Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 800 Breaking the Tribe

"Why don't you live near the city?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"First, we need to go through the territory of many ferocious beasts to pass through the city; second, is it comfortable to live in the town? Foreign races bully and suppress our human race, why not stay here?" said the middle-aged man with a beard Zhao Yang fell into deep thought.

"Well, let me help you build a city." Zhao Yang said after a while.

"You help us build a city?" The bearded middle-aged man was stunned.

"I'll give you the blueprints, and you'll be responsible for the construction." Zhao Yang looked at the bearded middle-aged man and said, "Just leave it to me to protect the formation of the city."

The middle-aged bearded man pondered for a while before saying, "Do you know how many beasts there are in this area?"

"Are there quasi-holy beasts?"

"I heard there are."

"Are there any saints?"


"Then it doesn't matter."

"Building a city requires a lot of manpower and material resources."

"But this city will become our home after it is built."

Hearing this, the bearded middle-aged man hesitated for a while and said in a deep voice, "Our team listens to you, and we can do whatever you want?"

"How many people are there in your team?"

"Our team has 3 people."

"Where do you think is the best place to build the city?"

The bearded man thought for a while and pointed in one direction, "There, three thousand kilometers away from here, the land there is fertile, and there is a long river."

"Let's go, let's go there." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I'm going to organize the tribe now." The bearded man said hastily.

The bearded man still has a lot of prestige in front of this group of people, and the [-] people of the tribe took action one by one to pack their things.

"What's your name?" Zhao Yang found the bearded man and asked.

"Others call me Big Beard, young master, you can call me Big Beard." Big Beard said with a grin.

"Tell everyone, I don't need some sundries. After arriving at the city, I will give everyone fairy stones." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Each person in the Golden Wonderland has 1000 million fairy stones, each person in the Jade Wonderland has 100 million fairy stones, and everyone in the Heavenly Wonderland has [-] million fairy stones. One hundred thousand fairy stones per person, ten thousand fairy stones per person in the real fairyland."

The bearded man was taken aback when he heard this, "Young master, there are more than a dozen members of our ethnic group in the Golden Wonderland? If you follow this way, you will spend at least several billion?"

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "I only have one request, within an hour, we set off."

The bearded man hurriedly told the tribe the good news.

After hearing this, the clansmen came to Zhao Yang one after another without using it for a quarter of an hour.

"Young master, we are ready and we can start now." The bearded man said excitedly.

"Then let's go now."

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the place where the bearded city was said to be built.

"The environment here is good, suitable for building a large city." Zhao Yang said softly after turning around.

"Are there any mountains nearby?" Zhu Ya asked, "If there are no stones, how to build a city?"

"There are some mountains two thousand kilometers away from here, but there are many fierce beasts living in the mountains." The bearded man said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter to the fierce beasts." Zhao Yang's heart moved and ten gods appeared beside him, "Their combat power is at the middle level of the Golden Immortal Realm, and they will be responsible for the safety of your people."

"Golden Immortal Realm Intermediate?" The bearded man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "In this case, I will arrange for the clansmen to transport the stones."

Soon tens of thousands of clan members signed up, even including some young girls.

They went to the mountains under the protection of ten gods, and Zhao Yang arranged Liuli Jing to protect them secretly.

In the evening, tens of thousands of tribesmen returned safely, and they transported a large amount of stones.

"Now distribute the fairy stones." Zhao Yang waved his hand and 30 billion fairy stones appeared on the ground.

The eyes of the bearded man and the others were all dumbfounded.

"Big Beard, I'll leave it to you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The bearded man slapped himself. He suspected that he was dreaming. After feeling the pain, he knew it was real.

After expressing his gratitude to Zhao Yang, he began to distribute the immortal stone.

The bearded man is very well-behaved, and he won't do anything more than one piece.

A few hours later, all the [-] clansmen were assigned to the fairy stone, and everyone's faces were filled with surprise.

These are genuine fairy stones.

"My goal is to build this place into a super city." Zhao Yang looked around and said, "To achieve this step, everyone needs to work together."

Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

Are they even imagining what it will look like in the future?

"In the future, a radius of [-] miles from here will be our sphere of influence, and all the resources here will belong to our human race." Zhao Yang said ambitiously.

This group of people slept very peacefully that night, because Zhao Yang's ten gods were patrolling around.

They don't worry about danger.

In the early morning of the next day, without Zhao Yang's words, some craftsmen began to transport materials, and some craftsmen began to build the foundation.

Zhao Yang found the bearded man, "If you want to build a super city, you alone are not enough."

"Young master, you mean to let other tribes migrate here?"


"I know there are some groups nearby."

"You take me there."

In just one day, six ethnic groups rushed here, and these ethnic groups were also rewarded with immortal stones from Zhao Yang, but their rewards were only half of that of the Beard's lineage.

But even so, they are already very satisfied.

Under the influence of these six ethnic groups, hundreds of ethnic groups came here one month later.

And the number of humans here has also reached a staggering 300 million.

The more people there are, the more conflicts there will be.

Fortunately, under the communication and handling of Beard and many tribal leaders, no major conflicts have occurred yet.

The city was built at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It took about half a year for a brand new city to rise here, and when they moved in, the major tribes began to quarrel.

Who doesn't want a prime location?

"Young Master, the people in the tribe are already arrogant, let alone so many tribes?" The bearded man said worriedly, "Before when everyone was busy, they didn't think about fighting for anything, but now that the city was built, they started fighting for power. "

"Yes, my lord, if this matter is not resolved, I'm afraid your hard work will be in vain." An old man with a face full of wrinkles said in a deep voice.

This old man is also the leader of a tribe. Zhao Yang saw that this old man was fair, so he gave the old man great rights.

"What do you think should be done?" Zhao Yang asked after pondering for a while.

"Break the tribal system." The bearded man said carefully, "The tribal system is backward. You have built a city here, and you have to defend it after it is built. Therefore, I think it is necessary to establish a sect."

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