi-Emperor Quadruple Heaven?

Zhao Yang didn't take Bai Xiaobai seriously before, because he thought that no matter how powerful Bai Xiaobai was, could he still be better than himself?

Bai Xiaobai thought so too.

She didn't know how Zhao Yang followed in?But so what?In her heart, there is a big gap between Zhao Yang and her.

Now the two have discovered that each other is the quasi-emperor quadruple heaven.

"In fact, at your level, it is as difficult as reaching the sky if you want to improve a step." The Eighth God General said lightly, "I will introduce more intense power of nothingness later, of course, the tearing power of this kind of nothingness is also more powerful. Horror, as for how far you can bear it? It depends on your will."

After saying these words, Zhao Yang felt the force of nothingness pouring into his surroundings like a tide. At the same time, Zhao Yang's skin was cracked inch by inch, and blood gushed out desperately.

Bai Xiaobai didn't get any better, but she became a bloody person in an instant.

This pain is persistent and the pain index is increasing.

Gradually, Zhao Yang couldn't bear it anymore, and a scream came out of his mouth.

But what surprised Zhao Yang was that Bai Xiaobai was still gritting his teeth.

"This girl is not simple." Eternal Green Lantern said with emotion.

"Her bloodline is very common, how much has she paid to get to where she is today?" Bailian Furnace said leisurely.

After half a quarter of an hour, Bai Xiaobai finally couldn't bear it and let out a scream.

Only then did Zhao Yang feel a little more comfortable.

Why is your endurance so much stronger than mine?

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Zhao Yang has reached a critical point.

The blocks of his will were about to crumble.

"You can't collapse." The voice of the hundred refining furnace rang in his ears, "Your potential has not yet broken through."

Zhao Yang was speechless at this time.

The severe pain made him tremble all over.

Zhao Yang's eyes gradually lost their clarity, and at the moment when they were about to be annihilated, the nine-aperture black lotus in his body emitted a soft radiance.

Zhao Yang's will that was about to collapse got a moment's respite.

He broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily.

If it wasn't for Jiuqiao Heilian's timely attack, Zhao Yang's will would have collapsed just now.

If the will collapses, the Dao heart will also collapse.

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