In fact, this result is already very good.

At least the holy city is far away.

"You have worked hard." Zhao Yang said while stroking Lin Caihan's pretty face.

"I think this is a career, and it's not about hard work." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang with some pity and said, "It's you, I noticed that you are not in the right state these days, what are you worried about?"

Zhao Yang was silent.

It took a long time before he said slowly, "I want to use Duanmu's heart to improve the origin, but..."

"but what?"

"I fear my memory will be lost."

"Memory will be lost?"

Zhao Yang then told Lin Caihan about his experience of taking Duanmu Heart.

Lin Caihan thought for a while before saying, "Have you ever thought about why senior gave you the heart of Duanmu?"


"I think this is a kind of tempering for your state of mind. Senior wants to improve you in this way."


"You give me a copy of your memory. If you forget it when you wake up, I will pass it on to you." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.


Having made up his mind, Zhao Yang immediately gave Lin Caihan all his memories completely.

These memories include Zhao Yang's deepest memories.

It can be said that he has no secrets at all in front of Lin Caihan.

Then Zhao Yang took the heart of Duanmu under the sacred tree.

Lin Caihan sat quietly

Accompanied by Zhao Yang.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Lin Caihan noticed that Zhao Yang closed his eyes and fell asleep after taking the heart of Duanmu.

But his drowsiness was not normal drowsiness.

He didn't breathe, and he didn't have a vein, as if he was dead.

Fortunately, Cai Die told Lin Caihan about Zhao Yang's symptoms, otherwise Lin Caihan didn't know what to worry about?

"The young master didn't wake up until three months ago."

Lin Caihan nodded slightly.

And at this moment Mingyue walked in.

"What happened?"

"The holy city Ye Hui came to invite Zhao Yang to participate in the Enlightenment Conference."

"Enlightenment Conference?"

"There is an Enlightenment Bell in the Holy City."

"What level?"

"I do not know."

"When will the Enlightenment Conference be held?"

"Three months later."

"There should be time." Lin Caihan thought for a while and said, "You tell Ye Hui that your husband is in retreat and will go there in three months."

Mingyue nodded.

Ye Hui's face was full of unhappiness at the gate of the mountain protection formation.

Because Mingyue made herself wait at the door on the premise of knowing her identity.

This is not hospitality.

"I kept you waiting for a long time. My husband is in seclusion. I will go there after three months." Mingyue came to Ye Hui and said softly.

"Well, I can go to Yanhuangzong

take a look? "Ye Hui just noticed that the formation of the mountain protection formation is a high-level taboo realm.

You must know that this level of mountain protection array is only available in their holy city in the heavens.

"Sorry, Yanhuangzong has never been open to the public." Mingyue said apologetically.

Just when Ye Hui was about to say something, Mingyue handed Ye Hui a brocade box, "It's our first meeting, this is a gift for you."

"Meeting ceremony?" Ye Hui was stunned.

She quickly shied away, "How can I have the nerve to ask for a meeting gift?"

"You call my husband uncle, this meeting ceremony is worthy."

Mingyue's divine sense swept away, and she was stunned the next moment.

what did she see?

A pearl flower.

But she smelled the middle-level fluctuations of the forbidden realm on this bead flower.

"This pearl flower...?"

"This bead flower was refined by Sister Lin. Normally speaking, those in the middle-level taboo realm probably won't be able to break through its defense." Mingyue explained softly.

Lin Caihan's background is not 290, but 390.

It can be said that Lin Caihan has reached the top of the pyramid of the forbidden realm.

The guardian bead flower she refined was from the early stage of the taboo, but under the cover of energy enhanced by the mirror, it is now a magic weapon of the middle level of the taboo.

But there are not many at the same level who can break through Zhuhua's defense.

"Thank you, Auntie." Ye Hui liked this bead flower very much, so she said excitedly.

Of course Ye Hui knows better

Chu the value of this bead flower.

At this moment, the dissatisfaction in her heart was swept away.

After Ye Hui bid farewell to Mingyue, she returned to the Holy City all the way, and when he passed a mountain peak, she saw a group of Yingying and Yanyan.

These are disciples of the holy city.

But Ye Hui took a look and was about to leave, but was stopped by a woman.

"Ye Hui, when you see Senior Sister, don't you know how to say hello?"

Why can't Ye Hui hear the thorn in the other party's words, "I'm about to say this to you, I am the chief disciple of the third elder, and you are only the third disciple of the fourth elder, you have met me, and you have to call me Is it not an exaggeration to call a senior sister?"

"Hmph, I started 300 years earlier than you, should you call me Senior Sister?"

"First, it doesn't conform to the rules; second, you are not worthy." Ye Hui said lightly.

"Who do you think is unworthy?" Song Qingqing was furious.

"What about you?" Ye Hui raised her middle finger towards Song Qingqing as she spoke.

"You..." Song Qingqing was stopped by a group of girls around her just as she was about to make a move.

"They are all brothers and sisters of the same sect, and they are not afraid of being laughed at if they spread the word."

"It's okay to chat a few words, but you can't move your hands."

"You two have been fighting for thousands of years, don't you feel tired?"

Faced with everyone's persuasion, Song Qingqing had no choice but to give up.

But then she thought of something, she pointed to her purple belt and said, "Do you see what this is?"

"This is..." Ye Hui quickly said

Realize that this purple belt is a magic weapon.

"This is the magic weapon given to me by the Fifth Elder. It is a taboo middle-level one. There are 72 Qi Dao runes on it, you know?" Song Qingqing said with a smile, "Do you know what the 72 runes mean?"

Of course Ye Hui knew what the 72 runes meant?

Magical treasures also have levels within the same level.

"Wow, 72 ways."

"There are not many guardian magic weapons with 72 runes in the mid-term taboo of our Holy City, right?"

"Fifth Elder is really kind to Song Qingqing."

"I'm envious, what should I do?"

"It's as if I don't envy you."

Song Qingqing had a smug look on her face, "Ye Hui, do you have any?"

Ye Hui's heart skipped a beat.

"I really have it." Ye Hui said and summoned the brocade box, and she took out a pearl flower from the brocade box.

The bead flower exudes a faint brilliance.

"The fluctuation in the mid-term taboo." Song Qingqing's face became ugly.

But then she pointed to the bead and said, "How many runes does this bead have?"

"I don't know." Ye Hui shook her head.

"You'll know if you try it." Song Qingqing said, Qianqian patted the bead flower with her jade hand, and the runes contained in the bead flower appeared one after another immediately.




And when the 72 runes appeared, Song Qingqing's expression became a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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