Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2013 to the past

When Xiaoyuan started to practice, Zhao Yang was also practicing.

Now that he has reached the first level of the Nine Heavens of the Void Realm, he wants to raise his cultivation level to the Creation Realm in the shortest possible time.

Only after entering the realm of creation can one touch the truth of this civilization.

The second level of destiny!

The third level of destiny!

The fourth layer of destiny!

As time goes by, Zhao Yang's practice becomes more and more profound.

And when he practiced to the ninth level of Fate Realm, he suddenly felt that he was in a very high place.

There were one figure after another under him.

Those figures overlooked everything in the world one by one, and they dominated the rise and fall of civilizations.

The question is what happened to him?

"Fate Nine Layers is called the Child of Destiny, and you can influence the fate of any Destiny." At this moment, the voice of the mysterious girl rang in his ears.

"Doesn't this mean that I can manipulate them and even kill them?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"In theory, yes, the greater the difference between you, the easier it is for you to manipulate them."

"But it doesn't seem to be of any use to me?"

"The realm of creation is not free from the entanglement of fate, which means that you can affect the realm of creation now. Do you think it is useful?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

"The middle-aged person targeting Xiaoyuan is the fourth heaven of creation, right?

, how should I target him? "Zhao Yang thought about practicing with him.

"If you concentrate on thinking about him, you will see his figure," said the mysterious girl.

Zhao Yang was thinking about the middle-aged man silently in his heart, and soon the middle-aged man appeared below him.

"Fate boils down to two words, robbery and luck." Following the mysterious girl's eloquence, Zhao Yang patted the middle-aged man with his big hand.

He stirred up the fate of the middle-aged man, causing him to be robbed in an instant.

Treasure Pavilion!

After learning what had happened, the owner of the Treasure Pavilion punished the supervisor, making him suffer from hundreds of lightning calamities every day.

He had just suffered the punishment of a hundred calamities that day, and the moment he was about to stand up, Lei Jie suddenly became agitated, and then thousands of thunderbolts descended at the same time, even though he retreated immediately, he was still surrounded by thunderbolts.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body almost didn't fall.

"What happened?" He looked up at the sky.

It's a pity he couldn't see who was plotting against him.

But Zhao Yang, who was deep in his fate, saw this scene.

"Is it possible that I can calculate the entire Creation Realm?"

"Theoretically, as long as you are not the Child of Destiny, you can make calculations." The mysterious girl said lightly.

A look of surprise appeared on Zhao Yang's face.

"Sister, what is the meaning of the realm of creation?" Zhao Yang then asked.

He is about to break through to this realm.

"The realm of creation is for you to create a civilization."


"This civilization is closely related to you. The stronger the civilization you create, the stronger your own fighting power will be."

"What about the level of civilization I created?"

"This is about you."

"Can I create my wife?"

"But that's not her." The mysterious girl said lightly.

Zhao Yang fell silent.

It was a long time before he raised his eyes to look at the mysterious girl and said, "Sister, to what level do I have to practice to go back to the past?"

"The seventh dimension."

"I want to go back now."

The mysterious girl was silent for a while before saying, "I will help you go back to the past after you set foot in the realm of creation."

"Ah!" Zhao Yang was shocked.

"I noticed that Cai Han's death is about to become your demon. If it continues, you may have problems." The mysterious girl sighed softly, "Forget it, let's meet early."

"Thank you, sister." Zhao Yang said excitedly.

It took a long time for Zhao Yang to calm down, and then he concentrated on practicing.

He needs to cultivate the Void Realm to the peak, so that he can step onto the next realm.

It was several days later that Zhao Yang started to break through.

The moment he broke through, he felt that his whole body was sublimated, and his life entered a new stage.

into a higher level.

Many things that he didn't understand before suddenly became clear, and at the same time his small world changed.

The territory of the small world is expanding crazily.

It didn't take long for it to expand to the point where it was comparable to God's Domain.

But there is nothing in this small world.


"What can you create after comprehending?" The mysterious girl's voice sounded in his ears.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang closed his eyes.

He comprehended quietly, and he didn't know how long it had passed before a round of sun appeared in the sky.

A look of weakness appeared on his face when the sun appeared.

Just to create the sun, he has consumed too much.

"This civilization needs you to build slowly."

"How to assess the level of the realm of creation?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"When your small world transforms into civilization, it will be the first heaven of creation. When civilization appears sun, moon and stars, it will be the second heaven of creation. When civilization appears mountains, rivers and lakes, it will be the third heaven of creation. When civilization has the alternation of seasons, it will be the fourth heaven of creation. God, when the first living being appears in civilization, it is the fifth heaven of creation. When civilizations appear with many ethnic groups, it is the sixth heaven of creation. When the ecological chain in civilization is perfectly formed, it is the seventh heaven of creation. When the creatures of civilization appear When the virtual world is the Eighth Heaven of Creation, when the creatures of civilization appear in the Creation Realm, it is the Creation Realm

Nine Heavens. "After the mysterious girl narrated, Zhao Yang finally realized how difficult it was.

"It's going to take a long, long time."

"Otherwise, why would I give you the time hourglass?" The mysterious girl changed her voice when she said this, "Are you ready?"


"Go save your wife."

"Will I only be able to bring her here by then?"

"The cause and effect are too great."

"I understand."

The next moment, Zhao Yang felt that the whole world was in motion.

I don't know how long it took for him to find himself back in his body.

He looked around blankly.

Only then did he realize that the mysterious girl had sent him to the time when the Alliance of Heavens was about to counterattack the Dark Race.

In the big tent, Lin Caihan looked at the senior officials of the heavens and said, "After everyone recovers, the heavens will leave some elites, and the rest will attack the dark race."

The senior officials of all ethnic groups in the big tent are very happy.

Because they saw the dawn of victory.

"The Yanhuang Sect is more familiar with the situation of the Dark Clan, so I suggest that the Yanhuang Sect be under the unified command." Xiao Yuan said at this time.

The Lord of the Holy City nodded, "I agree."

The senior officials of the Nine Heavens Alliance and the Eight Party Alliance also agreed.

"Leave the alliance to Mingyue for unified command." At this moment, Zhao Yang said suddenly.

His words stunned all the monks present.

(End of this chapter)

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