"The level of the Martial Soul Tree has finally been raised." Zhao Yang revealed surprise.

An increase in the level of the martial soul tree also means an increase in combat effectiveness.

At this moment, Zhao Yang noticed a fruit appeared on the Wuhun tree. This fruit exuded a strong purple aura as soon as it was born.

This kind of breath is similar to the breath flowing from the Wuhun tree.

"Forbidden Martial Soul." Zhao Yang said in surprise.

When the fruit was ripe, the information of that fruit appeared in Zhao Yang's mind.

Forbidden Martial Soul: Spatial Martial Soul.

"It turned out to be a space spirit." Zhao Yang knew that the space spirit ranked fourth among many spirits.

Piao Miao also has a space martial soul, but it is half-step taboo, why is it so difficult to face the dark race?

In the following time, Zhao Yang not only comprehended various avenues, but also comprehended the Space Martial Soul.

After he practiced in the time martial soul for another seven years, the two masters Tian Daozi and Ji Zi hurriedly found Zhao Yang.

"Young master Zhao, the broken seal of the evil spirit is right in front of you, can you make a move?" Daozi said in a deep voice.

"Lead the way." What Daozi and Jizi didn't expect was that Zhao Yang would say these words.

"Please." Daozi said hastily.

In the past ten years, Zhao Yang's spiritual power has increased by nearly three times, and he can completely wrestle with the existence of the middle period of the taboo. Moreover, he has also practiced the art of returning to the sky to the fourth floor, and he will be able to recover to the peak state in a quarter of an hour. .

That's why you want to


The sealed place is deep in the sky, it took Zhao Yang and Daozi half a day to reach the sealed place.

At this time, the eighteen forbidden powerhouses in the sealed place have all arrived.

When they saw Zhao Yang, their eyes were complicated.

Because they are high-ranking taboo powerhouses, but now they find out that they are asking Zhao Yang for help, which is a shame to them.

But they can't help it.

The two taboo powerhouses of Four Seas Casino and Unreal Sea were killed.

They are not absolutely sure of defeating each other.

"The peak of the emperor."

"His cultivation has broken through."

"He broke through too fast, right? Daozi and Jizi haven't broken through yet!"

"How did he do it?"

Just as everyone was muttering, the old patriarch of the Soul Clan greeted with a smile, "Zhao Yang, you will be needed in the big battle later."

"I will cooperate at the side." Zhao Yang said modestly.

Everyone didn't say anything, as long as Zhao Yang was willing to cooperate, it would be no problem to injure the evil spirit again.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

On the fourth day, the seal burst open suddenly, and then a domineering figure appeared in front of everyone, with an aura flowing from his body that made the world tremble.

Zhao Yang's face turned green immediately.

Because at this time his soul trembled violently.

"Are you sure his cultivation is in the mid-stage taboo?" Zhao Yang asked loudly.

"His cultivation seems to be stronger than before." The pupils of the old head of the Soul Clan showed horror.

"what's the situation?"

"His cultivation is at least twice as strong as before."

"We obviously sealed him in the Jedi, how could his cultivation be improved?"

"It doesn't make sense."

Just when these taboo powerhouses panicked, Zhao Yang fell silent.

If this group of taboo powerhouses didn't make a move, he wouldn't make a move either.

"I want to thank you for sealing me in this Jedi." Those handsome evil spirits glanced at the strong present and said, "Maybe you don't know that there is a great opportunity in the depths of this Jedi."

Great opportunity!

Hearing these three words, the eyes of the old patriarch of the soul clan and others lit up again.

"Now my cultivation has made great progress, and I am not far from the taboo high level." The evil spirit said with a cold light in his eyes, "After I kill you guys one by one, I will You can use that opportunity to step into the taboo high level."


The moment his voice fell, the majestic power of heaven and earth pervaded towards everyone.

The old patriarch of the Dao clan shouted loudly, "This is our only chance to eradicate the evil spirits. If we can't do it this time, we will wait for the clan to be exterminated in the future."

The rest of the taboo powerhouses are obviously aware of this situation,

Therefore, they have used the magical powers of the taboo realm to contend with it.

Eighteen figures converged into eighteen torrents, attacking the evil spirit like a stormy sea.

The evil spirit's feet stood firmly in the void, its whole body glowed with orange light, and its snow-white palms turned into hundreds of millions of palm shadows, slapping down on those supernatural powers one by one.

Zhao Yang noticed that the evil spirit was as immovable as a mountain, and he could deal with those guys' attacks at this moment, not to mention handy.

"Zhao Yang, why don't you make a move?" The head of the Dao clan shouted at Zhao Yang.

Only then did Zhao Yang unhurriedly use his mental power.

The mental power turned into the power of thunder and slammed down towards the evil spirit.

The evil spirit moved.

He dodged the thunderbolt in the nick of time.

"He avoided it?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

You must know that what Zhao Yang used just now did not break through the previous level.

Unexpectedly, the evil spirits were able to avoid it.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help sinking.

If Zhao Yang's mental strength is useless, then he is destined to be unable to deal with evil spirits today.

The evil spirit stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Are you sure you want to interfere with this matter?" The evil spirit knew that there was a terrifying figure standing behind Zhao Yang, so it didn't want to do anything to Zhao Yang unless it had to.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

what's the situation?

Zhao Yang seems to know evil spirits?

"If you want to destroy the outside world, you are making an enemy of me." Zhao Yang

Shen Sheng said.

"Which force are you, I will destroy it." The evil spirit said immediately.

"What's the point if there's only my lineage outside the whole domain?" Zhao Yang shook his head.

"You should know that you are not the one I fear." The evil spirit said slowly.

The words of the evil spirit moved the hearts of the Taoist patriarch and others.

Sure enough, there was a terrifying existence standing behind Zhao Yang.

"I have no intention of killing you, I just want you to stop acting recklessly."

"Then don't blame me." When the evil spirit said this, his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

For a while, even the patriarch of the Tao clan and others couldn't catch its figure.

"Be careful." The head of the Dao clan said with trembling in his heart.

Everyone couldn't catch his traces, but that doesn't mean Zhao Yang couldn't catch them.

His powerful mental power noticed that the evil spirit was rapidly approaching him.

The moment Zhao Yang was about to fall beside him, Zhao Yang stopped dormant, and his mental power, which was three times stronger than before, erupted loudly, turning into a long whip of order.


The long whip hit the evil spirit fiercely, and the evil spirit was immediately drawn hundreds of meters away.

When he stopped, everyone noticed that the evil spirit's body was bloody.

"You... How could your mental power be so powerful?" Xie Ling looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and asked.

"There are too many things you don't know." Zhao Yang said here that his mental power turned into a whip of order again.

(End of this chapter)

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