Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1926 Forbidden Level Scorpio Beast

"Time Martial Soul, you still have a lot to learn, and you still have some means to tap your spiritual power." The mysterious girl said lightly.

"It's enough to practice those things step by step, but I want to learn something else." Zhao Yang said softly.

"In this way, I will teach you a method. As for how much you can explore, it depends on your good fortune." The girl said here that Zhao Yang felt that there was an extra exercise in the sea of ​​knowledge.

That exercise was so radiant that it couldn't even be seen directly with the eyes.

I don't know how long it took Zhao Yang to finish browsing that exercise.

"False word formula."

"It's completely clueless."

"Is the practice of the Void Realm so terrifying?"

Zhao Yang left in a flash.

He returned to his study in Xincheng.

He traveled to his small world and summoned an Enlightenment Stone.

When the Enlightenment Stone was activated, Zhao Yang quietly realized it.

an hour.

two hours.

three hours.

After Zhao Yang has been comprehending for three days and three nights, he finds that he still has no thoughts.

Zhao Yang suddenly realized that this could not be realized in a short time.

Maybe it's because my realm is not enough, maybe it's because the time for comprehension is not long.

Zhao Yang withdrew from his comprehension and returned to the high platform.

At this time, Xiaoyuan was still giving lectures on the altar, and the avenue she talked about was all-encompassing, which made people of all realms

The monks have gained a lot of benefits.

In this way, another four days and four nights passed before Xiao Yuan stopped.

"Every three years from now on, I will go to the new city to open an altar and give a lecture." Xiao Yuan glanced around the audience and said softly.

Although the monks present had a feeling that they still had something to say, they still stood up to express their gratitude to Xiao Yuan.

"Come back in three years."

"This time the harvest is great."

"Don't you know that Yanhuangzong's auction will start soon?"

"It seems like a few days."

"Yanhuangzong's benefits have tripled every ten years these years. I don't know if Yanhuangzong will increase this year?"

"The current monthly loss of Yanhuangzong has reached more than 3000 billion. If it increases again, it will lose trillions a year?"

"Who knows?"

Soon these monks discovered that Yanhuangzong had really tripled their benefits.

While Zhu Tian was shocked, he also had to admit that Xincheng had now become the well-deserved No. [-] city.

The flow of people in the new town is terrifying.

They simply cannot compete.

Yan Huangzong!

In addition to cultivating in these years, Yanhuangzong has also been conquering the dark people.

The monks of the four major legions have all been tempered, and their strength has also been further improved.

And with the passage of time, more and more continents have been destroyed. After ten years, there are only [-] continents left in the three thousand continents.


These monks knew very well that if Yanhuangzong didn't send benefits every month, the damaged continent would have at least doubled.

Yanhuangzong sent battleships, battleships, and of course divine fruits every month, so a group of masters emerged from those forces.

"A half-step taboo-level Scorpio Beast has appeared in God's Domain." A soldier stationed at Scorpio reported that day.

"How long has it been since this level appeared?" Zhao Yang frowned involuntarily.

"This level has appeared in all the heavens and continents." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "and they appeared at the same time."

"This time another batch of continents will fall." Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "In the name of Xincheng, Xincheng will release a batch of semi-taboo war puppets."

The reason why it is a war puppet is also because the price of a battleship is higher.

"How much is the price of the war puppet?"

"The price of the war puppet is set at one-third of the market price. I think those continents can afford this price." Zhao Yang said softly.

In fact, at this price Yanhuangzong still made some money.

But Yanhuangzong can't just give it away for nothing, right?

And after the news was released, those battered forces were not to mention very happy, and they immediately sent people to the new city.

Xincheng sold the war puppet to the other party after confirming the other party's identity.

In just three days, Xincheng sold [-] half-step taboos.

Fight puppets, and Yanhuangzong will not sell those ranked within the top [-] no matter how much money they get.

"The half-step taboo battle puppets we took out are our Yanhuangzong's own inventory. This time, we almost emptied ourselves to help many continents." A person in charge of Xincheng stood up and said.

"We're not doing it for profit, but we just can't bear to see people die. Your top [-] continents all have half-step taboos sitting in town, so you don't need half-step taboo war puppets at all."

"We call on all major forces to stand up at this time, instead of waiting for those continents to be defeated and make huge profits."

Soon the top [-], especially the top [-], were criticized by many continents.

Faced with this situation, Dao clan and other major ethnic groups felt very angry, but for the sake of their own image, they took out some resources symbolically. Helped a lot of groups.

But once the half-step taboo Scorpio Beast appears, this situation is irreversible.

Furthermore, the hearts of the people are scattered, and many high-level officials in the mainland are ready to flee.

In this way, another ten years passed, and there were only [-] remaining in the [-] continents.

new town!

"In these years, Yanhuangzong has sold more than [-] warships and war puppets one after another, and the number of warships and war puppets at the peak of the God Emperor has reached as many as [-]. As for the rest of the resources, it is even more important number

, but still more than 1000 two hundred continents were destroyed. "Zhao Yang said leisurely.

"What did you find?" Xiao Yuan asked softly.

"First, those high-level people in the mainland lack the courage to fight, or they have prepared their way out early, and without the overall planning of the high-level people, their mainland can't stop the attack of the moat beast at all; second, the top 60.00 The factions are also secretly manipulating and guiding them, and some factions even end up in person, I noticed that more than [-]% of the warships and war puppets sold by Yanhuangzong have flowed into the top [-] factions."

Xiao Yuan sighed lightly.

She was also helpless in this situation.

You can't attack the top [-] forces, right?

"There will be taboo-level moat beasts in another ten years." At this moment, Xiao Yuan uttered an explosive news.

"Ten years?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Once a moat beast of this level appears, countless continents will be destroyed.

"I have [-] divine fruits in the early stage of taboo in my hand, you can distribute them in the next ten years." Xiao Yuan handed Zhao Yang a brocade box and said softly.

Zhao Yang scanned with his spiritual sense and found that there were [-] divine fruits in the early stage of taboo.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Yang to distribute the [-] divine fruits in the early stage of taboo. He will upgrade these divine fruits, and the upgraded divine fruits will be given to Yanhuangzong.

As for him, he will take the half-step forbidden god fruit and upgrade it to those monks in the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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