Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2015 Creation Tree

Zhao Yang, the Tree of Creation, still knew about it.

The Creation Tree is the treasure of the Creation Realm. Whoever owns the Creation Tree can not only possess the ability of the seventh heaven of the Creation Realm in a short period of time, but also speed up the transformation of their own civilization.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yang was moved.


"Go ahead."

"You need to ensure my safety, as well as the safety of my Qingfeng Pavilion."

"As long as you don't trouble me, then I don't need to target you." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I can assure you in the name of Tianmingzong's law enforcement history."

The woman was silent for a long time before she said, "Behind our Qingyin Pavilion is the Fanyin Pavilion. They discovered a ruin, and the figure of the Creation Tree was revealed in the ruins."

Zhao Yang stared at the woman, "You should know the consequences of lying to me."

"Our Qingyin Pavilion is in Tianming City, how dare I?" the woman said hastily.

"You'd better do this." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "otherwise I don't mind uprooting your Qingyin Pavilion."

The woman dared not even speak.

With things like this, Xiao Mo must not be able to sign up.

So I went to a faction that was about the same size as Qingyin Pavilion to sign up.

When they were about to part, Zhao Yang handed Xiao Yuan a universe bag, "

In the universe bag, there is a third-rank battleship, a third-rank war puppet, a second-rank war puppet, two first-rank war puppets, and 500 million origin stones. "

Hearing this, Xiaoyuan's eyes revealed an incredulous look, "You... why are you giving me so much?"

"Now your cultivation base is already at the ninth level of the Void Realm, as long as you practice step by step, you can break through to the Creation Realm." Zhao Yang said while touching Xiao Yuan's head, "You will have to go the rest of the way by yourself .”

Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a look of reluctance, "Will we meet again in the future?"

"Perhaps." Zhao Yang said softly, "In addition, there are three tokens in the Qiankun bag. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can go to Tianmingzong."

In other words, don't bother Tianmingzong after three times.

Then Zhao Yang turned and left.

Xiao Yuan looked at Zhao Yang's back and burst into tears.

She knew that she might never see him again in her life.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang went all the way to Tianmingzong.

Under the leadership of the guards, Zhao Yang came to Tianshu's study, where Tianshu was flipping through some files.

"My lord." Seeing Zhao Yang's arrival, Tianshu quickly stood up and saluted.

He is well aware of his identity.

Zhao Yang's bodyguard.

Zhao Yang talked about the Tree of Creation.

"The tree of creation?" Tianshu's eyes brightened, "The tree of creation is a rare treasure

Ah, do you want me to go? "

"Not for now." Zhao Yang shook his head, "If there is only Fanyin Pavilion, I can still handle it."

"Alright, if you can't solve it, let me know at any time."

After bidding farewell to Tianshu, Zhao Yang took the battleship and headed in the direction of Fanyin Pavilion.

When Zhao Yang came to the central control room of the battleship, he found that Lin Caihan was chatting with Huang Chengzi.

As a result, Huang Chengzi glanced at Zhao Yang, two red clouds appeared on his cheeks, and then ran away.

"What's up with her?"

"You still have the nerve to ask what's wrong?" Lin Caihan asked angrily.

Zhao Yang asked in confusion, "What's wrong with me?"

"Just now I asked Huang Chengzi how he feels about you? Guess what Huang Chengzi said?"

"What did she say?"

"She said she didn't know either."

"I asked her again, would she like to be your woman or your friend?"

"and then?"

"She doesn't talk."

There was something strange in Zhao Yang's heart.

"Forget it, you came to the sixth dimension and only provoked a girl named Huang Chengzi, who is already big. The earth is beyond my expectation." Lin Caihan then said leisurely, "Go and see her."

Zhao Yang hesitated for a moment and walked towards Huang Chengzi's room.

In the room, Huang Chengzi sat on the bed very shyly. When she saw Zhao Yang coming in, she quickly stood up, "Do you drink water? I'll give it to you."

You pour water. "She stood up as she spoke, and was held by Zhao Yang's hand when she passed by Zhao Yang's side.

"Chengzi, do you like me?" Zhao Yang asked gently.

Huang Chengzi hummed lightly.

Zhao Yang then gave Huang Chengzi a hug.

Huang Chengzi's delicate body was stiff at first, but then she embraced her with both hands, indulging in this kind of embrace.

Fanyin Pavilion!

When the battleship came to Fanyin Pavilion, Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to monitor Fanyin Pavilion in all directions.

Two days later, the warship suddenly issued a warning, saying that a warship left quietly in stealth.

Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to follow behind secretly, and about half an hour later the battleship of Fanyin Pavilion stopped in a dark place.

"Where is the front, why is it so dark?" Lin Caihan asked, pointing to the front.

"Dark Civilization." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"The battleship that destroyed the heavens came from a dark civilization?"

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

There was a cold light in Lin Caihan's eyes, "One day this civilization will be destroyed."

"The battle between the bright civilization and the dark civilization has never stopped. I heard that the place where the two civilizations meet has been fighting." Huang Chengzi said.

"Why are there no monks in the pure domain?"

"Once the war reaches a tragic stage, the Pure Realm will also have to send monks there."

At this time, more than a dozen figures stepped down from the battleship, and these figures

The body is filled with terrible fluctuations.

"They all exist in the realm of creation." Huang Chengzi is also an existence in the realm of creation now, so she can feel the other party's cultivation base. Of course, she doesn't know what level the other party is at.

"One fourth level of creation, three third third of creation, and six second level of creation." The battleship revealed their cultivation base at this time.

Zhao Yang's current cultivation has approached the Third Heaven of the Creation Realm.

Therefore, he actually couldn't see through their cultivation.

"Everyone, pay attention to vigilance, this place is not far from the dark civilization." Fanxin, the owner of Fanyin Pavilion, glanced at everyone and said solemnly.

If this is discovered by the dark civilization, it will fall short.

Immediately, the elders of Fanyin Pavilion walked around, and they needed to closely monitor every move around them.

Of course, their cultivation was limited, so they couldn't find Zhao Yang's battleship.

After a while, Fanxin held a rune and threw it forward, and then a huge palace appeared in front of everyone.

There was surprise in Fanxin's eyes.

Because in the depths of the palace he saw a huge tree of creation.

"The tree of creation, as long as I get the tree of creation, I will be the strongest in the pure domain." Fanxin thought so and pushed open the gate of the palace, and then the vast spiritual power diffused towards the surroundings like a nine-curved yellow river. At the same time, the deafening sound of the sky resounded in this area.

(End of this chapter)

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