"In the early stage of taboo, there are 58, and in the half-step taboo, there are 560, 1000 are at the peak of the god emperor, 3000 million are at the high level of the god emperor, and [-] million are at the middle level of the god emperor." Mingyue said softly, "Now the [-] million disciples Yanhuangzong recruited before have all successfully advanced."

Zhao Yang didn't ask about the remaining [-] million monks.

Those monks have not been in Yanhuangzong for many years, and it is impossible for them to catch up with these 3000 million monks in a short period of time.

"There are thirty high-level taboo battleships, one hundred high-level taboo war puppets; one thousand battleships in the mid-forbidden stage, three thousand war puppets in the mid-forbidden stage; six thousand battleships in the early-stage taboo, There are 3 battle puppets in the early stage of the taboo; [-] battleships in the half-step taboo, and [-] battle puppets in the half-step taboo."

As for Lin Caihan behind the half-step taboo, there are no statistics.

"This time we can challenge a higher-level continent." Zhao Yang said softly.

Soon Zhao Yang led an army of 100 million to a continent.

There are four taboo high-level existences in this continent, and there are twelve taboo mid-level ones.

Zhao Yang had never touched a continent of this level before, but now there was nothing to care about.

This time, the number of taboo intermediate ranks that came with Zhao Yang reached as many as 32.

The soldiers of the Yanhuang Sect have grown rapidly over the years, so even though there are many masters in this continent,

But they still couldn't stop the Yanhuangzong soldiers.

Three days!

In just three days, millions of Yanhuangzong soldiers fought in the central region.

Then the two sides began a decisive battle.

Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren each chose a taboo high-level existence, and the rest of the taboo mid-level ones were also fought against by Yan Huangzong's high-level.

Soon the dark clan executives felt that it was tricky.

It's fine for them to be suppressed by Zhao Yang and others. The problem is that the early stage of taboo and half-step taboo are completely crushed by the soldiers of Yanhuangzong.

The opponent continued to blow them up in a very short period of time, and after obliterating those early and half-step taboos, they started slaughtering recklessly.

Every time those guys make a move, millions of soldiers fall.

"Fighting against me, are you still distracted?" Zhao Yang said here that the Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace in his hand blasted towards the dark old man on the opposite side.

The Copper Furnace of Heaven and Earth spews endless profound meanings of the Dao.

The old man of the dark race only felt that his body and soul were imprisoned, and he couldn't even make any reaction.


The old man of the dark race was smashed into pieces by the copper furnace of heaven and earth.

And the soul of the dark elder struggled to recover, but it didn't appear for a long time.

Zhao Yang looked into the distance.

Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren also completely suppressed their opponents, even if their opponents were a small realm higher than them


In fact, this is also normal.

Because almost all of them have reached four hundred backgrounds.

Furthermore, their supernatural powers are at the peak of the taboo, not to mention their spiritual power is still a sharp weapon.

Immediately, Zhao Yang began to inspect the audience.

And under his shots from time to time, tens of billions of soldiers were quickly wiped out.

That's right.

No one would have believed it before.

But if they knew about Yanhuangzong's lineup, they wouldn't say that.

Yanhuangzong sent [-] statues in the early stage of the taboo.

What is the concept of eight hundred statues?

Any one can overthrow a group, okay?

It was at this time that the three taboo high-level mentality collapsed.

Seeing the tragic death of the clansmen, their eyeballs were all red.


"Even if my soul returns to Piao Miao today, I will pull you down."

"I'm going to crush you to ashes."

Under the crazy offensive of the three of them, Lin Caihan was still able to use supernatural powers to forcefully suppress, but Mingyue and Tang Yiren had to resort to spiritual power.

Lin Caihan finally beheaded each other after two hours of defeat.

But Mingyue and Tang Yiren couldn't suppress Dufang for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang used his mental strength.

At this time, his mental strength has reached an unprecedented level.

The mental power turned into a sickle.


Sickle of death.

The one who was facing Mingyue let out a muffled snort, and then the light in his eyes dimmed.

"This is death." Mingyue's face revealed a look of shock.

This time, the one who fought against Tang Yiren turned around and ran away, but half of his body was crushed by Lin Caihan's spiritual whip before he ran far.

"Leave it to us." Mingyue rushed over immediately.

Mingyue and Tang Yiren cooperated with each other and killed each other in a very short time.

"I really want to fight him for three days and three nights." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

"There will be opportunities in the future." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Cleaning up the battlefield?


At that time, the mysterious girl will condense all the opportunities in this continent into various resources for them.

"Husband, do we still want to continue fighting?" Mingyue said unsatisfactorily.

"Since you are not enjoying yourself, let's fight again." Zhao Yang said with a smile.


The Taoist souls thought that Yanhuangzong relied on the resources in the heavens, but they didn't know that Zhao Yang never paid attention to the resources in the heavens.

What he really valued was the resources of the dark race.

Yanhuangzong turned back after conquering three powerful continents in a row.

"Husband, shouldn't we also conquer the weak continent?" Lin Caihan put forward her own suggestion.

"Weak continent?"

"The weak continent is only relative to Yan

According to Huang Zong, after the passage between the two sides is opened up in the future, those weak continents can also cause great harm to the heavens. Lin Caihan said softly, "I think that after a while, we can send the Silver Legion and reserve troops to fight. "

"Alright." Zhao Yang nodded.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Ten years have passed in this way, and now [-] of the [-] continents outside the region have fallen.

"How could a good one fall?"

"The strength of the Scorpio Beast has been increasing, but in fact, even if this is okay, the main reason is that there are problems within the thirty continents."

"What do you mean?"

"There are many foreign forces in those thirty continents. Those forces are vying for power and profit, and in the end they can't even stabilize their defenses."

"No way, everyone is moving towards a powerful continent."

"The only places that haven't come here these years are God's Domain and Death Continent."

"Strictly speaking, the Death Continent is also the domain of God's Domain."

"Shenyu is actually a powerful force, mainly because Yanhuangzong is too powerful, this family blocks the footsteps of outsiders."

"I think God's Domain is a good habitat."

Soon a force came to God's Domain.

Just when he was about to set foot on the territory of God's Domain, he was discovered by a patrolling warship.

"Warning, warning, warning."

(End of this chapter)

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