And even though the evil spirit used several movements, it was still savagely drawn on its body.

One of his arms exploded directly, and even his chest was almost pierced, and blood gushed out desperately.

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him." The taboo powerhouse who was present saw this scene and rushed to take action.

The evil spirit was severely injured by two consecutive blows, so he could not use [-]% of his strength.

Zhao Yang didn't continue to shoot, but watched quietly from the side.

But even with the joint efforts of the eighteen taboo powerhouses, it still took several months to defeat the evil spirits.

"Everyone join hands to seal it." The pavilion master said at this time.

With everyone's help, the pavilion master carved dense runes on the evil spirit's body.

Zhao Yang noticed that the runes were rough, and even said that many of the runes were wrong.

He suddenly realized that the runes of these forbidden realms were found by the pavilion master himself.

"How long can these runes block it?" Ji clan patriarch asked in a deep voice.

"At the beginning, the evil spirit was sealed by relying on this Jedi, but now this Jedi has been destroyed." The pavilion master said worriedly, "To be honest, I don't know how long it can be sealed for?"

Everyone's thoughts sank when they heard it.

"What should I do?"

"We are a group of six, and monitor it in real time." The patriarch of the Ji clan said after thinking about it.

"It's the only way to do it." The patriarch of the imperial clan said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry too much, everyone."

The old patriarch of the Dao clan said with a smile, "Everyone, don't forget that there is a chance in the depths of this place. Maybe we can go further by relying on the chance?"

Hearing this, everyone remembered that the place where the evil spirits are sealed contains a great opportunity?

So everyone went to the sealed place after sealing the evil spirits.

The mountains and rivers of the sealed land have been destroyed, and this place gives people an atmosphere of decay and decay, and there is a pond in the deepest part of the sealed land.

The pond doesn't look very deep, but it exudes a deep luster.

The patriarch of the Dao clan summoned a high-level war puppet in the God Emperor Realm. As a result, the war puppet was melted by the mysterious power contained in the pond just after entering the pond.

"This pond can swallow divine thoughts."

"Psychic power can also be devoured."

"The pond gave me a sense of danger."

Everyone looked around the pond.

If there is any opportunity here, perhaps this pond is the only one.

After Zhao Yang did some research, he couldn't figure out why.

"Quickly tell me, what's the chance you're talking about?" Jianzong asked with a kick towards the evil spirit.

The evil spirit gave him a gloomy look, "Can you kill me?"

Of course, the master of Jianzong would not kill the evil spirits.

But the question is what he wants to know about chance?

Evil spirits can go one step further, so can't they go one step further?

"Sister, do you see where the opportunity is?

? "Zhao Yang had to ask the mysterious woman for help after researching for a long time but still couldn't find it.

"Lotus in the pond."

"The lotus root in the pond?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The lotus root in the pond is not an ordinary lotus root. After a strong man fell, his flesh and blood fell into the pond. After a long period of gestation, the lotus root was born."

"How can I get it?"

"Your mental power is condensed into a thread and extracted forcibly."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang no longer hesitated, and his spiritual power condensed into a thread.

That line of mental power bloomed with incomparable fluctuations, which made the taboo-level powerhouses present all look shocked.

Just when they thought what Zhao Yang was going to do, that spiritual force split the water in the pond and forcibly entered the pond.

Soon Zhao Yang's mental power saw a white lotus root.

The spiritual force broke the lotus root and detained it in his hands.

"Lotus root."

"This lotus root exudes taboo-level fluctuations."

"Taboo-grade medicinal materials."

"I feel that if I take this lotus root, my cultivation will increase a lot."

Just when these taboo powerhouses were about to make a move, Zhao Yang put away the lotus root.

"Zhao Yang, can you give me some lotus root?" The old head of the Soul Clan rubbed his hands and asked.

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang looked at the old patriarch of the Soul Clan with a half-smile.

"Zhao Yang

, our cultivation base has improved, and we can better suppress evil spirits. "The old patriarch of the Dao clan said softly, "Furthermore, we don't want your things for nothing. We can exchange what resources you need. "

"Do you Dao clan have anything that I can exchange for taboo-level medicinal materials?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

After reaching the level of taboo, even the most powerful Taoist clan has nothing decent.

"Zhao Yang, you can't take this opportunity alone." The suzerain of Zhutian Express said in a deep voice.

"The lotus root is right under the pond. You can get it yourself if you want, and I didn't stop you." Zhao Yang glanced at the other party.

"You...?" The suzerain of Zhutian Express choked on Zhao Yang's words.

But Zhao Yang also realized that the lotus root has aroused the coveting of these guys.

Therefore, when his spiritual power probed the bottom of the pond again, Zhao Yang broke five of them at once, but five of them were isolated by his spiritual power, so the Taoist and other taboo powerhouses only saw one. root.

After Zhao Yang put away the lotus root, he stopped to recover.

Using mental power twice in succession, his mental power was consumed a lot.

He could indeed use it again, but he was worried about these guys playing tricks.

Half a quarter of an hour later, his mental strength recovered to its peak, because at this time he had already cultivated to the fourth level of the art of returning to heaven, but Zhao Yang did not continue to attack, but pretended that he hadn't recovered.

At this time, the Tao clan and other patriarchs were also discussing in secret.

"How to do?"

"Could it be that this guy is allowed to scoop up taboo-level lotus roots without scruple?"

"To be honest, we are not sure about dealing with him!"

"This is related to whether we can go further, and Zhao Yang must not be allowed to continue fishing."

"For now, we can only join forces to persecute them."

"We will take action when Zhao Yang's mental power is almost exhausted."

"Well, this way we have a better grasp."

After two hours passed, Zhao Yang went to pick up the lotus roots in the pond.

This time Zhao Yang took another five lotus roots, of course the Taoist patriarch and the others saw one.

"There are still eight lotus roots in the pond." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

Thinking about Zhao Yang's attack again, this time he still got five.

After picking up five roots, Zhao Yang just put them away and the Ji Clan patriarch said, "Zhao Yang, you can't keep fishing."


"We discovered this opportunity together, you can't take all of this opportunity." The patriarch of the Ji clan said in a deep voice.

The expressions of the taboo powerhouse present became dignified.

From their point of view, Zhao Yang has always been rebellious, and he will probably fight them.

But what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yang nodded, "I've already got four lotus roots, and I'll leave the rest to you."

"What?" The Ji Clan patriarch was stunned.

The taboo powerhouses present were also stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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