"What method did Zhao Yang use to kill the taboo strong in an instant?"

"Zhao Yang also used such methods in the test of the taboo road back then, but at that time he shot to obliterate the dark race, but he didn't expect that even the taboo strong could not stop it."

"You said that Zhao Yang couldn't continue to use that method?"

"Even if Zhao Yang can't continue to use it, but with Yan Huangzong's lineup, if they escape, these taboo powerhouses may not be able to stop them."

"That's right, in the future when Zhao Yang comes to liquidate, which force do you think can stop him?"

"No one can stop the rise of Yanhuangzong."

"Yanhuangzong definitely holds taboo-level exercises, otherwise, it is impossible for Lin Caihan to have mastered spiritual power at the high level of the emperor?"

While the masters from all sides were discussing, the Zhao family was also shocked by the news.

"Zhao Yang subdued that taboo level beast unknowingly?" Zhao Mingxun was full of jealousy.

"Old Ancestor, if our Zhao Clan has that fierce beast in charge, I don't think those monsters will dare to covet us anymore." Haitang said leisurely at this time.

"I think that taboo-level exercises are more important than that ferocious beast." Zhao Mingyuan said seriously, "Now my cultivation has reached the high level of the God Emperor Realm, and my cultivation is not as good as Zhao Yang's." Not much, if I can get that technique,

I can wrestle with taboo-level existences. "

Zhao Mingyuan is from the lineage of the four ancestors.

"Nonsense." Zhao Zu reprimanded, "Do you think anyone can learn taboo-level exercises? Not to mention you Zhao Mingyuan, even I have practiced for decades, but still have no clue." Zhao Zu When I said this, I suddenly realized that I had said the wrong thing.

"Old Ancestor, Zhao Yang taught you a taboo-level exercise." The eyes of Zhao Mingyuan and others lit up.

"Old Ancestor, you have taboo-level exercises, why don't you teach them to us?" Zhao Mingxun said with some dissatisfaction, "If all of us have learned it, do we still care about the various races?"

"I told Zhao Yang earlier that day that this exercise cannot be taught." Zhao Zu shook his head, "So don't think about this exercise."

When Zhao Mingxun heard what Zhao Zu said, he immediately said, "Old Ancestor, you are confused. Zhao Yang gave you this exercise just to let you promote it."


"Don't you think Zhao Yang doesn't know that you can't learn it? Since he knows you can't learn it, why does he give it to you? He wants to brainstorm." Zhao Mingyuan echoed.

This is also the reason Zhao Zu thought about it carefully.

"In this case, I..." Zhao Zugang felt a sting in the sea of ​​consciousness when he said this, and then he felt that some memories were forcibly removed.

Everyone saw that the ancestor said

Suddenly stopped talking.

So I waited quietly.

But after waiting for a while, Zhao Zu did not speak.

"Old Ancestor, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Mingxun asked tentatively.

"I...my memory seems to be missing a part." Zhao Zu said with a headache while covering his head.

"Zhao Zu, you forgot the agreement between us, so I deleted the exercise from your mind, I hope you can do it yourself in the future." Suddenly Zhao Yang's voice sounded in the hall.

Zhao Zu was startled suddenly, then smiled wryly.

He realized that he was bewitched by Zhao Mingxun and others.

"Zhao Yang, don't forget that you also have the blood of the Zhao family. Why didn't you tell your clansmen about your forbidden-level exercises?" Zhao Mingxun scolded in a deep voice.


Zhao Mingxun spat out a mouthful of blood.

Immediately, a look of disbelief appeared on his face, "You...you abolished my cultivation?"

"Zhao Mingxun, your jumping up and down has long made me unhappy. The taboo powerhouses of all races dare not stab me in front of me. What right do you have to accuse me again and again?" Zhao Yang's voice As cold as iron, "Abolishing your cultivation this time is just a small warning. If you dare to do it again, I don't mind killing you."

"Zhao Yang, even if Mingxun has messed up a bit, you shouldn't abandon his cultivation." Dazu couldn't help but said.

Cho Ming-hoon is

His most important junior.

But now his cultivation has been abolished by Zhao Yang.

"Do you want such a person to lead the Zhao family?" Zhao Yang sneered, "A guy who once betrayed his own people, that is, you can still let him return? I have already cut him into pieces."

Dazu's lips twitched and wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Zhao Mingxun's words are very correct. I have the blood of the Zhao clan flowing through my body, so the Zhao clan wants to mess around and ask me if I agree?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Zudao when he said this, "Dazu this In the future, you will not be able to hold a high position."

"I will do as you ordered." Zhao Zu said without thinking.

Zhao Yang is very happy to take care of the affairs of the Zhao clan, and he even wants to give up the position of patriarch to Zhao Yang.

And after Zhao Yang left, Zhao Zu announced one order after another, and all the masters of the great ancestor's line were thrown into the cold palace.

"Father, this is unfair to my lineage." Dazu said a little aggrieved.

"You have to remember that if there is no Zhao Yang, we would not have existed a hundred years ago." Zhao Zu yelled at Dazu, "And the little tricks you have done all these years, do you think I don't know anything?"

Dazu fell silent.

"From now on, the Zhao family can't let you mess around." Zhao Zu glanced coldly at the audience.


It wasn't long before Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong.

Emperor Ji, Ji Zi, and the young patriarchs of the top ten forces outside the region came one after another.

Zhao Yang has already established his status as the king in this battle, and they also want to repair their relationship with Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang met them in the VIP hall.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, Zhao Yang changed the topic, "This time the taboo powerhouses from the Ji clan, the imperial clan, and the top ten forces outside the region are also here. You need to give me an explanation."

When everyone heard this, the expressions on their faces became unnatural.

Zhao Yang glanced at the maid Caidie beside him, and Caidie handed everyone a list one after another.

"The materials on the list shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

After looking at it for a while, Ji Zi said softly, "You should be refining the puppets and warships of the mid-level and high-level God Emperors, right?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Our Ji clan will send it in three days." Ji Zi said softly.

"Our Imperial Clan will also send it in three days." Di Ji said in a deep voice.

Everyone also expressed their opinions one after another.

Three days later, the twelve major ethnic groups sent a batch of high-grade materials.

In fact, Zhao Yang didn't ask them much, which is why they gave it readily.

"These materials can be used to build one hundred high-level warships of the God Emperor, three hundred high-level war puppets of the God Emperor; three hundred mid-level warships of the God Emperor, and one thousand mid-level war puppets of the God Emperor." Lin Caihan and others The woman said after checking it out.

(End of this chapter)

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