Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1925 You know each other

"Miss, the new city is not as simple as you imagined!" The old man in the courtyard said in a deep voice.

"How to say?"

"The mountain-protecting formation of this city lord's mansion is in the mid-stage taboo." The old man said solemnly, "For this level of mountain-protecting formation, within the scope of the heavens, it seems that there is no other sect except the Supreme Sect. "

"Who doesn't have some secrets?" the girl said disapprovingly.

The old man was silent for a while and didn't try to persuade him any more.

The girl is the direct descendant of the guardian lineage, even though his cultivation base is a taboo high-level, but he is not sure that he can defeat the girl.

Furthermore, the girl also has some hole cards, and he doesn't worry about the girl being hurt.

Three days later, accompanied by Zhao Yang, the girl came to a high platform that was temporarily built during these three days. There were hundreds of thousands of tables and chairs around the high platform, and there were no restrictions on the further areas.

Anyone can come and listen.

However, those who are qualified to sit and listen to the sermon are either the existence of half-step taboo or taboo realm, or the disciples of the Zhao family, or the shopkeeper of Xincheng.

As for God Emperor Realm.

Stand aside.

The shopkeepers of Xincheng were all smiling, because they were on an equal footing with those big shots, and their self-esteem was greatly satisfied.

Zhao Yang saw some familiar figures in the crowd. They used to be the Sons of God in the God Realm, but now almost all of them have stepped into the God Emperor Realm.

But here God Emperor Realm is nothing?

"Zhao Yang."

"I knew Zhao Yang was amazing back then, but I didn't expect him to leave us so far away?"

"There are not many gods who can compare with him?"

Soon they saw Piao Miao.

The number one beauty outside the domain.

When they saw Piao Miao, their eyeballs almost straightened.

Immediately they saw Piao Miao coming to Zhao Yang's side, obediently talking to a daughter-in-law.

"Husband." When Piao Miao shouted out this word, their hearts were about to break.

Such a beautiful girl belongs to Zhao Yang.

Just before they calmed down, the second figure appeared again.

It was a girl wearing a light veil, the light veil concealed her alluring appearance, but her graceful figure can also guess how stunning the appearance under the light veil is?


Di Ji appeared.

She came to Zhao Yang by herself.

"I didn't expect you to still have contact with the guardian's line?"

"It seems that you know the lineage of the Guardian?"

"Di Ji." The girl looked at Di Ji, "Long time no see."

"Xiao Yuan." Di Ji looked at the girl with unfriendly eyes and said, "Back then, my lineage was missing a move, otherwise my lineage would be the guardian."

"This is destiny." The gray-robed old man said lightly, "Miss' lineage belongs to destiny."


, old thing, it's not your turn to speak before we talk? "Di Ji glanced at the gray-robed old man.

The gray-robed old man was about to say something but was stopped by Xiao Yuan, "Their lineage is a loser, let them talk."

"You..." Di Ji looked at Xiao Yuan angrily.

"Di Ji, if you come here to listen to sermons, I welcome you. If you come here to cause trouble, get the hell out of here." Zhao Yang said at this moment.

"Zhao Yang, I admit that you have some tricks, but you'd better not offend me, otherwise I will use my family background, no matter how strong you are, you will be wiped out." Diji looked at Zhao Yang coldly.

"Try to touch him?" Xiao Yuan looked at Di Ji with cold eyes, "I will uproot your veins."

"How dare you?" Di Ji was furious.

"You can try." Xiao Yuan said lightly.

Di Ji looked at Xiaoyuan, then at Zhao Yang, and then understood something, "I said, how did your Yanhuang Sect develop so fast, so there is a line of guardians standing behind your Yanhuang Sect?"

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.

"The development of Yanhuangzong has nothing to do with our guardians." Xiao Yuan said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Yang, how does it feel to rely on a woman?" Di Ji looked at Zhao Yang with a smile.

It has to be said that Di Ji is very insidious, she wants to ruin Zhao Yang's reputation.

"I said that the development of Yanhuangzong has nothing to do with the lineage of the guardian." Xiaoyuan's eyes were filled with coldness.

"Why are you so impatient?" Di Ji giggled.

"There's no need to be as knowledgeable as her. The more you care about a woman like this, the happier she will be." Zhao Yang comforted Xiao Yuan at this time.

"Could you two have an affair?" Di Ji Mingliang turned around and looked at the two with a half-smile.


What no one expected was that Zhao Yang slapped Di Ji with his hands.

Di Ji was sent flying before she could even react.

When she stopped, half of her face was swollen.

She looked at Zhao Yang with resentment in her eyes, "How dare you beat me?"

At this time, all the monks in the audience looked at Zhao Yang with bewildered eyes.

The number one beauty in the heavens, are you willing to do it?

"I've never cared about fame, but you can't humiliate a girl's reputation." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Di Ji, I don't care what background you have, and I don't care what background you have. Come."

"It's coming at you, you can't catch it." Di Ji sneered.

"Can't catch it? Try it." Zhao Yang said tit for tat, "The Yanhuang Sect has fought against the Dark Clan in these years, and destroyed more than a dozen ethnic groups. Is it possible that your lineage is stronger than the Dark Clan?"

"You Yanhuangzong have been fighting against the dark race all these years?" Diji looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said, "Are you sure you are not joking?"

"Believe it or not?" Zhao Yang didn't explain too much, "I just

Here, Yan Huangzong is also here, whatever means you have, just use it. "

Di Ji stared at Zhao Yang for a while, then turned and left without saying a word.

"Is it true that the Yanhuang Sect has been fighting against the Dark Race all these years?" Xiao Yuan asked in a low voice after Di Ji left.

"I lied to Emperor Ji, do you still believe it?" Zhao Yang blinked at Xiao Yuan.

Xiao Yuan was startled, then laughed.

She also found it impossible.

Because if you want to go to the Dark Race, there is only one passage.

After a while, Xiao Yuan began to preach.

Soon the expressions of the monks in the field became solemn.

Because Xiaoyuan's avenue is easy to understand, but it directly points to the profound avenue.

At this moment, not to mention the monks below the forbidden realm, even the older generation in the forbidden realm are fascinated by it.

Zhao Yang was also listening quietly.

He found that Xiaoyuan's understanding of Dao was profound and mysterious, not much inferior to his own Dao.

This is kind of incredible.

Want to know that Zhao Yang got the inheritance of Less Taboo Realm?

"Is the guardian lineage so powerful?"

"Thirty percent of the creation of the heavens has been given to the guardian's lineage. Do you think the guardian's lineage is powerful?" At this moment, the voice of the mysterious girl rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"Sister, I have almost practiced the exercises you gave me now, do you want to give me some more?" Zhao Yang asked shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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