Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 802 Chapter News

The city of Zhaoyang was built on a scale of 1000 million people.

And near this city, Zhao Yang started to build a sect. After a year of construction, this sect has taken shape, and now many disciples have moved to the sect to practice.

"Young Master, I think this kind of thing should be done step by step." The bearded man expressed his opinion, "The biggest problem that plagues the human race is the beasts. If our Pure Yang Sect wipes out all the beasts with a radius of [-] kilometers, I think There will be many human races coming."

"That's right, if we kill all the ferocious beasts in a radius of a million miles, then some small sects will probably come to join us." The old man said with a smile.

"Then it's limited to three years." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said softly, "Sweep out all the beasts with a radius of ten thousand miles within three years, and wipe out all beasts with a radius of one hundred thousand kilometers within ten years."

In the following time, Zhao Yang increased the training of these human races.

For those of the older generation who don't have much potential, they should take the cultivation-enhancing elixir vigorously until their potential is completely consumed at once.

And if there is potential, it should be supplemented well, and while improving the original source, it will also improve the cultivation level along the way.

"Bailian Furnace, why don't you go to the Foundry Pavilion?" Zhao Yang called out the Bailian Furnace that day.

"Forge Pavilion?"

"I don't know how to refine weapons, but the Pure Yang Sect can't be without magic weapons, right?" Zhao Yang said as he handed a Qiankun bag to the Bailian Furnace, "You give these materials to the Foundry Pavilion and let them refine them. How many fairy stones, we will give them."

"Okay." Bailian furnace took the Qiankun bag and left.

The Hundred Refining Furnace is now a high-level existence in the Holy Realm, and even the Great Sage would not be able to take it easily, so Zhao Yang was very relieved to let the Hundred Refining Furnace go.

The Hundred Refining Furnace went to the Forge Pavilion after passing through the wall of fire.

After arriving at the Foundry Pavilion, Bailian Furnace saw Dong Banxu, the owner of the Foundry Pavilion.

"Master Zhao actually established a sect in the sixth district?" Dong Banxu was shocked by the news.

"The living environment of the human race in the sixth district is too harsh. My son could not bear the slaughter of the human race by fierce beasts and the persecution of foreign races, so he established a sect as a last resort." Bailianlu sighed, "But my family The young master is not good at refining weapons, so he asked me to come to ask for help."

"What did Mr. Zhao say? I don't know how many magic weapons you need? In this way, I will take you to the treasury. If you need anything, you can just take it." Dong Banxu got up and said.

"Sect Master Dong, you should know what kind of person my son is. He doesn't like to take advantage." Bailianlu shook his head and said, "This is the material that my son asked me to bring. Please ask Sect Master Dong to arrange refining Let me know how many fairy stones will be needed then, Sect Master Dong will tell me."

"Young Master Zhao does not charge for refining the elixir for us in the Casting Pavilion. Now it is our turn to help Young Master Zhao. How can we charge?" Dong Banxu said sternly.

"This... well, then it will be troublesome." Bailian Furnace thought about it without forcing it.

He knew that Dong Banxu would never accept this money.

At this time, Dong Banxu's divine sense glanced at the Qiankun bag, only to find that there were still many Qiankun bags in the Qiankun bag.

He looked at it and said dumbfounded, "Young Master Zhao, how many magic weapons do you need to refine?"

"Young master robbed two holy places and four quasi-holy places in the sixth district. These materials seem to be the refining materials of a holy place." Bailian Furnace said a little embarrassedly.

"Even if we refine these materials without sleep, it will take a long time." Dong Banxu said after a while.

These are all the refining materials for a holy place.

Refining equipment takes much longer than alchemy and formation.

"It's okay, the big deal is that I come here once a year." Bailian Furnace said softly.

"In this way, I will let the disciples of the sect organize these materials first, and then I will give you some of the magic weapons in advance." Dong Banxu looked at the Bailian furnace and said, "Mr. Zhao's Chunyang Sect has just been established, and there are no How about magic weapon?"

"That's fine, but remember to keep the refining materials, otherwise the young master will be angry." Bailian Furnace said seriously.

"it is good."

Dong Banxu immediately summoned the nine elders of the sect, "You call the disciples of the sect to sort out these materials and see how many magic weapons you can refine?"

The Nine Great Elders felt that Dong Banxu was making a fuss, but after they opened the Qiankun Bag, they finally understood why Dong Banxu had to do this?

It is because there are too many of these materials.

"Call three thousand disciples?"

"Three thousand? Where is three thousand enough? Call eight thousand disciples to come."

"Do you want to call more?"

"If there are too many, it will cause chaos. Eight thousand disciples are very suitable."

It took eight thousand disciples two months to sort out these materials under the guidance of the Nine Great Elders.

After the Great Elder gave Dong Banxu the magic weapon that could be refined from these materials, Dong Banxu looked at it carefully and said softly, "Facing this list, take out the magic weapon that is in the treasury first."

"Sovereign, if we take this list, the magic weapons in our treasury will be reduced by half." The Great Elder said hurriedly.

He felt the need to emphasize the matter.

"These materials were given by Mr. Zhao, and we are helping Mr. Zhao now." Dong Banxu looked at the elder and said, "In addition, our external environment is not bad. As long as we are given a few years, we can get all the materials in the treasury. It's been filled."

"Master Zhao Yang?"


"I'm going to prepare right now." Hearing that he was helping Zhao Yang, the Great Elder had a hundred wishes in his heart.

Zhao Yang's help to Zhuqi Pavilion was really great.

The elixir he refined increased the strength of the middle layer of the Foundry Pavilion by at least two or three times, and the bottom layer increased by more than ten times.

The Divine Sense of Bailian Furnace scanned for a moment and was stunned, "Sect Master Dong, what are you...?"

There are too many magic weapons here.

The Hundred Refining Furnace guessed that it was equivalent to at least half of the Holy Land.

"I'll give you the magic weapon in the treasury first." Dong Banxu said with a smile, "Don't worry, no one in the seventh district dares to provoke the human race, so this has no effect on us."


"By the way, the remaining magic weapons can be refined in about five or six years."

"Then I'll come back in six years."

With these magic weapons, it can be said that Chunyang Sect doesn't need to worry about magic weapons at all.

Of course, the magic weapons refined by the Foundry Pavilion are all relatively high-end magic weapons, so the hundred refining furnaces have been purchasing various magic weapons outside for the past two months.

He spent 1000 billion to buy millions of low-end magic weapons.

"I have an unfeeling request here." Dong Banxu said just when Bailian Furnace was about to leave.

"You said."

"I know Mr. Zhao is not good at refining weapons, but now that Mr. Zhao has established a sect, the sect must impart the knowledge of refining weapons, right?" Dong Banxu said softly, "I am going to send a thousand elites from the sect to Dong Ruojun, the Young Pavilion Master of our sect, led the team to the Chunyang Sect to teach the art of refining weapons, how to maintain magic weapons, etc. "

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