Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1891 Zhao Yang's Means

"One thousand warships at the peak of the god emperor, three thousand war puppets at the peak of the god emperor; three thousand warships at the high level of the god emperor, ten thousand war puppets at the peak of the god emperor; ten thousand warships at the middle level of the god emperor, There are [-] war puppets in the mid-level God Emperor." Lin Caihan and Tang Yiren gave such a figure after calculation.

"Husband, has your energy multiplier level been upgraded?" Lin Caihan thought of another thing.

"Upgraded." Zhao Yang nodded, "Puppets and battleships at the peak of the God Emperor can be upgraded once a day, and there are ten opportunities to upgrade to other levels every day."

Hearing this, Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren showed surprise on their faces.

"In other words, we can have a large number of half-step taboos in a very short period of time." Mingyue became a little incoherent.

You must know that they almost consumed all the half-step taboo warships and war puppets in order to escape.

"Let me tell you about the dark clan's lineup." Following Zhao Yang's eloquence, the joy on the faces of Lin Caihan and the others disappeared.

Because they found it too difficult to defeat the Dark Race.

"So I decided to revise the previous legion level again." Zhao Yang said softly, "The number of the supreme legion is controlled at [-], consisting of the middle stage of taboo, the early stage of taboo, and the half-step taboo."

Speaking of this, Lin Caihan couldn't help but frowned, "Do you know how difficult it is? We, who have a background of half-step taboo, don't even get two hundred

What? "

"There are ten places in the middle stage of taboo, one hundred in the early stage of taboo, and the rest are half-step taboo." What Lin Caihan didn't expect was that Zhao Yang then said this sentence.

"One hundred quotas in the early stage of the taboo?" Lin Caihan and other women were taken aback.

Zhao Yang brought the three daughters of Lin Caihan to a manor where Caiyun was taking care of the newly transplanted treasure tree.

Looking at the ten treasure forests, Caihan suddenly realized something, "Husband, these fruits?"

"These ten trees are treasure trees, and each tree bears 330 fruits. Among them, the top treasure fruit can be promoted to the half-step taboo state, the middle treasure fruit can be promoted to the peak of the emperor, and the low treasure fruit can be promoted to the peak of the emperor. High-level God Emperor." Lin Caihan suddenly realized when Zhao Yang said this.

"Can we have [-] existences in the half-step taboo realm in an instant?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"It blooms every ten years, and it bears fruit every ten years." Zhao Yang continued, "That is to say, it only takes 300 years to gather [-] people."

"With these ten sacred trees, there is indeed no problem." Mingyue changed her voice when she said this, "Where is the king's army?"

"The king's army is controlled at [-], consisting of half-step taboos, god-emperor peaks, and god-emperor high-levels." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "One hundred half-step taboos, three thousand god-emperor peaks, The rest are high-level god emperors."

"The Zijin Legion is controlled at one million,

It is composed of high-level god emperor, mid-level god emperor and early god emperor.Among them, [-] for the high-level God Emperor, [-] for the middle-stage God Emperor, and the rest are for the early-stage God Emperor. "

"The Golden Legion is controlled at tens of millions. It is composed of the early stage of the God Emperor, the peak of the God King, and the high-level God King. Among them, there are [-] in the early stage of the God Emperor, one million at the peak of the God King, and the rest are high-level God Kings."

When Zhao Yang revealed his plan, Lin Caihan and other women were frightened.

"We have so many resources there?"

"This is just my preliminary plan, and I may continue to improve it in the future." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Still promoted?" Lin Caihan swallowed dryly.

"I may have other tasks in the future."

"Well, according to your plan, we need to recruit another 3000 million monks. After all, these monks also need to be served for their food and drink."

"You can figure out what to do with this matter."

"The consumption of the sacred stone by so many monks is an astronomical figure." Mingyue thought of something.

"I'll take you to a place." Zhao Yang took them to the second treasury, but what did they see?

300 trillion divine stones.

"Before, I thought trillions of sacred stones were an astronomical figure." Tang Yiren said with emotion, "It's only now that I know that there are even greater numbers."

While Lin Caihan and others were recruiting disciples, Zhao Yang expanded the sect.

The size of the previous sect

It's a bit small, and now it needs to recruit 3000 million disciples, otherwise it would be too cramped.

It will be three years before almost all the 3000 million disciples are recruited.

And those disciples came to Yanhuangzong to understand what is unbelievable.

Because Yan Huangzong said that he wanted to train 1000 million god kings.

What is this concept?

One-third of the 3000 million new disciples will become the supreme god kings.

and many more.

If Yanhuangzong really did it, how could the god king be superior?

"What's the plan for the reserve disciples?" Lin Caihan asked Zhao Yang when the sect was on the right track.

"Except for the four major armies, the rest are all reserve forces, and the strength of the reserve forces is at least above the Life God Realm." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Our resources are not enough." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "The resources of the God King Realm are not enough, and the resources of the God King Realm are even less."

"I'll figure out a solution to the problem of resources. Don't be stingy with resources, just use them at ease." Zhao Yang said softly.

After Lin Caihan left, Zhao Yang contacted the mysterious girl.

"Sister, can you give me another test?"

"You still want to go to the Dark Race?"

"The strength of the Dark Clan is too terrifying. I thought that if I could get rid of one more, the outside world would have a better chance of winning."

"Okay, I will give you the map of the Dark Race, when will you solve it?

A continent, when will I refine it for you? "The mysterious girl said that three thousand continents of the Anzu appeared in Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, and each continent had a detailed introduction.

After some research, Zhao Yang chose three continents.

The strength of these three continents is similar to that of the Heixuan Continent.

Black Abyss Continent!

Zhao Yang was the first to go to this continent, and then he spent a month collecting information, and then went to the ancestral courts of the major forces alone.

Those who disobeyed his orders were killed on the spot until one was chosen to obey him.

I will only leave one faction in this area, and whichever faction is left will survive.

Zhao Yang is letting them kill each other.

Soon the entire Heiyuan Continent turned into purgatory under Zhao Yang's strong suppression.

Only then did Zhao Yang go to the second continent, Hei Ming Continent. After doing the same in Hei Ming Continent, Zhao Yang went to Hessen Continent again.

Under Zhao Yang's continuous fanning, the three continents gradually moved in an uncontrollable direction.

In just one year, the population of the three continents dropped by eight-tenths.

It's not that there are people with lofty ideals who have seen Zhao Yang's purpose, but the forces left after the battle are full of contradictions, and they can't give up until they can't wait to kill the opponent.

There is no turning back for them.

In this way, another year passed, and the remaining monks in the three continents were less than one percent.

(End of this chapter)

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