Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1927 Gift of resources

"These are resources below the taboo realm." Xiao Yuan said and handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang's divine sense scanned and found that the resources in the Qiankun bag were half of what they were ten years ago.

"I don't have many resources under the Taboo Realm."

Zhao Yang nodded.

And when Xiao Yuan went to open the altar to preach, Lin Caihan came out from the back hall.

"It seems that she can't hold on anymore."

"After so many years of giving back and forth, no matter how rich the family background is, she can't hold on anymore." Zhao Yang said deeply.

"I estimate that most of these resources will flow to the top [-] forces."

"They are stronger, which is actually good for us." Zhao Yang said lightly, "We can't face the Dark Race as a family in the future, right?"

In fact, the heavens are also integrating.

The purpose is to strengthen the strength of a group of continents.

"Our Yanhuangzong has 32 statues in the early stage of the taboo, 330 in the half-step taboo, 600 in the peak of the emperor, [-] million in the high-level of the emperor, and [-] million in the middle-level of the emperor. There are [-] statues, and the rest are below the mid-level of the Divine Emperor." Lin Caihan paused at this point, "I wonder if the Yanhuangzong is developing so fast, should we recruit another batch?"

The current development of Yanhuangzong is already great.The earth exceeded their expectations.

Of course, the main reason is that the Yanhuang Sect has been conquering for decades.

The result of beating the dark race is that they get more and more rare resources.

In addition, Zhao Yang's understanding of time is getting deeper and deeper, so the cycle of various divine fruits is getting shorter and shorter.

"How many more are you going to recruit?"

"One hundred million." Lin Caihan said softly, "Yanhuangzong is fully capable of cultivating them within a hundred years."

Normally it is impossible.

But don't forget that Yanhuangzong has the cheating tool of time Wuhun.

"Then recruit another [-] million." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "The previous reserve will be changed to the Silver Legion."

"The Golden Legion has 1000 million, isn't the Silver Legion a bit small?"

"The Silver Legion will definitely have to expand in the future. The Silver Legion will expand to 5000 million in the future, and the rest will be turned into reserves."

Lin Caihan nodded.

"How are the warships and war puppets built now?"

"Thanks to the resources obtained from the Dark Clan over the years, Yanhuangzong's strategic resources have been expanded. There are 13 warships in the mid-forbidden period, 32 war puppets in the mid-forbidden period; 45 warships in the early-stage taboo , there are 180 battle puppets in the early stage of taboo; [-] battleships in the half-step taboo, [-] battle puppets in the half-step taboo; There are [-] puppets; there are [-] high-level battleships of the God Emperor, and [-] million high-level war puppets of the God Emperor.


"The number of warships and war puppets below the half-step taboo realm has not increased much."

"Before we were lacking, so we worked desperately to refine, but now it is mainly to recruit novices." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "In addition, we will follow the two-thirds standard for the resources you robbed in the Anzu. Archived."

"It's better not to follow the two-thirds." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while, "Continue to continue to build."

"In such a hurry?" Lin Caihan was startled.

With the current scale of Yanhuangzong disciples, a large number of warships and war puppets can be built soon.

"It's better to seal it up after it's built than to build it temporarily." Zhao Yang said softly, "The recruiting of [-] million disciples will trouble you."

"It's okay, Yanhuangzong has already developed a mature mechanism." Lin Caihan said indifferently.

A few days later, when Yanhuangzong was auctioning, the monks who came here immediately found that the benefits from Yanhuangzong began to decrease.

"Benefits are starting to be cut in half."

"Can't Yanhuangzong afford it too?"

"It's been so many years, and people can't do what they want."

"The divine fruit in the early stage of the taboo realm."

"Yanhuangzong actually started to give benefits of this level."

"Does Yanhuangzong know something?"

"Could it be that the taboo-level moat beast is about to appear?"

But Yanhuangzong didn't say anything about it.

However, the only ones who are eligible to get the forbidden fruit are the powerhouses who are half-stepped into the forbidden realm after ranking one hundred.


As long as you draw it, you can get the divine fruit in the early stage of taboo.

What no one expected was that Zhao Yang sent out [-] divine fruits of the taboo realm in just one year.

"Is the Yan Huangzong crazy?"

"Three hundred divine fruits in the forbidden realm mean the existence of three hundred gods in the forbidden realm."

"Didn't Yan Huangzong know how to take it himself?"

"I now feel that these divine fruits don't belong to Yanhuangzong."

"I think so too, otherwise they wouldn't have acted like this."

"These divine fruits probably belong to the lineage of the guardian."

"I was skeptical when Diji said it before, but now it seems that this matter is probably true."

Zhao Zu came to Xincheng that day.

After Xu Huier notified Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang rushed over immediately.

"Is there anything the ancestor wants from me?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile in the living room.

"Zhao Yang, you are sending so many divine fruits all of a sudden, is there something big about to happen?" Zhao Zu asked worriedly.

"In another nine years, taboo-level moat beasts will appear on every continent." Zhao Yang said frankly.

"Why are there so many divine fruits in your hand?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yang immediately understood

understood Zhao Zu's meaning.

"The guardian asked me to give these divine fruits. In fact, most of the resources over the years were given to me by the guardian to distribute." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Zu finally understood that Zhao Yang said before that he did not make a loss-making business.

"Do you still have the divine fruit?" Zhao Zu said with some embarrassment, "Nowadays, the forces outside the territory are developing rapidly, and the Zhao family is under great pressure."

"I didn't give you the divine fruit before because your cultivation was not enough." Zhao Yang said and handed Zhao Zu a brocade box.

In the brocade box, there is one divine fruit in the mid-forbidden period and five divine fruits in the early-stage taboo.

Zhao Zu was also a little moved when he looked at the six divine fruits in the brocade box.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to give such rich resources.

"Old Ancestor, are you sure you can break through within nine years?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zu smiled wryly and shook his head, "I'm still a long way from the middle stage of the taboo realm. Even if I take this divine fruit, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in less than 80 years."

Zhao Zu still has self-knowledge.

Zhao Yang handed Zhao Zu another brocade box, "There are six time spars in the brocade box, each of which contains the power of time for [-] years, and when you use it, the flow of time around your body will be reduced to eight times. "

Eight times!

This number is already terrifying.

This means that you have practiced for 80 years, and the outside world has only passed ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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