Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 801 Building a Sect

"Build a sect so that they can have a sense of belonging." The old man agreed.

"What if some tribes disagree?" Zhao Yang asked.

"If you don't agree, you can leave." The old man said bluntly, "My lord, no matter how good the system is, it can't satisfy everyone's interests, so just stop it."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In this way, if I establish a sect, it will harm the interests of your tribe."

"What is our interest? We have been in danger these years, and it is the son who protected us." The bearded man grinned, "Don't worry about our son, who dares to object, I will take off my shoes and whip him."

"I don't have any problems with my lineage." The old man assured.

"Let me think about it." Zhao Yang rubbed his head.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yang summoned the chiefs of the various tribes to the meeting room.

"I believe you all know that the recent troubles among the major tribes are very unpleasant. If this matter is not resolved, a greater crisis may erupt in the future." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said, "I built this city. The purpose is very simple, it is to provide a shelter for the race, but now I find that you are focusing on fighting for power."

Zhao Yang's words made some tribal leaders look ashamed.

"After careful consideration, I decided to establish a sect." As soon as Zhao Yang said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Everyone knows what it means to establish a sect?

"Only by building a sect can we eliminate the barriers between each other." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Of course, after the sect is established, everyone has to surrender their rights."

"My lord, I want to know if we can become high-ranking members of the sect after the establishment of the sect?" A leader of the tribe asked.

"No." What Zhao Yang didn't expect from the leader of the tribe was that he said such words, "Will it be fair for you to have an accident after you become the top of the sect? Will the resources of the sect be tilted toward your own group?"

The leader fell silent.



At least he knew he couldn't.

"I will assign my people to be the top leaders of the sect, and then I will gradually transfer the rights to the disciples of the sect. As for who to give, it depends on their performance." Zhao Yang paused when he said this. , "Of course I don't force those who don't want to join the sect. If you leave, I will give you a sum of money, so that everyone can get together and leave."

"Let's go back and discuss it, and give me the answer at this time tomorrow."

The leaders of the major tribes got up and left one after another.

People have selfishness.

Zhao Yang thought that there were not many tribes to leave, but the number of tribes to leave reached more than 20.

Looking at the more than 40 people in front of him, Zhao Yang said with some regret, "Are you all going to give up the homes you worked so hard to build?"

Many human races lowered their heads, and some human races' faces were full of nostalgia.

"I don't know what your patriarch said to you, but if you want to stay today, you can stay here." Zhao Yang pondered for a while and decided to give them another chance, "If you don't want to live a wandering life anymore .”

"My lord, if I choose to stay, will you let go of the past?" A girl asked with anticipation in her eyes.

"We have the same blood in our bodies, do you think I will settle the score after autumn?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"My lord, I believe in you. My brother and I will stay here." The girl said, holding a little boy's hand and walking towards Zhao Yang.

At this time, a middle-aged man said, "Young master, if I follow you, can you guarantee that I will not be persecuted by our patriarch?"

The leader of the middle-aged tribe was taken aback, "Zhuo Dalin, what nonsense are you talking about? When have I persecuted you?"

"But yesterday your words were full of threats. I am worried that you will liquidate me then?" Zhuo Dalin said with some fear.

"Who threatened you?" The leader said anxiously.

Zhao Yang interrupted the leader, "Think about it, everyone, after passing this village, there will be no such shop anymore. If you want to live in this city in the future, the conditions will be very strict."

Under Zhao Yang's instigation, many human races came behind Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang counted and the result was more than 30.

"Okay, you can leave." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Those leaders saw that the clansmen lost more than half in an instant, not to mention how uncomfortable they felt.

But what can they do?

Do you go back on your word?


"From today onwards, we will establish a sect. The name of the sect will be...Chunyang Sect, right?" After thinking about it, Zhao Yang finally decided to use this name.

In fact, after Zhao Yang arrived in Xianyu, he didn't want to reorganize the sect anymore.

But seeing the foreign race bullying the human race so much, Zhao Yang couldn't help but set up another sect.

"From today onwards, I am the Suzerain of the Chunyang Sect." Zhao Yang pointed at Zhu Ya beside him and said, "She is the Great Elder of the Sect."

Hearing this, Leng Qingqiu's eyes dimmed a little.

"Zhu Ya is still more important in his heart?" Leng Qingqiu murmured.

Leng Qingqiu has worked very hard during this time, but she finds that she is still not as good as Zhu Ya.

"From now on, Leng Qingqiu will be the deputy suzerain of the Chunyang Sect." At this moment, Zhao Yang pointed at Leng Qingqiu and said.

Leng Qingqiu's eyes revealed an inconceivable look.


Zhao Yang made her the deputy suzerain of Chunyangzong.

Do you know that the position of the deputy suzerain is still higher than that of the great elder?

Because when the suzerain is absent, the deputy suzerain can replace the suzerain to exercise suzerain rights.

But the Great Elder can't, because he doesn't have the qualifications.

Then Zhao Yang arranged various positions for the two hundred gods.

This is the framework of Zongmen.

Then there is the question of how to arrange and distribute?

At this time, Leng Qingqiu played a very important role. She participated in the management of the sect very early, so she was familiar with many things, and this was why Zhao Yang accepted her as the deputy sect master?

It is difficult to build a sect.

It took Zhao Yang and others a year to perfect the system of the sect, and the more than 300 million people gradually took on the appearance of disciples of the sect.

"My lord, the strength of the Pure Yang Sect has multiplied several times." The bearded man said excitedly.

He has seen the changes of Chunyangzong this year in his heart.

In the past two years, the fierce beast has attacked dozens of times back and forth, but every time the fierce beast has not injured even a single member of the clan except for leaving a place of corpses.

In addition to guarding the city with a terrifying formation, there is also a patrol team composed of gods and shame. How can these fierce beasts be fierce?

And with the growth of the disciples of the Pure Yang Sect, these guys will also have the ability to defend the city in the future.

"I have a lot of resources in my hands, which is enough to increase their strength by ten or a hundred times." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But I think there are still too few people."

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