Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1939 Memory Recovery

This means that Ye Hui's Pearl Flower is at the same level as hers.

What she didn't expect was that after 72 runes appeared, more runes were still gushing out from that bead flower.

73 tracks.

74 tracks.

75 tracks.

"how is this possible?"

"Could it be possible that one hundred and eight runes can be born from this bead flower?"

"Looking at the current situation, it is possible."

"One hundred and eight runes represent the realm of perfection."

"That's right, our holy city doesn't even have a magic weapon for perfection."

"Whose Qi Dao will still be above the five elders?"

Just as the group of girls muttered, more runes continued to appear, and soon one hundred and eight runes appeared.

"The taboo magic weapon of perfection." Song Qingqing's eyes were full of jealousy, "Where did you get it?"

"It's inconvenient to tell you where I got it from." Ye Hui looked at Song Qingqing jokingly and said, "Actually, I'm not going to take out this magic weapon, after all, I'm not like some people who think there are 72 ways The magic weapon of the rune is the ultimate treasure."

"You..." Song Qingqing was trembling with anger.

Ye Hui put away the pearl flower and walked towards the mountain of the third elder with a smile.

The three elders in the courtyard are studying a volume of supernatural powers.

When he saw Ye Hui, he glanced at her and said, "Has the notification arrived?"

"The notice has arrived." Ye Hui nodded, "Another

One of the wives of Uncle Wai gave me a gift. "

"Give it to me." The third elder said indifferently.

Ye Hui handed the pearl flower to the third elder.

The eyes of the third elder showed surprise, "The guardian magic weapon in the middle of the taboo should be a meeting gift, is Yan Huangzong so rich and powerful?"

"This magic weapon is unusual."

"Why is it unusual?" Just as the third elder said this, a figure descended from the sky. It was the fifth elder who wanted to accept Zhao Yang as his disciple.

The fifth elder waved his plain hand after seeing the bead flower in the third elder's hand.

The third elder immediately noticed that the fifth elder had locked onto the bead flower, and he forcibly held the bead flower, "Fifth elder, what do you mean?"

"Let me take a look at this bead flower." The Fifth Elder said hastily.

"This bead flower belongs to my disciple." The third elder said with a sullen face.

"I know, I don't want it, I'll just take a look." Fifth Elder said hurriedly.

The third elder was startled, and then threw the pearl flower to the fifth elder.

The Fifth Elder stared at the bead flower for a while and then slapped it with his palm, and soon a series of runes clearly appeared in the sky and the earth.

"What are you doing?" The third elder said with a grim expression.

You must know that the fifth elder is a taboo high-level existence, but this bead flower is a taboo middle-level existence.

"Even if I strike with all my strength, it may not be able to destroy this bead flower." The fifth elder said in a deep voice.

"How is it possible?" The third elder stopped here because he saw one hundred and eight runes.

"Consummation." The third elder finally understood why the fifth elder was moved.

Because the magic weapon of the realm of consummation can be stepped up.

"Who gave you this pearl flower?" Fifth Elder looked at Ye Hui.

Ye Hui couldn't help looking at the third elder.

The eyes of the third elder flickered and said, "It's inconvenient to tell you this."

"This matter is very important, so don't be sloppy with me." The Fifth Elder said solemnly, "I have not been able to break through in these years. I think that if I meet the person who made this magic weapon, I will discuss it with him. Then I might break through."

The Fifth Elder knew that he was missing an opportunity.

As long as she can pierce through this layer of window paper, her organ can go a step further.

"I need to consult the other party, and the other party agrees, and then I can reveal your identity." The third elder said after pondering for a while.

"Please." What the third elder didn't expect was that the fifth elder saluted him.

After the fifth elder left, the third elder said solemnly, "Do you know who made this bead flower?"

"Little Martial Uncle's main wife, Lin Caihan."

"Lin Caihan?" The third elder had no information about Lin Caihan in his mind.

"Go and check Lin Caihan's information, remember, don't say anything." The third elder said in a deep voice.

Ye Hui passed

Token quickly found some information about Lin Caihan.

There is not much information about Lin Caihan, but from the records, it can be seen that Lin Caihan is very strong.

"The strength is not weaker than the little uncle, and he is proficient in the way of weapons."

The third elder looked at Lin Caihan's information, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Are you asking the other party if he would like to disclose his identity?"

"it is good."

When Ye Hui was about to add Lin Caihan's friend, she realized that Lin Caihan was not in the secret environment they built at all.

"Zhao Yang is currently practicing, and besides Zhao Yang, there seems to be no one else joining Yanhuangzong."

"Then wait for three months." The third elder said in a deep voice, "For the other three months, you just stay here and don't go anywhere."

"Okay." Ye Hui knew that she might be targeted by the Fifth Elder's people, or even personally by the Fifth Elder.

Yan Huangzong!

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

That day Zhao Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes are cold, without any emotion or color.

He looked ahead quietly, without any focal length in his pupils.

This made Lin Caihan a little uneasy.

Because she noticed that Zhao Yang didn't see her own figure in his eyes.

After a day passed like this, his eyes gradually had a hint of color.

There was pain on his face.


who? "

"where am I?"

Zhao Yang covered his head and yelled desperately.

I don't know how long it took for him to stop struggling.

His whole body became radiant, and his eyes also became radiant.

"I'm Zhao Yang."

"My wife is Lin Caihan."

"I am the Suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect."

As Zhao Yang remembered some key information, more and more memories were forcibly pulled back.

Lin Caihan wept excitedly.

Because the second key point that Zhao Yang remembered was himself.

After a long time, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan beside him, "Caihan, I remember everything."

Lin Caihan threw herself into Zhao Yang's arms.

In the past three months, she has been worried, she is afraid that Zhao Yang will never regain his memory.

Thankfully it turned out perfect.

"Husband, what's your current value?" Lin Caihan asked after a while.

"450." The mysterious girl's voice sounded in Zhao Yang's ears.


"Improved so much?" Lin Caihan said in surprise.

"I didn't expect to be promoted to such a level this time." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

It is true that this kind of promotion is risky, but it is really delicious!

"By the way, Ye Hui invited you to the Holy City to participate in the Enlightenment Conference."

"Enlightenment Conference?"

"The Holy City also has an Enlightenment Bell."

(End of this chapter)

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