Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1933 The Holy City

When the battleship sounded a warning, the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect who were patrolling nearby rushed to this place with swords in hand.

He looked at the hundreds of warships in front of him, and said with a cold light in his eyes, "What do you all want to do in my God's Domain?"

"We are monks from the Ruochu Continent. Since the Ruochu Continent was captured by the Scorpio Beast, we went to the Qiulin Continent, but we never thought that the Qiulin Continent was not a good place. We were squeezed out by many parties, so we had no choice but to go to the Qiulin Continent. Come and go to God's Domain." An old man stood on a half-step taboo battleship and said in a deep voice.

"Shenyu doesn't accept any outsiders." The soldier said coldly.

"If God's Domain doesn't accept us, we will have to die here." The old man said solemnly.

"If you don't stay away, then I will kill you." The soldier said that the figures gathered from all directions raised their swords one by one.

"I want to see your suzerain." The old man said in a panic, "I don't believe your suzerain will care about our life or death."

The soldier pondered for a while and told Zhao Yang about it.

Not long after, Zhao Yang, who arrived on a battleship, appeared in front of everyone.

"Shenyu is the habitat of Yanhuangzong. These years, Shenyu has been quiet and peaceful, and has become a paradise." Zhao Yang said calmly, "Your arrival will make Shenyu turbulent. This is not what I want to see."

"Just set aside a part of the area for us.

Yes, we promise not to step out of that area. "The old man looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly.

"I need to be responsible for the trillions of monks in God's Domain." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Let's go."

"The Yanhuang Sect has given out so many benefits these years, why can't you help us?" the old man asked unwillingly.

"Yanhuangzong sent so many benefits in the hope that you can grow up, but it's a pity that the speed of your growth can't keep up with the pace of this era." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

The old man was silent for a while, he waved his hand lightly, and the warship turned around and left.

Zhao Yang watched their leaving back quietly for a long time without saying a word.

In fact, it's just that this fleet doesn't matter, the problem is that there are too many people staring at Yanhuangzong. Once Yanhuangzong tears this hole, there will be no one knows how many people will come to God's Domain in the future.

And just as Zhao Yang turned to leave, thunder exploded in the eastern area, and then a majestic and vast city loomed in front of him.

"This is...?" Zhao Yang's eyes revealed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Are there hidden forces in the heavens?

It stands to reason that the guardian lineage is the biggest boss.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang summoned the battleship and headed towards the guardian's line.

At this moment, Xiao Yuan and the old man in gray robe were watching this scene quietly.

"What is that city?" Zhao Yang asked, pointing.

"Holy City." Xiao Yuan said in a deep voice,

"The holy city was built by the previous generation of guardians, but I have never seen it in these years. I always thought that the holy city was just a legend, but I never wanted to appear in the world today."

"The appearance of the holy city means that the catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming." The gray-robed old man said with a sinking face.

"Is the Holy City still related to you?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"It stands to reason that the holy city should be passed on to me, but the previous generation of guardians didn't say anything about it." Xiaoyuan said leisurely.

Zhao Yang immediately understood what the little ape meant.

The holy city has nothing to do with Xiaoyuan!

At this moment, all the heavens are paying attention to the matter of the holy city.

Soon a young man in golden armor walked out of the holy city, and he announced proudly, "Anyone who has reached the level of the god emperor can go to the holy city, and the holy city will provide you with resources and exercises to help you become more powerful." Take it up a notch."

Following his words, the monks who fell to the heavens were shocked.

Can you go there even if you have reached the God Emperor Realm?

Is the holy city so fierce?

However, the major top forces did not rush there. They were worried that there would be some conspiracy in the holy city?

But some god emperors went to the holy city immediately.

"The holy city is hundreds of times larger than the new city."

"The scale of the new city can accommodate [-] million monks, but the holy city can accommodate tens of billions?"

"After you come to the Holy City, you will know whether what I said is true or false."

"The monks in the holy city are said to have three thousand

There are as many as [-] million, and these monks are all the crystallization of the previous civilization. "

"The last civilization?"

"The heavens were destroyed once before."


"When the heavens were destroyed, the holy city sheltered many strong men from the previous civilization, which is why the holy city is so powerful today."

"After you come to the holy city, you will find that there are as many gods and emperors in the holy city as dogs, and it is taboo to walk around the scene."

"Since when are taboos not taken seriously?"

"It is said that there are as many as [-] monks at the taboo level in the holy city."

"Three thousand statues? True or false?"

Soon the powerful forces in the heavens couldn't sit still.

They went one after another.

And when they arrived at the holy city, they found that the holy city was stronger than they imagined.

"Forbidden high-level city defense array." Zhao Yang's eyes showed a gleam when he came to the gate of the holy city.

There are patrolling soldiers at the gate of the city.

Those soldiers actually have a half-step taboo level.

Walking in the city, Zhao Yang found that the city was extremely prosperous, and from time to time, he could see a taboo-level existence.

"There are definitely more than three thousand forbidden strongmen in this city." Zhao Yang murmured.

"Young Master Zhao." While Zhao Yang was wandering around, a voice sounded from afar.

Zhao Yang followed the voice and saw several familiar figures.

These are the holy sons of God's Domain.

Zhong Shenxiu from the First Pavilion, Gao Boya from the First Mountain, and

Zhang Aoxue from Gu, and Concubine Jin from Yaochi.

"You have also come to the holy city." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Concubine Jin was very excited to see Zhao Yang.

Since she left Yanhuangzong, she hasn't been able to go back all these years.

And Zhao Yang spends most of his time in seclusion.

In fact, normally speaking, Yaochi is not qualified to be compared with the first pavilion, the first mountain, and the first valley. After all, Yaochi is only a neutral force, and it is too different from these three sects.

But Zhao Yang gave Concubine Jin a magic fruit.

With the help of that divine fruit, Concubine Jin's current cultivation has reached the high level of the emperor.

Therefore, the four top powers in God's Domain are No. [-] Pavilion, No. [-] Mountain, No. [-] Valley, and Yao Chi.

However, the overall strength of Yaochi is still not as good as those three major forces. After all, these three major forces have developed in the Dark Continent for hundreds of years.

"We wanted to see if there was any opportunity in the Holy City?" Gao Boya sighed softly at this point, "But after arriving in the Holy City, we found that the Holy City didn't value us at all."

"What do you mean?"

"For example, in the palace of exercises in the holy city, you are only eligible to read the relevant classics if your aptitude reaches a certain level." Zhang Aoxue said with a wry smile, "Our god emperor's high-level exercises are not lacking at all, what we lack It's the god emperor's peak level kung fu, but if we want to look at the god emperor's peak kung fu, we need our aptitude to reach the god emperor's peak."

"It seems that Holy City is worried that you are too ambitious." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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