Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1935 Opening the Origin of Heaven

There are nearly a hundred high-level taboos in the holy city, and this one can become the third elder, which shows his strength.

"What an arrogant boy." The third elder looked at Zhao Yang, with great anger showing on his face.

He was slighted.

He felt that even the Big Three would not dare to say such a thing?

Zhao Yang drew an arc towards the ground with his right foot, "Come on."


The third elder made a move.

His fist intent was fierce and domineering, causing even the void to whine, and the terrifying fist intent turned into the Heavenly Order Knife, slashing in Zhao Yang's direction.

But the moment he was about to meet Zhao Yang, thousands of runes suddenly appeared on the ground, and those runes instantly turned into a golden protective cover, firmly protecting Zhao Yang within it.

You can see that the protective cover vibrates a bit, but that's all.

" actually inscribed the guardian formation unknowingly?" The third elder looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"Third Elder, if you keep your hand, your fame may be lost." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"It seems that I underestimated you." The third elder said that his whole body suddenly burst into billions of rays of light.

He exhaled and opened his voice, a burst of air that opened the sky, blooming with peerless ferocious power, and slashed in the direction of Zhao Yang.

what is this?

Open the air?

Seeing that the air of opening the sky was about to fall on Zhao Yang, there was a ripple

Appeared suddenly.

The all-conquering Qi of Opening the Sky kept charging forward, but for some reason it still couldn't touch Zhao Yang's body.

That inch of distance seemed like a moat.

Let this Qi of opening the sky never be achieved.

"The technique of space." The Seventh Elder said in a deep voice.

"His space technique has reached the pinnacle, and the third elder's air of opening the sky can't help him at all." The fifth elder's eyes were full of shock, "This guy can actually wrestle with the third elder."

The Third Elder withdrew the Heaven-Opening Qi after realizing that Zhao Yang couldn't be harmed by it.

"Your strength has far exceeded my expectations. Next, I will use the most peak blow. If you can't stop it, tell me in advance." The third elder's expression became serious when he said this.

"Please." Zhao Yang restrained his smile.

This is respect for the opponent.

"In these years, I have collected 36 paths of Qi to open the sky, and I have sharpened a knife with the Qi to open the sky." The third elder said that the breath in his whole body has changed.

His whole body seemed to have turned into a peerless magic weapon, making people daunting.

He raised his palm high, and then slashed it in Zhao Yang's direction.


An illusory knife light flashed away.

Zhao Yang felt a little pressure.

The speed of the Opening Sword is very fast, but it is still blocked by his mental power.


He clenched his fist and blasted forward.

Heaven and Earth Fist!

When he blasted this punch, the heavens and the earth rang together, and the power of the six realms was forcibly absorbed.

The billowing fist swept everything.

The Sky Opening Knife shattered with a bang, and the third elder stepped back a few steps, spewing out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

He looked at Zhao Yang in disbelief.

Because Zhao Yang never moved even a step?

"I lost." The third elder said bitterly.

"Actually, you won't be wronged if you lose to me." Zhao Yang really wanted to say that he was stronger than some taboo high-level members of the Anzu.

"At first I thought you were arrogant, but I didn't expect that I was arrogant." The third elder said softly, "I am not qualified to teach you, but the palace of exercises in the holy city is open to you. Except for the core secret techniques, the rest You can watch it all."

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed incomparable envy.

"I'm afraid not." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"What do you mean?" The third elder asked puzzled.

"Just now she said that no matter what my qualifications are, she will not verify my identity." Zhao Yang pointed to Di Ji and said, "If I can't even verify my identity, then I am not eligible to go to the kung fu temple."

"Fifth Elder, is this your disciple?" The Third Elder said with an unkind expression, "At such a young age, my mind is like

This sinister? "

The Fifth Elder stared at Di Ji and said, "Is there such a thing?"

", I was joking with him." Di Ji said hastily.

Zhao Yang sneered.

Di Ji gave Zhao Yang a look of resentment, and then reluctantly helped Zhao Yang verify his identity.

"In the future, if you encounter any troubles in the Holy City, you can come to me." The third elder continued, "If I have the ability, I will help you solve it. If I am not capable, I will go to the higher authorities."

"Thank you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Thank you? If you are fine, can you have a drink with me?" The third elder asked tentatively.

"Okay." Zhao Yang nodded.

Everyone watched the third elder walk away with his arms around Zhao Yang's shoulders and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Do you have conflicts with Zhao Yang?" Fifth Elder brought Di Ji to her valley and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Diji nodded.

"Don't offend him in the future." The Fifth Elder warned, "Zhao Yang didn't use his full strength just now. I think that if he used his full strength, perhaps even the First Elder would not be his opponent."

"What?" Di Ji was startled.

"And he hid his aptitude."

Di Ji's eyelids twitched.

"Zhao Yang's aptitude is at least [-] or even higher." The Fifth Elder paused and said, "You must know the city lord and the two deputy city lords of the holy city."


"The two deputy city lords can't have the strength of Zhao Yang at the middle level. Only the city lord can do it."

When Di Ji heard this, a turbulent sea arose in her heart.

Didn't she expect Zhao Yang to be so strong?

"So there is no one in the younger generation who can compete with him?" Di Ji felt very uncomfortable.

"You're wrong." What Di Ji didn't expect was that the Fifth Elder would say these words, "There are three top existences in the younger generation of the Holy City, namely Xiaoyaoyou from the lineage of the city lord, and Qianyuyan from the lineage of the deputy city lord. and Huang Kongtong."

"Could it be that their aptitude has reached more than three hundred and five?" Di Ji asked a little puzzled.

"The qualifications of the three of them didn't reach [-] before. In fact, Qian Yuyan and Huang Kongtong didn't reach [-] before." When the fifth elder said this, Di Ji realized something.

"There are treasures in the Holy City that can improve aptitude, namely the source of the four seas, the source of the earth, the source of the sky, and the source of the open sky." The fifth elder introduced, "The source of the four seas breeds one drop a year, and one drop can increase the source of monks in the early stage of taboo by one." Percentage points, one drop of the earth's source is bred in three years, and one drop can increase the monk's source in the middle of the taboo by one percentage point; the sky's source is bred for ten years, and one drop can increase the taboo's high-level monk's source by one percentage point, and the sky's source can be bred for 30 years. One drop can increase the monk origin of the forbidden peak by one percentage point."

(End of this chapter)

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