Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 825 The Power of Nothingness

As it continued to deepen, Zhu Ya couldn't handle it anymore, and Zhao Yang had no choice but to make a move.

"The jungle is said to be [-] kilometers across. Have we covered half of the distance?" Zhu Ya asked after beheading a beast on the seventh floor of the Golden Wonderland.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said calmly after killing the two beasts with a wave of his hand.

"I don't think one or two small groups can resist this group of high-ranking golden immortal beasts," Zhu Ya said out of breath.

Zhu Ya is still on the sixth floor of the Golden Fairyland, just now she killed four people from the seventh floor of the Golden Fairyland, and three people from the eighth floor of the Golden Fairyland.

She believed that if Zhao Yang hadn't been by her side, she would have chosen to break through immediately.

You must know that there are more than a dozen high-level golden fairy beasts surrounding the two of them, and the leader is the existence of the ninth floor of the golden fairyland.

"We are not far from the core of this jungle at this time." Zhao Yang glanced at the distance and said calmly.

"I heard that some teams will encounter quasi-sages." Zhao Yang's face changed when Zhu Ya said this, because he felt a powerful aura rushing towards the two of them. .

Zhao Yang took out a piece of land and threw it on the ground, then rushed forward with his arm around Zhu Ya's waist.

Not long after the two left, a ferocious beast with a strong aura appeared here, sniffed its nose, and then chased after Zhao Yang.

But at this moment, the space around it vibrated violently, and then a series of thunderbolts mercilessly fell towards it.

The beast roared.

It was full of quasi-holy aura, and those thunders kept falling, but they couldn't hurt it at all.

It brutally tore apart the formation runes in the air, roaring and chasing in the opposite direction to Zhao Yang.

There is not one formation in the formation plate.

In addition to the technique of thunder, there is also the technique of hallucinations. This fierce beast is full of violent factors, so it is impossible to think too much, otherwise it will find that there is another formation in the formation after it calms down.

After running for a while, Zhao Yang stopped.

"The beast is finally free." Zhao Yang left a few runes on the road while running wildly just now.

Now those runes have not been destroyed, which means that the quasi-sage did not come after him.

"Why not kill it?"

"I'm worried about attracting big ones." Zhao Yang said softly.

It's not a problem to kill that quasi-sage level beast with Zhao Yang's primordial purple energy, but what if the big boss behind the scenes is attracted?

Nalanjie told Zhao Yang that there is a terrifying existence in this jungle.

Even Zhu Yan, who is at the level of a great sage, dare not provoke him.

This made Zhao Yang wonder if he was the quasi-emperor?

And when it comes to Emperor Zhun, can Zhao Yang be careless?

Zhu Ya was still waiting to say something, Zhao Yang suddenly covered her mouth, and at the same time Zhao Yang restrained all his breath.

As a killer, Zhu Ya didn't know what was going on nearby, and she immediately hid her aura.

After three breaths, a girl in white landed lightly here.

She glanced in the direction behind her and rushed forward.

"This girl is not simple." Bailian Furnace said at this time, "She also has a holy treasure on her body."

"Holy Treasure?" Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"Since this girl is carrying the Holy Treasure, she looks like someone is following her?" Zhu Ya asked curiously.

"Follow up and have a look." Zhao Yang pondered for a while and followed.

About half an hour later, the girl stopped in front of a lake.

She looked at the emerald green lake, and a ray of light flashed in her eyes.

She broke one of her own hairs, and it transformed into her image.

The avatar jumped into the lake, and she herself moved away into the distance.

"This girl is probably in the shade." Zhu Ya murmured.

"Our goal is to follow her." Zhao Yang said and chased after the girl.

It didn't take long for a young man to arrive here.

There was a sharp breath between his brows, "You want to get rid of me? Huh." Saying so, he jumped into the lake.

Not long after it dived into the lake, an existence in the depths of the lake suddenly opened its eyes.


The terrifying roar made the whole lake boil.

While the young man's complexion changed drastically, a soft radiance appeared on his body.

But soon this ray of light trembled violently.

"Not good, holy beast." The voice of the guardian rang in the young man's ears.

The defenders acted immediately.

It wanted to tear apart the space and take the youth away, but found that the surrounding space was imprisoned, and the lake turned into ice in an instant.

"Want to leave after coming?" A gloomy voice sounded from the depths of the lake.

"That bitch, actually raped me?" The young man said through gritted teeth.

Now how come he doesn't know that he was raped by that woman?

The woman looked towards the lake in the distance as if feeling something, and a hint of sarcasm bloomed from the corner of her mouth, "Want to take my chance? Are you worthy?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang became inexplicably excited.


This girl came here looking for a chance?

How come Zhao Yang doesn't know how few of the younger generation own the Holy Treasure?

This girl has a holy treasure, how can her identity be simple?

The girl flew forward for an hour and stopped beside a pile of rocks. She took out a treasure map and studied it, and then murmured, "If there is no accident, it should be here." Speaking of Here a thread of flame appeared at her fingertips.

The flame ignited the treasure map in her hand.

When the treasure map burned, runes appeared one after another, and at the same time, some runes flashed on the stones.

The two runes were intertwined and turned into a door.

"It really is here." The girl said in surprise.

After she finished speaking, she pushed open the door and disappeared.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and then pushed open the door, he found himself in a void space.

"Where is this?" Zhao Yang looked around with blank expressions on his face.

"A place of nothingness." At this moment, Po Jun's voice rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"The land of nothingness?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"The land of nothingness is the dojo of the eighth general." Po Jun said lightly.

"The eighth general?" Zhao Yang was surprised when he heard this.

Which of the nine great gods in Xianting is the simple one?

"The Eighth God General has a withdrawn personality, but his strength is extremely powerful. He has the art of space and has unparalleled experience. I don't know how many alien races have died in his hands." When Po Jun said this, Zhao Yang felt an invisible force. Rolling towards his body.

"Brother, is this...?"

"The power of nothingness is also a kind of power of heaven and earth. At this time, the power of nothingness is tempering your body." Po Jun said with a smile, "If you can persevere, you may be able to improve your foundation."

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