"Enlightenment clock?" Zhao Yang was startled.

The holy city also has this thing?

"I just don't know what level the Enlightenment Bell in the holy city is?" Just as Lin Caihan said this, the voice of the mysterious girl rang out under the sacred tree.

"The Enlightenment Bell also has three, six, and nine grades. The Enlightenment Bell in the Holy City can only vibrate 36 times."

Hearing the mysterious girl's voice, Lin Caihan said excitedly, "Caihan has met senior."

"Just call me sister like that kid." The mysterious girl said lightly.

"I met my sister." Lin Caihan said hurriedly.

She knew that the mysterious girl speaking to her represented her approval.

"You can also take Duanmu Heart when you have time." The mysterious girl continued.

"Yes." Lin Caihan said seriously.

After discussing with Lin Caihan, Zhao Yang decided to visit the holy city.

After all, Ye Hui, the third elder's disciple, came to invite him.

After Zhao Yang arrived in the holy city, he found that the holy city was already overcrowded.

"Young Master Zhao." Before Zhao Yang took two steps, Zhong Shenxiu, Zhang Aoxue, Gao Boya, and Concubine Jin from God's Domain came towards him.

"Are you coming too?" Zhao Yang greeted with a smile.

"We are waiting for you here." Jin Fei said softly.

"Have you encountered any trouble?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"We want to participate in the Dao Enlightenment Conference, but unfortunately there is no recommendation from a strong person."

"The strong recommended

What's the meaning? "

"Not everyone is eligible to participate in the Dao Enlightenment Conference held in the Holy City. Your cultivation must at least reach the peak of the God Emperor to participate." Zhang Aoxue said with a wry smile, "Normally speaking, those who are at the peak of the God Emperor can recommend a monk. Those who are half-step taboo can recommend three monks, those who are strong in the early stage of taboo can recommend five monks, and those who are in the middle stage of taboo can recommend ten monks." When Zhang Aoxue said this, Zhao Yang immediately understood why they were squatting here to guard him.

The feeling is that he wants him to take them to the Enlightenment Conference.

"It's no problem, you guys come with me." Zhao Yang said immediately.

It's not a big deal to him.

Concubine Jin and the others showed surprise on their faces.

Just as they followed Zhao Yang away, several figures rushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang took a closer look and found that it was the ancestors of Shenyu, Qizu, and Danzu. Besides these three, there were Bai Haoshou from Dange, Guo Fengchun and Qingyun from Zhenge, Dong Huaiyu and Li Ningchou from Qige.

"Everyone, long time no see." Zhao Yang greeted everyone.

He realized that most of these guys were squatting on him too.

"Zhao Yang, we also want to participate in the Dao Enlightenment Conference, can you...?" Danzu rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly.

Dan Zu could still put on the airs of an elder in front of Zhao Yang back then, but now he is nothing in front of Zhao Yang.

Danzu's current cultivation is a god

In the early days of the imperial realm, what is this cultivation in front of Zhao Yang?

"It's okay to take you to the Dao Enlightenment Conference, but I can only bring ten monks there." Zhao Yang said softly.

In other words, two of them will be eliminated.

After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he looked at Bai Haoshou with a half-smile, only to see Bai Haoshou lowered his head, his nails embedded in his flesh, and he didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Zhao Yang sighed lightly.

Bai Haoshou was as despicable as ever.

"Bai Haoshou, you go back." What Bai Haoshou didn't expect was that he had already become a turtle, and Zhao Yang still didn't give him this chance.


"The relationship between us doesn't seem to be very good, does it?"

"Now that you are already a taboo-level existence, why do you still have the same knowledge as me?"

"Tell me, which of the two present will not go?"

Bai Haoshou took a critical look at the crowd, then pointed to Qingyun and said, "He, Qingyun, if I remember correctly, Qingyun stole the inheritance of King Heng, and with the help of the nine-fold sword, he confronted you everywhere in the early stage."

Qingyun's lungs would explode when he heard this.

Since I came here, I have been standing behind everyone, just not wanting to attract Zhao Yang's attention.

In the end, the grandson of Bai Haoshou pointed out himself.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Zhao and I still have a relationship. No matter how bad I am, I have never hurt Mr. Zhao, but you,

I don't know how many dirty deeds I have done behind my back. "Qingyun scolded immediately.

"Yuanyuan? I think you want to kill Mr. Zhao?" Bai Haoshou retorted.

Qingyun wanted to quarrel again but was stopped by the ancestors.

"What a system!"

Qingyun fell silent.

Zhan Zu looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly, "Young Master Zhao, I know you have great powers. See if you can get two more seats. It's not easy for us to come here. I don't know how many times we encountered risks along the way?"

"To give you a face for the ancestors, you come with me." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Hearing this, Qingyun and Bai Haoshou showed surprise on their faces.

They didn't expect that Zhao Yang would give them a chance.

But what Zhao Yang didn't expect was that there were two figures walking towards him in the distance.

It is the Green Armor of the Green Demon Clan and Tianxu of the Sky Demon Clan.

"Master Zhao, can you take us to the Dao Enlightenment Conference?" Tian Xu asked with some trepidation.

The green armor didn't even dare to speak.

The Yanhuangzong and the Green Goblin clan had hatred.

"No." Zhao Yang refused bluntly.

Zhao Yang is definitely not a bad person. The reason why Qing Yun and Bai Haoshou were invited to participate was because of Danzu and Zhenzu's face. These two have sheltered the human race for many years, and Zhao Yang didn't want to make these two feel cold.

The question is who are these two?

green armor

Still waiting to say something, Zhao Yang's eyes turned cold.


Lu Jia and Tianxu grunted, and staggered back to the side.

Looking at the back of Zhao Yang, the green armor's eyes were full of ferocious killing intent, "One day I will let you know how to write the word regret?"

Wen Yan Tianxu smiled wryly, "Do you think we still have a chance of revenge? Now Zhao Yang's cultivation is already at the middle level of the taboo realm, and it is not impossible to go further in the future, and the two of us, let alone the taboo realm, Even if you are at the peak of the God Emperor, you have no chance, okay?"

The green armor opened its mouth, it wanted to refute, but finally heaved a long sigh.

What about people.

You have to recognize yourself.

Zhao Yang led a group of people all the way to the residence of the third elder.

The third elder, Long Aotian, heard Zhao Yang's arrival, and hurried to greet him at the door of his residence.

"Why don't you tell me before you come, so I can go to the mountain gate to pick you up!" The third elder said with some dissatisfaction.

Everyone was a little confused.

The third elder was too polite to Zhao Yang, wasn't he?

Soon Ye Hui came here in a colorful dress, "Master, you are here."

Zhao Yang nodded.

"these are……?"

"Some monks from God's Domain." Zhao Yang said, considering his words.

This is not just nonsense.

As long as he said he was a friend, neither Ye Hui nor the third elder would let them stand, and they might even give a heavy gift.

(End of this chapter)

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