But the spiritual power contained in the cave entrance is too majestic.

He couldn't stop it even for a moment.

Not long after, the other six taboo powerhouses from the taboo road also rushed here.

"This ruin belongs to our taboo power." The taboo powerhouse of the Imperial Clan said in a deep voice, "Everyone joined hands to seal this place."

The other seven taboo powerhouses also felt that it made sense, so they joined hands to seal this world.

The old patriarch of the soul clan saw this scene from a distance, and then he hid his figure and disappeared, and soon the ten taboo powerhouses from outside the region rushed here.

The taboo strong man of the taboo road turned dark when he saw the strong man from outside the territory rushing to him.

To be honest, just now they had reached an agreement with the evil spirits, but the ten taboo powerhouses from outside the territory also rushed here.

"The treasure here is in our forbidden land." The taboo powerhouse of the Imperial Clan said in a deep voice.

"It seems that the treasure is outside our territory, so you guys on the taboo road won't snatch it?" The old patriarch of the soul clan sneered.

"Since we have come here, we must have our share of the treasure." The patriarch of the machine clan said seriously.

After discussing for a while, the strong man of Taboo Road said, "The treasure here is divided into fifteen parts."

"Fifteen copies?" The patriarch of the Dao clan asked puzzledly, "What does this mean?"

"This treasure was dug out by the evil spirits for many years. I don't think everyone has any objections if they want two copies?" The patriarch of the Ji clan scanned the whole place.

Chang glanced at him and said, "There are only eight taboo forces on the Forbidden Road, so each of our eight families wants a share. As for the remaining five shares, you will share with ten families."

Hearing that the top ten taboo powerhouses outside the territory here immediately quit.

"Why?" The patriarch of the machine clan scolded angrily.

"Evil spirits are our taboo path." The patriarch of the Emperor Clan sneered, "Otherwise you will get nothing."

The patriarch of the Tao clan said sadly after hearing the words, "Don't you think that we have no masters here? I think you should know that Zhao Yang has returned? If we call Zhao Yang here, do you think he will come back here?" How much did he score for his character?"

The taboo strong man who heard the taboo road here turned gloomy.

"Divide according to twenty." The evil spirit said at this time, "I want two, one for each of your eighteen families."

"Yes." The top ten taboo powerhouses outside the territory felt that this distribution method was no problem.

"Since everyone agrees with my distribution method, no one should disclose this matter." The evil spirit said coldly, "If anyone leaks because of it, everyone will attack together."

Everyone said no problem.

Then everyone joined forces to completely isolate the world before entering the cave.

There is a divine beast in the cave.

When the beast saw the crowd, it said, "Congratulations, everyone, for coming to Fuze Palace."

"Fuze Palace?" Everyone looked at each other, this was the first time they heard

This name.

"The Fuze Palace was established by my master. His purpose of building the Fuze Palace is for the future generations of Fuze." Speaking of which, the beast led everyone to the first hall, which was filled with pieces one after another. Top grade divine stone.

"There are a total of 100 trillion of these sacred stones, which are left to everyone by my master."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes showed surprise.

100 billion is not a small number.

According to the previous agreement, everyone distributed the 100 billion.

"Everyone come with me." Said the beast and led everyone to the second hall.

There are two hundred half-step taboo-class warships and six hundred half-step taboo battle puppets in this hall.

According to the agreement, each faction can get ten half-step taboo warships and thirty half-step taboo battle puppets.

This made all the forces very excited.

"It made a lot of money."

"With these warships and war puppets, the strength of our group has at least doubled."

"What good things do you expect in the future?"

Just as everyone was rubbing their hands, the beast led everyone to the third hall.

A dazzling array of divine fruits are placed in the third hall.

"There are three hundred god fruits that can step into the half-step taboo, one thousand god fruits that can step on the peak of the god emperor, three thousand god fruits that can step on the high level of the god emperor, and the god fruit that can step on the middle level of the god emperor. There are [-] pieces, and there are [-] pieces that can set foot in the early stage of the God Emperor."

With the voice of the divine beast falling on the scene

The eyes of the strong man suddenly lit up.

This is undoubtedly a lot of wealth.

After they divided the batch of divine fruits in proportion, the divine beast led them to the fourth hall.

There are fewer in the fourth hall, and there are pieces of crystals on the table.

"What are these crystals?" the taboo powerhouse of the Imperial Clan asked curiously.

"The time crystal condensed by the Time Martial Soul." The beast explained, "Even those in the forbidden realm can use it."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"How much power of time is contained in a time crystal?" the taboo powerhouse of the Ji clan asked quickly.

"1000 years." The beast replied, "When you activate this crystal, the flow of time around you will slow down, but no matter how fast the flow of time is, it will not exceed five times that of the outside world."

"What if two monks use it at the same time?"

"Double consumption."

"There are one hundred of these time crystals, and each of us can get five." The taboo strongman of the machine family said excitedly.

This is undoubtedly a huge fortune.

After everyone divided the batch of time crystals, the beast led everyone to the fifth hall.

There are only a few volumes of exercises in the fifth hall.

But it was these few volumes of exercises that made their breathing quicken.

"Here is a volume of original exercises in the middle of the taboo period, and two volumes of original exercises in the early stage of the taboo. Of course, whether it is suitable for you is up to you."

discussed by all

Finally, it was decided that these three volumes of exercises should be shared.

After they wrote down all the three volumes of exercises, they destroyed the classics.

"In addition, there is a taboo source liquid here, and I gave it to you as well." At this time, the divine beast handed them another bottle.

"Forbidden source liquid? How many drops are there?" At this moment, even the evil spirits were moved.

He desperately wanted to raise his background.

"Three thousand drops." The beast replied.

"150 drops may be enough." The evil spirit murmured.

"It's useless for you to use the forbidden source liquid." The beast looked at the evil spirit and said, "After the value reaches eighty, it cannot be improved by the forbidden source liquid."

When the evil spirit heard this, his face immediately darkened.

"Okay, you can leave." The beast said lightly, "All that this cave can give, I give it to you."

Everyone said goodbye one after another.

After they returned to their respective ethnic groups, they immediately summoned high-level officials.

At this time, I don't care about the so-called leak.


"We actually got ten half-step taboo warships and thirty half-step taboo war puppets?"

"Fifteen half-step taboo divine fruits, 150 divine emperor peak divine fruits, [-] divine emperor high-level divine fruits, [-] divine emperor mid-level divine fruits, and [-] divine emperor early stage divine fruits. pieces."

"I think the most precious thing is the time spar."

"Yeah, with those time spars, we can improve our cultivation in the shortest possible time."

(End of this chapter)

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