Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1937 Taking Again

"Don't you know if you test it?" The third elder said softly.

So a group of people came to the stone tablet measuring qualifications.

Ye Hui's arrival attracted the attention of many monks.

"Why is Ye Hui here?"

"Shouldn't she come to test her qualifications?"

"Ye Hui's aptitude hasn't increased for a long time. It is said that the Fourth Elder didn't give her the origin of the sky at all."

Just as everyone was muttering, Ye Huixiong came to the stone tablet with arrogance.

With a bang, Ye Hui punched out a punch.

Soon the value on the stele rose rapidly.

Two hundred and eight!

Two hundred and nine!

When it climbed to this point, it still didn't stop.

29 eleven!

290 Two!

290 THREE!

When climbing to 290 nine, it finally stopped.


"290 nine?"

"Ye Hui's aptitude has been raised to such a level?"

"How did she do it?"

The audience was in an uproar.

Just when Ye Hui was complacent, a figure descended from the sky.

It was a graceful and luxurious woman.

Even though the years have left some marks on her face, she still has an alluring appearance at this time.

"Long Aotian, what did you give Ye Hui?"

Zhao Yang looked at the third elder in astonishment, he didn't expect the third elder's

Such a domineering name?

"It's inconvenient to tell you this." The third elder put his hands behind his back, pretending to be an outsider.

"Say it quickly." The Fourth Elder snapped.

The third elder couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's face turned green immediately.


You betray me?

"What did you give Ye Hui?" The Fourth Elder stared at Zhao Yang and asked.

"It has nothing to do with you, right?" Zhao Yang frowned.

He discusses the arrogance of the Fourth Elder.

As a woman, she should be gentle, but what kind of dignity is she now?

"I have seven disciples, and four of them have not reached 290 aptitude. If you helped the third elder, you have to help me." The fourth elder said.

Zhao Yang stared at the Fourth Elder dumbfounded, "Where does your logic come from?"

"Will you give it?" The fourth elder's voice was followed by a stormy wave rolling towards Zhao Yang.

The third elder appeared in front of Zhao Yang in a flash, and at the same time a momentum burst out from him, colliding fiercely with the momentum of the fourth elder.

"You want to stop it?" The Fourth Elder was furious.

"Just now, I didn't let him move half a step with all my strength. Why do you think you can defeat him?" The third elder said a little angrily.

"Whether I can defeat it or not is up to me?" The Fourth Elder sneered, "Besides, this is the holy city. If I want something, how dare he not give it?"

"You passed." The third elder's face darkened.

"What did you say?" the Fourth Elder roared angrily in a low voice.

"I said you passed." The third elder took a step forward and reprimanded sharply, "Remember your identity, you are the fourth elder of the holy city, not a shrew. Just because I tolerate you doesn't mean I can tolerate you forever."

"" The Fourth Elder was startled by the appearance of the Third Elder.

"Go back to your treasury, as well as the treasury keeper, if you can, do it, and if you dare to embezzle Ye Hui's resources next time, believe it or not, I will abolish all seven of your disciples."

The fourth elder fixed his eyes on the third elder, and after a while he turned and left angrily.

"Sorry." The third elder apologized to Zhao Yang.

"Your holy city is too dangerous, I think I'd better stay away."

"What happened just now was just a small episode."

"I came to the holy city to learn more about your holy city. Now that I understand, I should go back." Zhao Yang cupped his hands towards the third elder as he said, "I will see you later when I have time."

"Little uncle, I miss you from now on, can I go to you?"

"talk later."

Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong on a battleship, and he told Lin Caihan and others about the situation in the holy city.

"It seems that the strength of the holy city should not be underestimated." Mingyue said in a deep voice.

"Our Yan Huangzong should not be able to compare with the holy city in the taboo realm, but I think the opponent is still not as good as in the god emperor realm.

our. Tang Yiren thought for a while and expressed his opinion.

"The God Emperor Realm is probably not comparable." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Actually, this is a good thing, otherwise our Yanhuang Sect will go into battle shirtless in the future."

Are you counting on the power of the heavens?

Since the appearance of the holy city, all the powerful people in the heavens have gone to the holy city, and the holy city has also provided some rare resources in order to improve their cultivation.

However, Yanhuangzong is still complacent.

At least that's how it looks to the forces of the heavens.

"I don't know what Yanhuangzong thinks?"

"Sooner or later, Yanhuangzong will have trouble if he sticks to his laurels."

"Yanhuangzong has refused to communicate with the outside world these years. This behavior seems very stupid to me."

"It's the decision makers' fault."

It's just that what these forces don't know is that Yanhuangzong doesn't refuse to communicate with the outside world, but Yanhuangzong disdains to communicate with them.

In the past ten years, they have incomparably advanced skills to practice, they have more than ten times more time to squander, and they have a battlefield more tragic than the heavens to hone.

ten years!

Those forces seem to have grown a lot, but Yanhuangzong has grown into a towering tree.

"My law of time has reached twenty times the flow rate of time." Zhao Yang murmured.

what does this mean?

This means that when Zhao Yang practiced, the speed of time flow automatically decreased by [-]

times, within a radius of [-] meters around him as the center, the velocity of time decreases eighteen times, within a radius of [-] meters around him, the velocity of time decreases fifteen times, within a radius of one kilometer around him, the velocity of time decreases twelve times, and within a radius of ten thousand meters around him Time flow rate drops ten times within a meter.

Therefore, although the disciples of Yanhuangzong have only practiced for ten years, they have actually practiced for at least a hundred years or even longer.

"Now the Yanhuangzong taboo middle-level has reached 120, the early-stage taboo has reached 200, the half-step taboo has reached 700, the peak of the emperor has [-] million, and the high-level of the emperor has [-]. There are [-] million, and there are [-] million in the mid-level God Emperor." Speaking of this, Lin Caihan paused and said, "By the way, many of the [-] million monks recruited have already set foot in the God King Realm. According to the current progress In another ten years, the God Emperor Realm will appear."

In fact, this progress has been very fast.

"There are 45 high-level taboo warships, 130 high-level taboo war puppets; [-] mid-level taboo warships, [-] mid-level taboo war puppets; There are [-] ships, and there are [-] battle puppets in the early stage of the taboo; [-] battleships in the half-step taboo, and [-] battle puppets in the half-step taboo."

After reaching the taboo level, the increase is no longer so obvious.

The main reason is that the resources that the mysterious girl refines are now skewed like those below the God Emperor Realm.

Otherwise, when will hundreds of millions of monks be promoted?

(End of this chapter)

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