Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1877 Martial Soul Tree Transformation

A month later, Jianzong and other six top forces sent a batch of resources.

These resources are from Four Seas Casino and Unreal Sea.

During this period of time, the six major forces have not been idle. In order to uproot these two major forces, they have used quite a lot of legions, which is why they did it in such a short period of time.

Of course, they also paid a lot of price.

"I will cancel all the grievances with you." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang did not blackmail the six major ethnic groups, because the six major ethnic groups have already paid a lot.

And the resources of the two top forces far exceeded Zhao Yang's imagination.

In order to put these resources into different categories, Zhao Yang dispatched tens of thousands of robots, and it took half a year before and after to divide those resources into roughly the same amount.

"Resources below the Divine King Realm are divided into four parts." Zhao Yang divided them, "[-]% is reserved for my small world, [-]% for Caihan's small world, [-]% for Mingyue, and [-]% for Yiren."

As for Zongmen.

There is no need to pay attention to the resources below the King Realm!

"The resources of the God King Realm will also be sealed up on a large scale, because we won't be able to use most of the resources." Lin Caihan said with emotion.

In any case, it was unexpected that the resources of the God King Realm would not be used.

"Shenyuanzong is our affiliated sect, so give them some of these unused resources." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"Shenyuanzong these years

We've been investing. " Lin Caihan replied softly.

"Resources that are not used in the God King Realm are still allocated according to the previous method." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "Have you counted the resources in the God King Realm?"


"One-third of the God Emperor-level resources are sealed, and the rest are all built for me."

"There are so many built?" Lin Caihan asked in surprise.

"I think it may not be long before we will face off against the Anzu. If we don't have a considerable number of legions, how much will the disciples of the Yanhuangzong lose?" Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "And With battleships and war puppets, the damage of disciples can be reduced."

"The disciples of Yanhuangzong have already woken up. I don't think there will be much problem building these warships and puppets." Lin Caihan responded.

Afterwards, there was gradually no news of Yanhuangzong in the heavens.

Because Yanhuangzong rarely communicates with the outside world.

In this way, ten years have passed.

Over the years, Zhao Yang's cultivation has become more and more profound, and he is only one step away from the peak of the God Emperor.


The many avenues he practiced are also close to the realm of the peak of the emperor.

Daozi came to the door this day.

"The seal of the evil spirit is almost unable to hold on."

"There are still eighteen taboo powerhouses between heaven and earth, can't they continue to seal?"

"At that time, the evil spirit was introduced into a Jedi, so it was sealed with the help of the pavilion master." Daozi said in a deep voice, "but recently the seal has loosened."

"How long can it last?"

"A year or so."

"And what did you come to me for?"

"I hope that you can join hands with us and kill that evil spirit in one fell swoop."

"I don't have that ability."

"You and your wife, together with fierce beasts, and eighteen taboo powerhouses, I think it might be possible."

"Let's talk about it later." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

After Daozi left, Zhao Yang told Lin Caihan that he would retreat and hit the peak of the God Emperor Realm next.

Now his cultivation base is very close to this realm, and then he came to practice quietly under the sacred tree.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

On this day, Zhao Yang finally felt the opportunity to break through.

The moment the acupuncture point shattered, the energy of heaven and earth poured into his body like a tide.

The energy Zhao Yang needs to break through is so powerful.

The power of heaven and earth in his small world was quickly exhausted, and at this moment the dzi bead he got when he set foot on the God Emperor Realm turned into a bridge, connecting and guiding the vast power of heaven and earth in the depths of the sky.

Zhao Yang's cultivation soared crazily.

I don't know how long it took before it gradually fell back.

"My cultivation has increased by at least three times." Zhao Yang murmured, feeling the vast energy in his body.

You must know that he has just stepped into the peak of the God Emperor now, and his cultivation base can increase when he goes further in the future.

After the breakthrough, Zhao Yang continued to stabilize his realm here. It took him three months to stabilize his own realm, and after being stabilized, Zhao Yang began to temper his spiritual power.

His mental strength had been raised to the limit before, but now his cultivation base has tripled compared to before, and the mental strength that can be accommodated has naturally increased.

The improvement of mental power is bound to be painful. It took Zhao Yang a year to double his mental power.

"I still have some time to continue to improve." Zhao Yang murmured.

As his cultivation base rose to the peak of the emperor, the ability of his time martial soul has also been further improved.

Now when he is practicing, the time flow speed is ten times that of the outside world.

In other words, he practiced for ten years when he activated the time spirit, but only one year has passed for the outside world.

Ten meters around him, the velocity of time is eight times that of the outside world

, the speed of time flow at a distance of [-] meters around the body is five times that of the outside world, and the speed of time flow at a distance of one thousand meters around the body is three times that of the outside world.

It was at this time that Zhao Yang walked out of the small world, and he told the monks of Yanhuangzong to continue preaching, but the preaching time was once every three months.

Soon the monks of Yanhuangzong felt the difference in the flow of time.

"Five times the flow rate of time, give me some time, and I can be compared with the mainstream of the younger generation."

"Three times the flow rate of time, the suzerain's time spirit has increased again."

"Eight times the speed of time, I can squander it recklessly."

"Finally, I have time to study all kinds of supernatural powers."

Zhao Yang is comprehending various avenues, and he wants to elevate the avenues to the realm of the peak of the god emperor.

And this is bound to be time consuming.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Something changed in the depths of Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness that day.

A ray of his divine sense suddenly entered the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

He noticed that the Wuhun tree had suddenly risen by more than a hundred feet, and at the same time more powerful fluctuations bloomed from its body.

"The Martial Soul Tree has advanced." Zhao Yang revealed surprise.

I don't know how long it took for the spirit of Wuhun tree to gradually fall back, but Zhao Yang felt that Wuhun tree became more majestic than before.

(End of this chapter)

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