Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1892 Metamorphosis

At this time, Zhao Yang provoked those forces to fight among themselves.

Therefore, in the third year, there were very few monks left in the three continents, and it was at this time that he personally ended up beheading the remaining monks.

"How does it feel to be a chess player?" The voice of the mysterious girl rang in his ears that day.

"It will become cold-blooded, and those lives are like numbers." It took a while for Zhao Yang to express his feelings.

"No way, what do you have to pay for what you want?" The girl said that the three continents decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after a while, three universe bags appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"The resources I gave you are three times that of the Heixuan Continent." The mysterious girl said lightly.

Zhao Yang collected these resources into the small world.

In fact, according to Zhao Yang's plan, it would be enough to have two more continents, and the reason why he chose the third one was just in case of emergency.

Zongmen can't have no storage at all, can it?

Yan Huangzong!

When Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, he found that Yanhuangzong had become stronger than before, and this sect was also full of vitality.

"The secrecy work of Yanhuangzong must be done well." Zhao Yang put forward some opinions to Lin Caihan and others.

The main reason is that once the news of Yanhuangzong is leaked, it will cause panic in the heavens.

Thousands of god kings?A million emperors?

what do you want to do


"Husband, how many resources did you get this time?" Lin Caihan asked with a smile.

"Three times that of the Black Mysterious Continent."

"Three times?" Lin Caihan exclaimed.

"Twice as much." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

"Well, the rest will be sealed for now." Zhao Yang nodded.

Then Zhao Yang came to the central square.

The central square has now been expanded hundreds of times again.

When Zhao Yangduan was sitting in the center practicing, the power of the time martial soul diffused in all directions.

The speed of time within a radius of ten meters around Zhao Yang is eight times that of the outside world, the speed of time within a radius of [-] meters around Zhao Yang is five times that of the outside world, and the speed of time within a radius of one kilometer around Zhao Yang is three times that of the outside world , the speed of time within a radius of [-] meters around Zhao Yang is twice that of the outside world.

But it's not like anyone wants to get close to Zhao Yang.

Lin Caihan formulated the scoring rules.

Only those who perform well are eligible to walk within a kilometer, within a kilometer, or even within ten meters of Zhao Yang.

Of course, there is no limit to Zhao Yang's range from [-] to [-] meters. This is everyone's benefit.

In this state, the progress of Yanhuangzong disciples' practice can be described as fast.

Time Martial Soul is a cheating tool. It is true that they are lagging behind other forces, but as long as they are given some time, they can catch up quickly.

soon one

Years passed.

During this year, besides practicing daily, Zhao Yang also used the energy multiplier to upgrade the warships and puppets of the peak Yanhuangzong God Emperor.

"Now Yanhuangzong has 260 warships with half-step taboos, and [-] war puppets with half-step taboos." Lin Caihan said with emotion, "Even if the six taboo powerhouses come, Yanhuangzong also has a battleship." Power."

There is no need to adopt the tragic way of self-destruction before.

"Yanhuangzong will only become stronger and stronger." Zhao Yang held Lin Caihan's hand and said, "I believe that in the future we will have taboo-class warships and war puppets."

Lin Caihan nodded slightly.

Five years later, all the senior officials of Yanhuangzong had reached the level of the peak of the emperor.

Lin Caihan had already set foot on this level before.

At this time, the senior officials of Yanhuangzong were already ahead of the heavenly wizards of the Outer Territory and the Forbidden Road.

Because they haven't set foot on the level of the peak of the emperor yet.

"Yan Huangzong has [-] half-step taboo warships, and half-step taboo battle puppets have reached [-]." Lin Caihan was shocked when she reported this number.

"If we don't care about the cost, we can completely flatten the road of extraterritorial and taboo." Tang Yiren said with a smile.

"The road outside the domain is nothing to be honest, the road of taboo is still a bit deep." Zhao Yang shook his head lightly, "Furthermore, our goal is not

It's them. "

Another five years have passed since the middle ranks of Yanhuangzong have also set foot on the realm of the peak of the emperor, that is, from this time on, the middle ranks of Yanhuangzong have been compared with the great talents.

The middle level of Yanhuangzong is not inferior to those peerless arrogance at all.

Because they took three hundreds of fruits, their background has reached the taboo level, and Zhao Yang gave them Duanmu, their background is now between one hundred and two hundred.

As for the background information of the high-level officials of Yanhuangzong, they are all above two hundred.

"It's time for my cultivation to break through." Zhao Yang said suddenly this day.

After these years of practice, his cultivation has reached the edge of a breakthrough.

"It's time to break through."

Zhao Yang came to practice quietly under the sacred tree.

At this time, there is no longer a sacred tree here, but 43 sacred trees.

Of course, the forty minnows are the most valuable.

After a few days passed like this, the aura on his body suddenly rose sharply, and when it reached a certain point, Zhao Yang felt that he had penetrated the second bridge of heaven and earth.

His body transformed again.

If his body was made of steel before, it has now transformed into an alloy.

This is an essential improvement.

At the same time, his spirit also began to transform, and Zhao Yang found that he was able to capture some information.

He can penetrate the world

some truths.

I don't know how long it took for Zhao Yang's transformation to end, but he felt that he was at least ten times stronger than before.

Ten times.

What kind of concept is this?

In the past, even thirty or fifty statues were no match for him.

Because it's not one plus one?

More importantly, he can still improve.

Is it any wonder that the peak god emperors have to mobilize at least a hundred if they want to kill half-step taboos?

Forbidden land!

The evil spirit has been hiding since Zhao Yang's appearance, but he has not been idle all these years. He found an ancient ruin.

However, the hole in this ruins is very strong. Over the years, he has dug bit by bit with a shovel in his hand.

When he dug again that day, a hole was suddenly opened at the entrance of the cave, and then dense air flowed out, and then washed away the entrance of the cave like a flood of beasts, and the majestic spiritual power let out a roar.

What did the strong man of the taboo road sense the first time?

"What a strong spiritual power!"

"Is there any treasure in this world?"

"It is definitely a treasure of the heaven-defying level."

Experts such as the forbidden strongman from the Ji clan and the forbidden strongman from the imperial clan rushed there immediately.

Seeing this scene, the evil spirit felt extremely aggrieved.

"You are not allowed to rob, I found this ruin." The evil spirit said while sealing the hole here.

(End of this chapter)

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