Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2014 tell you a secret

Although Mingyue also commanded a part of Yanhuangzong's army, the problem is that compared to Lin Caihan and Zhao Yang, she still lacks a lot after all.

"Husband." Lin Caihan stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

She didn't understand why Zhao Yang decided to let Mingyue take command at this time?

"Sorry, everyone." Zhao Yang showed guilt on his face, "I have to go."

"Where are you going?" Xiaoyuan panicked inexplicably.

"leave here."

"Sect Master Zhao, how can you leave at this time?" The Lord of the Holy City said with a frown.

"I can't change the established ending. I traveled from a high latitude just to take my wife away." Zhao Yang said leisurely, "I will show up again in the future, and I will lead you to win this war, but not Now."

Lin Caihan trembled all over, she looked at Zhao Yang, "You...?"

"We should go." Zhao Yang said softly.

As soon as the words fell, the figures of the two disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

At this moment, the top management of the major leagues were all shocked.

No one expected that Zhao Yang would run away with Lin Caihan at the critical moment.

When everyone was at a loss, Mingyue stepped forward, "If everyone believes in me, I will be the leader of this alliance."

In fact, Mingyue's heart is sad.

Because Zhao Yang came from a high latitude and only took Lin Caihan away, so what is she?


When Lin Caihan

When he woke up, he realized that he had traveled to a higher dimension.

"What happened?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang in a daze.

Zhao Yang didn't say anything, just hugged Lin Caihan tightly in his arms like a treasure.

I don't know how long it took before Zhao Yang slowly told what happened next.

Lin Caihan was very moved when she heard this, she did not expect that all the heavens were destroyed, and only Zhao Yang was left in the whole world.

"It's just Mingyue and the others..." Thinking of Mingyue's ending, Lin Caihan's mood became depressed.

Zhao Yang was silent.

Of course he knew that this was too unfair to Mingyue and the others.

But what can he do?

Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang's expression and knew that he was also feeling bad.

"Can I go back in the future?"


"Then let's work hard."


Zhao Yang taught Lin Caihan the exercises taught to him by the mysterious girl.

If there is anyone who can make Zhao Yang unreserved, then only Lin Caihan.

Zhao Yang taught Lin Caihan everything.

While Lin Caihan was practicing silently, the mysterious girl also taught Lin Caihan the way of Qi.

The first level of the virtual world.

The second heaven of the Void Realm.

The third heaven of the Void Realm.

When Lin Caihan was promoted to this level, Zhao Yang brought Lin Caihan to the central control room of the battleship.

Huang Chengzi stares in astonishment

Looking at Lin Caihan, "This is...?"

"My wife Lin Caihan."

"Isn't your wife...?" Huang Chengzi's eyes widened.

"She's back now." Zhao Yang didn't explain in detail.

"Then I'll call you Sister Lin." Huang Chengzi said after thinking about it.

"During the time I was away, Zhao Yang worked hard for you to take care of me."

Huang Chengzi's expression dimmed a little.

She thought Lin Caihan was going to drive her away.

Lin Caihan is so smart, she can tell what Huang Chengzi is thinking at a glance?

"Chengzi, let's talk." Lin Caihan held Huang Chengzi's hand.

"You guys chat here, I'll go out for a while." Zhao Yang said and went to Xiaoyuan's room.

After this period of practice, Xiaoyuan has also reached the ninth level of the Void Realm.

"Go home and have a look."

Xiao Yuan quickly stood up.

She has long wanted to go home.

But she also knows that this opportunity is very rare, unless she reaches the limit, she will not take the initiative to propose it.

After experiencing the initial novelty in that courtyard, Xiaoyuan's family felt bored again.

They really wanted to go out for a stroll, but unfortunately the war puppets sent by Zhao Yang didn't allow them, so they had to stay at home.

Fortunately, Xiao Yuan went home today.

"Sister, can I go out?" Xiao Mo rushed to Xiao Yuan and asked hurriedly.

"Bring the formation scroll that Mr. Zhao gave you, and remember not to cause trouble." Xiao Yuan smiled


Xiao Mo jumped up excitedly.

"Xiaomo, I'll take you to sign up."


"Didn't you always want to go to Qingfeng Pavilion?"


Qingfeng Pavilion!

When Zhao Yang and his party came to Qingfeng Pavilion, they realized that there were quite a few people who had signed up.

Zhao Yang didn't indicate his identity as a law enforcement history, so he lined up obediently behind.

An hour later, it was finally Xiaomo's turn.

After Xiaoyuan paid the tuition fee, Xiaomo became an apprentice of Qingfeng Pavilion as he wished.

Just as they were about to leave, a large number of monks from Qingfeng Pavilion suddenly surrounded them.

"Did you kill my brother?" At this moment, a woman rushed out from Qingfeng Pavilion.

The woman's face was full of deep-seated hatred.

"Your brother?" Zhao Yang was startled.

Immediately, a portrait appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang recognized who the other party was at a glance?

"Yes, I killed him."

"Do you have any last words to say?"

"Don't you ask what your brother is doing?"

"Even if my brother kills and sets fire, it's not your turn to speak up?"

"Since I can kill your brother, I can kill you, believe it or not?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Mo was almost scared to pee.

"Sister, can he defeat the Pavilion Master of Qingfeng Pavilion?"

"Don't worry." Xiao Yuan said softly.

She is now at the ninth level of the Void Realm

Oh my god, Zhao Yang must be in the Creation Realm.

"Arrogance." The pavilion master of the Qingfeng Pavilion squeezed Yinjue with both hands, and Zhao Yang suddenly felt an inexplicable murderous intent enveloping him.

She wanted to strangle herself through the art of fate.

Zhao Yang snorted coldly, "I'm stubborn."

He is the child of destiny, how can she be compared?

"Jie." Zhao Yang waved his hand casually.

The owner of the Qingfeng Pavilion seemed to have fallen from the clouds to the ground in an instant.

She spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff, and her whole body became listless.

She looked at Zhao Yang in shock, " could you be so powerful?"

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked." Zhao Yang looked at a group of soldiers rushing from a distance and said, "Go and find out if Qingfeng Pavilion has done despicable things in recent years, and punish severely if there is any."

"Are you...?" The captain of the army asked hurriedly.

Zhao Yang showed the token of law enforcement history.

"I have seen the history of law enforcement." The captain respectfully saluted Zhao Yang.

" are the law enforcement history of Tianmingzong?" The woman's face changed drastically.

If she had known that her younger brother had offended the master, how would she dare to find fault with Zhao Yang?

"What do you think."

"I'll tell you a secret, can you let me go?"

"It depends on whether the secret you gave me is valuable?"

"Have you heard of the Tree of Creation?" She transmitted voice to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily, "You know?"

(End of this chapter)

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