Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1872 Careful consideration

"Those taboo powerhouses will not let it go when they learn that you have obtained so much taboo source liquid." Lin Caihan said with a serious expression at this time.

"I have other means." Zhao Yang said softly.

The method he was talking about was to clean fire.

Doesn't he think that those strong people in the early stage of the taboo can stop the net fire?

"My spiritual power is only one-third of yours at present, and I will reach half of yours in the next time." Lin Caihan went to Zhao Yang's small world after asking Zhao Yang for the source stone of spiritual power.

She wants to improve her spiritual power under the sacred tree.

Mingyue and Tang Yiren also went under the sacred tree.

When they saw Lin Caihan's miserable appearance, they felt heart palpitations, and secretly swore in their hearts that they hadn't used the second spirit source stone for a long time because they were afraid of pain.

After the two of them looked at each other, they also used the spiritual source stones to start tempering.

The two of them have also tempered their spiritual power, but their mental power is very weak, let alone compared with Zhao Yang's existence, even compared with Lin Caihan, the difference is too much.


Soul clan!

The old patriarch of the soul clan's eyes lit up immediately after hearing the information about the forbidden source liquid.

"Invincible, Piao Miao, how much forbidden source liquid did you two get this time?"

"Old Ancestor, this time I got a total of 130 two drops of taboo source liquid." Hun Wudi said softly


"Old Ancestor, this time I got a total of 85 drops of forbidden source liquid." Piao Miao also replied.

"The amount of taboo source liquid is a bit small." The old patriarch of the soul clan frowned when he heard this.

His background has reached the value of 140 three.

And after reaching his level, ten drops of taboo source liquid can improve one point.

He can't ask Soul Wudi and Piao Miao for all the forbidden source liquid.

"Old Ancestor, Invincible and Piao Miao don't get much, but some people get a lot." At this moment, a young man said in a deep voice.

Hun Wudi stared at the young man with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Piao Miao's eyes were full of undisguised killing intent.

The old patriarch of the Soul Clan seemed to realize something, "What are you two hiding?"

"Nothing." Hun Wudi said lightly.

Piao Miao was silent.

"Lan Zhan, tell me." The old patriarch looked at the young man.

"Zhao Yang, the suzerain of Yanhuang Sect." Lan Zhan said excitedly, "Zhao Yang got about [-] to [-] drops of taboo source liquid."

"There are so many?" The old patriarch of the soul clan couldn't sit still.

"Afterwards, Daozi and the others made simple statistics. Of course, this number is not very accurate, but it is certain that what Zhao Yang got is in this range." Lan Zhan nodded and said, "In addition, the half-step taboo war puppet that Zhao Yang got this time There must be more than thirty statues."


Half-step taboo? "Hearing this, the eyes of the old patriarch of the soul clan showed a burning color, "No, I have to ask Zhao Yang for some." "

"Old patriarch, you wait first." Piao Miao stopped the old patriarch.

"Piao Miao, I know you feel good about Zhao Yang, but the interests of the clan are above all else." The old patriarch said with some dissatisfaction.

"Old Ancestor, I want to ask you a question." Piao Miao asked without answering.

"You ask."

"Can you defeat the mount of the evil spirit?"

"That evil spirit is very difficult to defeat." The old patriarch said after thinking about it.

"But what if I tell you that the evil spirit was severely injured by Zhao Yang?" Piao Miao's words made the old patriarch's expression serious.

"Tell me what happened in detail." The old patriarch said quickly.

After listening, the old patriarch was silent for a while before he said, "It seems that to deal with Zhao Yang requires the cooperation of the machine clan and the Hongmeng clan."

Hearing this, Piao Miao panicked for no reason. She originally wanted to persuade the old patriarch to give up, but whoever thought about it made Zhao Yang fooled.

"No one is allowed to leave the ancestral courtyard until I come back." The old patriarch left after saying this.

Piao Miao and Hun Wudi knew clearly that the old patriarch was telling the higher-ups of the sect to watch them.

The old patriarch of the Soul Clan had already contacted the old patriarchs of the Machine Clan and the Hongmeng Clan when he went to Yanhuangzong.

During Zong's time, the three powerful men were discussing in a void space.

"Our joint efforts can force Zhao Yang to agree, but we can't force too much." The old patriarch of the Hongmeng clan said in a deep voice, "After all, we can't eat well when the fish die and the net breaks."

"Zhao Yang has more than 1000 drops of taboo source liquid in his hands. In this way, our request is [-] to [-] drops for each family, and five to eight war puppets who are half-step taboo." The old patriarch of the machine clan thought about it. Think about it and say.

"If Zhao Yang's side has to die, we can make some concessions." The old patriarch of the Soul Clan nodded.

After the three parties reached an agreement, they quietly went to Yanhuangzong.

And when these three were tens of thousands of meters away from Yanhuangzong, the half-step taboo-class battleship issued a warning.

"There are three taboo-level existences approaching." The first time the half-step taboo-level battleship issued a warning, Leng Qingqiu, who was in charge of the safety of the mountain gate, summoned three half-step taboo-level battle puppets, and at the same time, she was in a hurry Headed to the Martial Arts Hall.

After Leng Qingqiu told Zhao Yang about this matter, Zhao Yang was stunned, and then let the disciples of Yanhuangzong continue to practice and enlightenment here.

When Zhao Yang arrived at the entrance of the mountain protection formation, the mountain protection formation had already been opened, and three half-step taboo-level battle puppets also appeared here.

"Zhao Yang, we have no malicious intentions." The old patriarch of the Soul Clan said with a smile, "We came here this time to negotiate a deal with you?"


"Presumably you also know the news that the top ten top powerhouses outside the domain and the top ten top powerhouses on the Forbidden Road have returned, and the taboo source liquid and half-step taboo battle puppet you got in the sixth level of the taboo road have been leaked, I think those guys will definitely covet them." The old patriarch of the Soul Clan said in a deep voice.

"And then?" Zhao Yang understood what the other party wanted to say when he heard this.

But he still wanted the other party to speak out.

"As long as you give us a part of the taboo source liquid and a half-step taboo war puppet, then our three major clans will try their best to protect your Yanhuangzong." The old patriarch of the soul clan said while staring at Zhao Yang.

"Our three major clans will advance and retreat with Yanhuangzong." The old patriarch of the machine clan said solemnly.

"We can make a covenant." The old patriarch of the Hongmeng clan said in a deep voice.

Facing the eyes of the three of them, Zhao Yang smiled, "What if I refuse?"

"Zhao Yang, I know that you defeated that ferocious beast, but how many taboos can you defeat?" the old patriarch of the soul clan persuaded.

"This is my business." Zhao Yang said lazily.

The three looked at each other.

It didn't occur to them that Zhao Yang had no idea of ​​peace talks at all.

"Zhao Yang, our three clans have a long history with you, so we will be patient and negotiate peace with you, but other clans will not be like this." The old patriarch of the Soul clan said earnestly, "I hope you will consider it carefully. one time."

(End of this chapter)

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