Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1931 Continues to Fall

"Have you ever thought about what it means to have the taboo state in the Death Continent?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

In fact, the Yanhuang Sect has been helpful to the first sect, the first mountain, and the first valley these years.

As early as the Heavenly Moat where they were stationed, the Heavenly Moat Beast of the Peak of the God Emperor appeared, and the Yanhuang Sect sent two warships of the Peak of the God Emperor and two battle puppets of the Peak of the God Emperor to each family.

This allowed the three major sects to develop with peace of mind.

But the background of the sect does not mean that it can be improved if it is improved.

Previously the strongest of the three major sects was the mid-level God Emperor, and now they have finally been promoted to the high-level God Emperor. At the same time, Zhang Aoxue and others have also been promoted to this level.

But they are still some distance away from the peak of the God Emperor.

In fact, this is also the normal level in many continents.

It's just that they are not suitable for the development of this era, as evidenced by the fact that there are only [-] continents left in the [-] continents.

Many years ago, half-taboo beasts appeared on God's Domain and Death Continent. When they came to ask for help, Zhao Yang gave three half-taboo battleships and war puppets respectively.

But now they're at it again.

"If the Yanhuang Sect doesn't help, we'll just lose in the Death Continent. The problem is that we can't hold on to God's Domain." Zhong Shenxiu said with a wry smile.

Zhao Yang waved his hand and three figures rushed towards the east, south, and north of God's Domain.

These three are all war puppets in the early days of taboo.


Their combat power can completely crush the Scorpio Beasts in the early days of the taboo.

"Yan Huangzong, the Heavenly Beast of God's Realm, can be responsible." When Zhao Yang said this, the expressions of Zhong Shenxiu and the others changed.

What does Zhao Yang mean?

Isn't he going to be in charge of the Scorpio Beast in the Death Continent?

"The heavens gave you time to grow up, but you didn't grow up." Zhao Yang said and summoned three war puppets, "Go to the west, south, and north of the Death Continent."

After the three war puppets left, Zhao Yang continued, "In the future, the situation in the Continent of Death will only get worse and worse. In this way, I will give you another 30 years. After 30 years, you will leave the Continent of Death."

"What about the war puppets in the taboo realm?" Zhong Shenxiu asked tentatively.

"Of course the war puppets in the taboo realm can't follow you."

Hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu showed disappointment on his face.

"Is it true that after 30 years Yanhuangzong will not care about the Death Continent?" Gao Boya asked softly.

"The Death Continent is actually useless to Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang said frankly, "Yanhuangzong will also withdraw completely in 30 years."

Hearing this, Gao Boya's eyes dimmed.

Gao Boya still has some feelings for the continent of death.

He knew very well that if the Yan Huangzong withdrew, then the fall of the Death Continent would be certain.

"Are we allowing the Death Continent to fall?" Zhang Aoxue said incredulously.

"Three Thousand Continents

Now that [-] lands have fallen, what's wrong with having one more dead continent? "Zhao Yang glanced at Zhang Aoxue and said.

Zhang Aoxue fell silent.

"Let's go." Zhang Aoxue said after a while.

"Has your cultivation been at a high level for a long time?" Zhao Yang said at this moment.

Zhang Aoxue was startled.

Zhao Yang threw a brocade box to Zhang Aoxue, "In the brocade box is a divine fruit of the peak of the emperor."

"For me?"

"Could it still be for Zhong Shenxiu?"

Zhao Yang's words made Zhong Shenxiu a little embarrassed.

"Thank you." Zhang Aoxue said hastily.

Don't mention how envious Gao Boya and Zhong Shenxiu were when they saw this scene?

But Zhao Yang didn't give it to them, and they were too embarrassed to open their mouths.

Not long after the three of them left, the five top experts from Longyuan Continent joined hands.

However, these five have now become half-step taboos, and from this we can see the background of Longyuan Continent.

In fact, the ranking of Longyuan Continent has also increased from 85 to 53 in recent years.

"Is there anything you guys want from me?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"A taboo-level moat beast has appeared in Longyuan Continent, please help Mr. Zhao." The old man in Xuanyi said hastily.

"There are taboo level existences in Longyuan Continent." It is still clear to neighbor Zhao Yang.

"The ancestors of Longyuan Ancestral Court have already

Leading a large number of strong people to come, the problem is that there are taboo-level existences in the four regions. "The old man in Xuanyi looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang called the three disciples of the sect.

These three disciples are all existences in the early stage of the forbidden realm.

"You go to Longyuan Continent and help them resist the Scorpio Beast."

"As ordered."

Zhao Yang didn't worry about the safety of these three at all.

First, they have been in the early stage of the Forbidden Realm for many years; second, they have war puppets from the early stage of the Forbidden Realm on their bodies; third, they have combat equipment from the early stage of the Forbidden Realm on their bodies.

Therefore, even if you lose the enemy, you can escape smoothly.

"Thank you Mr. Zhao." The old man in Xuanyi and the others said excitedly.

After the old man in Xuanyi and others left, Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong.

He wasn't worried about Soul Sky Continent at all.

There are many masters in Soul Heaven Ancestral Court, how could it be possible to ignore Soul Heaven Continent?

"Husband, do you think there will be a mid-forbidden moat beast?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

"If there is a Scorpio Beast in the middle of the taboo, I don't think there are many forces that can stop it." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

In fact, Yanhuangzong has nothing to worry about.

After all, Yanhuangzong now has a taboo high-level killing formation.

"The taboo strongmen sent by Soul Heaven Ancestral Court include Piao Miao." Lin Caihan said suddenly.

"She still hasn't been able to let go of the soul clan completely."

Zhao Yang said softly.

"Actually, this is quite cruel to her." Lin Caihan said seriously.

"Then she really won't be able to integrate into Yanhuangzong. There is no way. The secret of Yanhuangzong is too great. If the heavens know, we will become the target of public criticism." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Didn't Piao Miao date Zhao Yang in recent years, but every date was outside Yanhuangzong.


As time goes by, more and more continents are destroyed.

five hundred!

Four hundred!

three hundred!

When it reached this point it finally stopped.


First, Yanhuangzong sent a batch of taboo-level resources before; second, Yanhuangzong is still sending taboo-level resources these years; third, these continents have also seen many opportunities in recent years; fourth, these There are many masters joining in the mainland.


"The continents of all parties have stabilized the battlefield."

"As long as the taboo-level moat beasts are no longer upgraded or increased, these continents are sure to repel the moat beasts."

"Nine out of ten continents are gone."

Yanhuangzong has developed even more rapidly in these ten years.

"My lord, we have reached [-] mid-level taboos of the Yanhuang Sect." Lin Caihan said excitedly that day.

In fact, it is impossible normally, but since Zhao Yang's Time Martial Soul was upgraded, the flow of time has become slower.

(End of this chapter)

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