Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1934 The Power of the Holy City

"I think the most valuable thing in the holy city is the time spar." Concubine Jin said softly at this time.

"Time spar?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"There is a terrifying existence in the Holy City. He has mastered the law of time, and he can condense time crystals." Jin Fei nodded and said.

Zhao Yang's heart moved, "What level can he gather?"

"Ten times." Concubine Jin said in a deep voice, "Each time spar contains the power of two hundred years of time."

"What is his cultivation?"

"Peak of the Taboo Realm." Concubine Jin replied, "He is known as the Saint of Time and one of the three top powerhouses in the Holy City."

"How can I get the time spar?"

"We are not eligible to obtain time crystals. It is said that only existences that have reached the half-step taboo or above are eligible." Jin Fei said with emotion, "First, the Holy City will conduct various assessments. As long as you pass the assessment, then You can get merit points, and merit points can be exchanged for time spar; second, I heard that the holy city will hold auctions from time to time, and time spar will also be auctioned every time it is auctioned."

After a while, Concubine Jin looked at Zhao Yang and said, "I think you can easily get the time spar with your ability."

Zhao Yang smiled and said nothing.

Time spar?

There are many better time spars on him.

Does he need to get it from the holy city?

"Also, go to the holy city for identity verification. In the future, the strong in the heavens can

where exchanges. "Zhang Aoxue said softly.

"Didn't there be a virtual secret world before?"

"The Virtual Secret Realm is now dead in name only. To be honest, it doesn't help us much. Moreover, it was initiated by the Holy City."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Immediately, Zhao Yang and his party went to the identity verification office.

"Native place, name." The staff of the identity verification department asked lightly.

"Shenyu, Zhao Yang, the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect." Zhao Yang said calmly.

The other party wrote Zhao Yang's name on a token, then pointed to a stone tablet not far away and said, "Go and test your background."

"Is it necessary to test?" Zhao Yang frowned.

Zhao Yang didn't want to test it.

Because he fears being exposed.

"This is a process." The staff said in a deep voice, "No matter how bad your aptitude is or how good your aptitude is, it can be tested."

"What is its upper limit?"

"400. But no one has reached the upper limit in these years."

Just when Zhao Yang was about to say something, a voice of sarcasm came from afar.

"Do you think you can reach the ceiling?"

Zhao Yang followed the voice and looked.

Who did he see?


However, Di Ji's attire at this time was somewhat similar to that of the staff in front of her.

The staff members stood up and saluted Di Ji, "I have seen Deacon Di Ji."

"Deacon?" Zhao Yang was a little surprised

this title.

"Miss Diji has joined our holy city, and is now a deacon of our holy city." The staff paused at this point, "By the way, she is in charge of identity verification."

Di Ji looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and said, "Do you think I will let you pass the certification?"

"Can I try this stele?" Zhao Yang pointed to the stele.

"Please go ahead, but what I can tell you is that no matter what your aptitude is, I will not allow you to be certified?" Di Ji said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Aoxue and others changed their colors slightly.

It seems that Emperor Ji has a grudge against Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang casually came to the stone tablet, his eyes suddenly turned into a bright sword light.


In an instant, the numbers on the stone tablet soared.

one hundred!

two hundred!

Two hundred and six!

When the numbers were still soaring after reaching this point, Di Ji's expression became ugly.

He felt that no matter how strong Zhao Yang was, it was impossible for him to exceed the value of three hundred.

But looking at the current growth trend, Zhao Yang may exceed three hundred.

Two hundred and eight!

Two hundred and nine!

three hundred!

When the value reached [-], the stele erupted with the sound of a dragon chant, and a mighty aura spread towards the entire holy city.

"The direction of the stele."

"The stele is in the dragon chant, whose aptitude exceeds

three hundred. "

"More than three hundred means that you will be able to step into the forbidden peak in the future."

"Another such terrifying existence has been born between heaven and earth."

After reaching the value of three hundred, the number still hasn't stopped.

Three hundred and one!

Three hundred and two!

When it reaches this 320 five, it will no longer grow.

Zhao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that Zhao Yang didn't use all his strength just now, otherwise it would be too noticeable if the value reached four hundred.

But even though he was so conservative, he still reached three hundred and two.


A middle-aged man in a white robe appeared above the stele, he looked at Zhao Yang under the stele with burning eyes and said, "Are you willing to be my disciple?"

"Seven elders."

"He actually attracted the attention of the elders."

"There are nearly a hundred high-level taboos in our holy city, but there are only nine elders in the position of elders."

"This is a heaven-defying opportunity."

While the monks present were discussing, a second figure in a white robe appeared.

This is a middle-aged woman.

Even though she is middle-aged, the corners of her brows are full of amorous feelings.

"I am the Fifth Elder of the Holy City. If you are my disciple, I will definitely give all I have to train you." The middle-aged woman looked at Zhao Yang hopefully.

Seeing this scene, Di Ji's expression became ugly.


Because of

The young woman is her master!

"Fifth Elder, you already have Di Ji, so don't fight over it with me." Just after the middle-aged woman's voice fell, a third figure appeared again.

It was a man with a big belly.

But he looks a bit old for his age, and this one is unkempt and unshaven.

"Boy, I am the third elder of the Holy City, and I am also the guardian of the Kung Fu Hall. As long as you become my disciple, you can browse through the classics of the Kung Fu Hall."

When Zhong Shenxiu and the others heard this, their eyes almost popped out.

In their opinion, it is most suitable to be the disciple of the third elder.

Seeing Zhao Yang's silence, the third elder said with displeasure, "Boy, the first elder in the Holy City is busy with everything, so he has no intention of accepting disciples. The second elder is just a martial idiot, so he won't accept disciples. As for the three giants , They have been pursuing a higher realm, and you don't even think about it."

The third elder means that I am the most suitable.

"You can't teach me." What no one expected was that Zhao Yang said this sentence.

"What did you say?" The third elder looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"I'm standing here, if you can force me to take a step back, I'll be your disciple, how about that?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

All the monks in the audience were shocked.

Zhao Yang's words are too crazy.

You must know that the other party is a taboo high-level existence.

At the taboo high-level level, it can be said that the existence of the pyramid tip.

(End of this chapter)

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